Batch Release Procedure

Batch Release, Purpose: Batch Release, This procedure defines the correct procedures for the release and distribution of finished products to ensure Assurance with the requirements of GMP and includes details of the responsibility of the Authorized Persons. Batch Release, Scope: This SOP is applied to storage, release and distribution of finished products and it’s supporting […]

Batch Release, Purpose:

Batch Release, This procedure defines the correct procedures for the release and distribution of finished products to ensure Assurance with the requirements of GMP and includes details of the responsibility of the Authorized Persons.

Batch Release, Scope:

This SOP is applied to storage, release and distribution of finished products and it’s supporting activities at XX Pharmaceuticals Limited (Both General & Sterile).

Definitions / Abbreviation:

[][]QA : Quality Assurance
[][]SOP : Standard Operating Procedure
[][]FIFO : First In First Out
[][]COA : Certificate of Analysis


[][]The roles and responsibility is as follows:

Production Executive

[][]Check the quantity of the product before transfer into the ware house.
[][]Transfer the finished goods to warehouse.
[][]Issue Transfer Note accordingly

Warehouse Executive

[][]Receive finished goods from the production floor after proper checking.
[][]Keep the finished product into the ware house accordingly.
[][]Transfer the finished goods to central warehouse after getting release note from QA.

Quality Assurance Executive

[][]Check the quantity of the product before transfer into the ware house.
[][]Compilation of Batch Production Record.
[][]Follow the overall batch release procedure.
[][]Quality Control Executive/ Microbiologist
[][]To provide analytical support for various samples drawn for batch release.
[][]Prepare Certificate of Analysis (COA).

Head Of Quality Assurance

[][]Give approval to release the finished goods into the market.
[][]To ensure Assurance of the SOP.
[][]Approval the SOP.


Annexure-I: Checklist for Batch Documentation
Annexure-II: Finished Product Release Note
Annexure-III: Final Inspection Sheet


[][]After completion of packaging operation, finished packed shipper cartons will be stored at the Quarantine area of packaging hall. Production Executive will raise the Finished Goods Transfer Note  to Quality Assurance Department for final inspection mentioning product name, batch number, quantity, master carton number.

[][]The finished product will be transferred to warehouse after physical checking by Quality Assurance Executive according to final inspection sheet (Annexure- III).
[][]Warehouse Executive will check the product name, batch number, quantity, pack size, and label of finished product(s) against the transfer note during receiving.
[][]If all information (Product name, batch number, quantity, pack size, label) of finished product transfer note is matched with transferred quantity, then Warehouse Executive will receive & store the product in QUARANTINE AREA (for finished product) of warehouse maintaining storage condition as per attached product label on the shipping carton.
[][]After completion of full batch packaging, Production Executive will submit the Batch Packaging Record to Quality Assurance Department mentioning the transferred quantity in the BPR for release of the product.
[][]Quality Assurance personnel will review all the documents / parameters according to checklist . If all parameters are found complies, then he/she will compile the full batch production record (BMR, BPR) along with all related documents.
[][]After compilation of the batch documents, QA Executive will entry in the ERP of release note verification and Head of QA will approve the release in the software.
[][]Quality Assurance will attach the Approved Label  in every pallet containing released product. (One labels per pallet).
[][]During reviewing the documents according to the check list, following matters need to be considered.
[][]Batch Manufacturing Record (BMR)
[][]Evaluate all the in-process result are within limit, cleaned/partially cleaned label are available, dispensing weights are accurate & dispensing slip along with print out is available, all manufacturing part has been done as per instruction, all the responsible persons have signed in respective operation stages in BMR.
[][]If any deviation/change control was raised, reference number is recorded in the respective place of BMR.
[][]Review the reconciliation steps are correctly calculated and loss result is justified.
[][]Review the line clearance in each steps of manufacturing and Packaging stages are signed by responsible person.
[][]Review the related Deviation/Change Control is closed and the reference number of this documents are recorded in the respective area of the BMR.
[][]Review the completed BMR is approved by Quality Assurance and Production after completion of operation.
[][]Review the associated documents such as all relevant labels, IPC record, particle count record (If any) is correct and signed. Review all the results are within limit or not. If any results are found out of limit, then related Out of Specification (OOS) is attached with the document.
[][]Review the completed BMR is approved by Head of Production or his/her designate and Head of Quality Assurance or his/her designate after completion of operation.

Certificate of Analysis (COA)

[][]Review the Certificate of Analysis (Chemical and Microbial) is signed and approve by responsible person. Review all the results are within the specification. Review all the print out of QC analysis result attached with COA.

Batch Packaging Record /BPR (Primary and Secondary)

[][]Review all the packaging materials are correctly dispensed and authentication information for packaging start up is correct.
[][]Review the in process checks are routinely performed.
[][]Review the reconciliation steps are correctly calculated and Yield & loss result is justified.
[][]Review the line clearance in each step (i.e. primary packing, secondary packing), inspection and labeling are signed by responsible person.
[][]Review the related Deviation/Change Control is closed check the presence of the Deviation/Change Control reference number into the respective place of BPR.
[][]Review the completed BPR is approved by Head of Production or his/her designate and Head of Quality Assurance or his/her designate after completion of operation.

Review the quantity of the packs and presence of all signatures accordingly.

[][]Head of QA/Designee shall verify the Batch Production Record as per checklist (Annexure-I) for correct entries, reconciliation of quantity, yield, change control, deviation, out of specification (OSS), (if any), in-process checking records analytical test results etc. After reviewing if all the parameters found satisfactory then the Manager, /designee shall release the product for dispatch.
[][]For dispatch of finished product, Quality Assurance personnel will issue the Finished Product Release Note (Annexure-II) for getting approval from Head of Quality Assurance. Finish Product Release Note is a self carbonated pre-printed copy as per the original approved copy of Annexure-II
[][]Which contains three different colors Then one carbonated (Yellow colored) copy of the finished product release note will send to central warehouse for distribution. The original blue colored copy will be attached with the batch document.
[][]In case of release of any optimization or validation batch before completion of process validation report, & risk analysis report must be conducted before release. All the documents are approved accordingly by Head of Quality Assurance or his/her designate.
[][]Full batch will be released at a time after completion of the total packaging operation of the batch.
[][]After QA release, Warehouse Executive will store the released product orderly in separated passed area maintaining storage condition. FIFO must be maintained by warehouse executive during dispatch of the released product for distribution.
[][]Quality Assurance Executive will compile all the batch records and kept in the respective Batch Production Record archive area after keeping record in the document archiving log book.
[][]Batch history which must be kept for one year after expiry of the batch.
[][]Fraction batch quantity can only be released with same batch number (while the batch is fractioned as Commercial, Trial Aid or Export) after approval of Head of Quality Assurance.

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