Calibration of Conductivity Meter with Operation and Cleaning

Calibration of Conductivity, Purpose: Calibration of Conductivity, The purpose of this SOP is to describe the operation, calibration and cleaning of Conductivity meter (Model: Mettler Toledo Seven Compact S-230) used for the measurement of conductivity of water and any other liquid/solution in the quality control laboratory. Calibration of Conductivity Meter Scope: This procedure describes the […]

Calibration of Conductivity, Purpose:

Calibration of Conductivity, The purpose of this SOP is to describe the operation, calibration and cleaning of Conductivity meter (Model: Mettler Toledo Seven Compact S-230) used for the measurement of conductivity of water and any other liquid/solution in the quality control laboratory.

Calibration of Conductivity Meter Scope:

This procedure describes the application of Conductivity meter used for the measurement of conductivity of water any other liquid/solution in the quality control laboratory of XX Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


[][]SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
[][]QC: Quality Control
[][]Conductivity: Conductivity is the ability of a material to conduct electric current.


Officer/Executive/Sr. Executive, Quality Control

[][]To ensure that this procedure is followed.
[][]To maintain the records properly as per SOP.

Manager, Quality Control

[][]To ensure that this procedure is kept up to date.
[][]To confirm that the SOP is technically sound and reflects the required working practices.
[][]To arrange training on the SOP to all concerned personnel and to ensure implementation of the SOP after training.

Head of Quality Assurance

[][]Approval of the SOP.
[][]To ensure the overall implementation of the SOP.
[][]Schedule calibration of the instrument at the defined intervals.



[][]Never unscrew the two halves of the housing.
[][]Any spillage should be wiped off immediately some solvents might cause corrosion of the housing.
[][]Avoid the following environment influences:
[][]Powerful vibrations
[][]Direct sunlight
[][]Atmospheric humidity greater than 80%
[][]Corrosive gas atmosphere
[][]Temperature below 5˚C and above 40˚C
[][]Powerful electric or magnetic fields.


[][]Calibrate the instrument on the day of use.
[][]Ensure that working area is clean.
[][]Power on from its main.
[][]Switch on the instrument and printer.
[][]Press “Menu”.
[][]Select “Calibration setting”, then “Calibration standard”.
[][]Select “Predefined standard”, then “Predefined international”.
[][]Select “Supplied standard value of 84 µs/cm, then press “Exit” 2 times return menu.
[][]Take standard into a clean beaker.
[][]Place the electrode into the standard solution.
[][]Press [CAL] wait until a stable endpoint has been reached.
[][]Wait Hear the “beep” sound.
[][]See the sign (/A) at the right side of the display.
[][]Select “Save”, then Select “Data”.
[][]Select “Calibration Data”, then select “Review”.
[][]Select “In Lab 741”, and then select “Transfer” to print the result.

Operation: Calibration of Conductivity Meter

[][]Ensure that working area is clean.
[][]Pour sample into a clean beaker.
[][]Switch on the power its main.
[][]Power on the conductivity meter and printer.
[][]Place the electrode into the sample.
[][]Gently stir the sample and dip the conductivity electrode into the solution.
[][]Press wait until a stable endpoint has been reached.
[][]Hear the “beep” sound.
[][]See the sign (/A) at the right side of the display.
[][]Select “Data”, then “Measurement Data”.
[][]Select “Review”, then “Partial” by using “↓”.
[][]Select “transfer”.
[][]Collect the printed result from the printer.
[][]Select “Exit” for 5 (Five) times to reach the main display/menu.
[][]Record the measurement data in the Operation Logbook of Conductivity meter as per Annexure-II.
[][]Power off the conductivity meter and printer.
[][]Switch off the power from its main.

Cleaning and maintenance:

[][]Wipe the conductivity meter with damp cloth. The housing of the instrument may attack by some organic solvents, such as toluene, xylene and methyl ethyl ketone.

[][]Wipe away any spillage immediately.


Annexure-I: Logbook for Daily Calibration of Conductivity Meter.
Annexure-II: Operation Logbook of Conductivity Meter.

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