Product Development

user requirement specification of Equipment

User Requirement Specification is a specific document where end user generally defines needs, target, goal and their expectation for a system, service and product. This is actually blueprint for the development personnel and it help to ensure that the product meet the target for the specific group.

A standard User Requirement Specification includes information about the user group, targeted use of the product, functional requirements, Operational requirements, and performance requirements. It also contains constraints or limitations.

A standard User Requirement establishes a better understanding between the stakeholders regarding a defined outcome; also sets a specific goal for the end-user and helps to save the project, and product delivery time the best thing is its budget-friendly; the user can previously estimate the cost of the specific project.

URS is generally developed by the buyer defining all listed requirements. After the development of a URS, the user sent it to the equipment manufacturer to prepare it as per predefined criteria.

A poorly developed URS is always creating confusion for the manufacturer, you can see the poorly written URS at the manufacturer’s end and If you don’t know how to write URS then you can ask standard URS template from the manufacturer, they are happy to help you. If supplied Template is found near your requirements then you can go with a modified version.

User Requirement Specification when disregarded?

A confusing URS is always disregarded. If the manufacturer can’t read you then the faulty or wrong machine can be developed which can destroy your project and A meaningful and well-written user requirement specification saves time and money; also reduce misunderstanding among the manufacturer.

A series of emails may generate to explain your requirement to the manufacturer which may express your poor level of understanding of the specific requirement also create of the high chance of wrong specification delivery and You have to express the requirement what exactly you are looking for in your User Requirement Specification (URS).

Keep it simple, Specific, and Better user requirement specification creates better outcomes.

Requirements of user and support design, qualification activities, operations, commissioning, and maintenance are mainly present on the URS. It’s good to set your mind at the start of your dream project.

According to Mark R. Smith, MD, Realtech,

“A standard URS shall be clear, jargon-free, easily readable, not hard to understand which helps to software engineer and Designer clearly readable and understandable of the user requirement with minimum cost and maximum output”.

Types of Requirements

There are several types of requirements that are depicted here.
[] Business Requirements
[] Functional Requirements
[] Stakeholder Requirements
[] Non-Functional Requirements
[] Transition Requirements

What thing to consider for user requirement specification (URS)?
Two main things shall be considered during the writing of URS, number one: What shall be included and number two what shall not be included.

What to include:

During the writing of the URS, the actual information shall be included in the URS. More information may require for big projects and less for a small project the basic of all URS shall be specific. Unknowingly including a feature that is not available in the market is the same as knowingly ruining your project.

Knowing then any feature should be included in the URS. The most important thing is to include only those specifications that are necessary. Features that will never be used need not be included but the facility to use updated features can be retained.

What not to include:

Ambiguous words or terms, Features that are not easy to understand, and that no one has yet used, features that are not user-friendly and will never be used, and features that are overpriced but less important shall be avoided.

How to proceed with your User Requirement Specification?

Before proceeding with your URS, define the responsibility of the stakeholders in your URS then collect all stakeholders’ signatures with designation and date. An approved URS shall be procced to the manufacturer to avoid any wanted circumstances. To sign a document means that you are responsible for it.

What should be included in the Introduction section?

In this section, you should describe more briefly about yourself and why this URS has been raised. Give a short description of your organization. Like “We are Startech is a startup organization in west Virginia. We want to install a high tech tablet compression machine to produce almost 6000K tablets per hour. This user requirement specification (URS) documents the user requirements for producing tablet dosage forms in a tablet compression machine.

The objective of the User Requirement Specification

They clearly describe the goal of the project so that anyone understands it. A brief overview of the project shall be included. Mention the actual purpose of the URS.

Who will write the User Requirement Specification?

Anyone can write URS, who has a thorough knowledge of the system, service, product, or machine in question. But you don’t let someone write something they don’t know about, for example, production personnel can’t write the URS of quality control equipment and vice versa.

How to document a User Requirement Specification?

The user will prepare the URS and another SEM will check the URS and Engineering personnel and the head of the user department will Review the document, finally Head of Quality will approve the URS. Always documented hierarchy shall be maintained.

To write user requirement specifications for a pharmaceutical company equipment following points should be included

1. Front Page: URS no., Revision no., Addendum no., Using Facility shall be mentioned.
2. List of revisions: Revision number shall be mentioned (if required).
3. List of addendums: Addendum to be mentioned (if required).
4. Table of Contents: Write the list content of the URS.
5. List of abbreviations: All abbreviations shall be mentioned.
6. Signature page: Signatory page contains all signatures including Approval authority.
7. Scope: The scope of the URS is to define the specific Equipment/Instrument.

8.0 Procedural Document Requirements:

This part gives information about the Equipment / Instrument including the Purpose of the Equipment, Specification, Qualification, etc.
8.1 Name of the Equipment: Name of the equipment to be mentioned here, if possible, and Model No. to be defined here.
8.2 Purpose of the Equipment: Purpose of the Equipment shall be clearly defined here.
8.3 Number of Equipment Required: Require quantity of the Equipment/Instrument shall be defined here.
8.4 Qualification: A list of qualification documents shall be mentioned here.
8.5 Specification of Equipment: All major specifications of the Equipment/Instrument shall be mentioned here.

9.0 Operational Requirements:

9.1 Vendor Scope: The Vendors scope shall include the Supply, Installation, and Documentation including calibration certificates, User training, and Details of service/maintenance contracts available.
9.2 Operation: Basic operative characteristics including Data logging (21 CFR part 11), controlling system, capacity, safety, and protection, the capacity of basic function, etc.
9.3 Options and Ancillaries: The vendor should identify, where applicable, their standard equipment that fits this specification. The vendor shall (where possible) also provide costs including, A range of additional maintenance support and services., Any additional accessories to fulfill the requirements indicated in section 9.2.
9.4 Interfaces: A user-friendly control system is required, that can allow system operation with a minimal amount of training.
9.5 Data and Security: If required, data and security articles are to be clearly defined here.
9.6 Environment: Instruments/Equipment’s operating environment should be clearly defined here. The operating area must fit with the specific Instruments/Equipment in such a way that it can be operated without any difficulty.

10.0 Constraints

10.1 Milestones and Timelines: A projected timeline and milestone may be set here.
10.2 Compatibility and Support: The internal components of the system must be compatible with, and resistant to, the materials used during operation. Operating power to be mentioned here.
10.3 Maintenance Requirements: The manufacturer should supply details of any maintenance/breakdown packages available.
10.4 Procedural Constraints

11.0 Life Cycle

11.1 Development Procedures: Future development procedures are to be mentioned here.
11.2 Testing Requirements: See Section 11 for a detailed matrix of the validation testing requirements.
11.3 Delivery Requirements: On supply, the following documentation should be supplied: Operation and maintenance manual (including manufacturer’s recommendations for maintenance schedules). Calibration certificates. Parts list and spare requirements. System specifications.
11.4 Support: The vendor must supply details of all service and maintenance requirements of the equipment. The vendor must also supply details of any service and maintenance support that they can supply.

12.0 GMP Requirement: A list of cGMP requirements shall be mentioned here.
13.0 Utilities Available at The Site of Installation: Utilities shall be described here including the power supply for the machine/equipment.
14.0 Documentation Requirement: A list of documents shall be described here such as Operation, cleaning, and maintenance manuals for equipment as well as the operation, Installation instructions/ guideline, other drawings (such as Mechanical, electrical, instrumentation, etc.), IQ/OQ documents & operating manual., Instrument calibration / Qualification certificates traceable to the national reference standards, Guaranty/ warranty certificates for the equipment, Shipping checklist, and Hardware design specification.
15.0 Terms and Conditions to Be Included in The Quotation: All the terms and conditions shall be described here.
16.0 All the discussion shall be noted here and contact personnel details shall be mentioned at the end of the discussion details.
17.0 Annexures: Mention annexures if there are any.
18.0 Validation Requirements:
The following details the test requirements for documentation, testing, and the stage of the project at which they must be provided/performed. These requirements are a minimum tariff, and the vendor is required to include any documentation, not already requested here, which is considered necessary to support the successful validation of the system.

Which things to follow to write a Modern User Requirement Specification?

From the discussion till now we know what to add to our URS and what not to add. Ambiguity to be avoided as much as possible should be written clearly so that anyone who reads it can understand it. Ambiguity is the enemy of any project’s success and expressing yourself as accurately as possible is possible. Communication must be done in an unambiguous manner to achieve good results; Your project will be successful when you are able to convey your message to others.

To write a best User Requirement Specification you need to keep the following points in mind:

user requirement specification
user requirement specification

1. Focus on Single Requirement:

Check each requirement to be developed and how it is tested. Project success depends on each effective requirement which is really a demand to the project. Avoid unnecessary requirements which really not essential to the project.

2. Avoid Haziness

Your URS must be clearly written. Use a Simple Sentence. No confusing word. Just say what you want and what not.

A user requirement specification should be clearly written, using simple sentences, and without ambiguity. Examples of ambiguous words are:

[] Easy
[] Strong
[] Improve
[] Fast
[] Slow
[] Enough
[] User friendly

What exactly are you meaning “Fast”? this term is theoretical; you can’t actually express your requirement using the word “Fast”. It is hard to measure. Avoid any abbreviations, acronyms, and jargon words (words and phrases, that are not generally understood).

3. Go with the SMART Approach

[] S for Specific
[] M for Measurable
[] A for Achievable
[] R for Realistic
[] T for Time-bound

SMART [Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound) targets offer a decent way to confirm your URS is well-defined and supportable.
Specific: All requirements mentioned in the URS must be specific, clear, and jargon-word-free. Don’t add any unnecessary requirements like easy and fast. Mention the actual specification.

Measurable: Reequipment must be measurable, don’t state anything which can’t confirm by testing or examination. Always avoid theoretical statements like rapid and swift. It can’t measure, you can’t prove that your requirements just met the specification until it is measurable.

Achievable: Never set a requirement which is can’t achieve with help of current technology. A feasibility study shall be done before setting any requirements. You can’t set any requirement which is technically impossible to achieve. It is wise to study well before adding features that you have no idea about. If even then you cannot be confirmed, then seek an expert for help. It is not right to add any feature without knowing it.

Realistic: It’s important to be realistic when determining the list of requirements. Sometimes technically achievable requirements may not be realistic due to regulatory requirements, time restrictions, Budget constraints, or other limitations.

Time-bound: A specific time frame shall be fixed to obtain your project. Even after finishing everything and if the specified time is not fixed, then any project may fail.

4. Organize

Organize your word choice and think carefully about it. Generally, the word “Shall” and “will” define the actual requirement which must be met. Word like “May” and “Could” use to define goals than are expected but not necessarily requirements. So, when you want the requirement must be met then use shall/will and use may/could for not mandatory cases.

5. Control Changes to the Requirements

Any type of changes may require during creating your list of requirements. Changes to the specification of the specific requirement shall be controlled. If any type of change directly affects the requirement, then the requirement shall be updated and a new version shall be created.

6. Requirements Must be Testable

Requirements shall be written in a such way that they can be tested and Specific requirements shall be traceable through the life cycle of the system/service/equipment/instruments.

7. Structural Products

Two types of products may be used as structural products & custom applications; for custom applications, the manufacturer must describe every process step to the user. For structural products, the process steps must be aligned with their predefined specification.

8. Vendor Audit

Most of the cases Regulated companies are most aware of their vendor for periodic assessment. All types of assessment/re-assessment perform in accordance with the Quality Management System (QMS).

9. Specifications

It is essential for the supplier to thoroughly document both the functionality and design of the system which is a prerequisite to ensure successful product development. Documentation must cover all aspects of the system, including software, hardware, and configuration, to meet all requirements to be established.

10. Training & Documentation

The supplier must agree to provide comprehensive system management documentation and provide instructions for both maintenance and use by the supplier and related issues must be agreed upon prior to system purchase.

11. Eliminate Requirement Redundancy

Avoid overcomplicating the system requirements and there is no need to bulk it up by duplicating it. Avoid duplication. Duplicating your documents may require more testing, documentation, and review time, making the project and time progressively longer Don’t include anything which is related to money or finance.

What is the difference between data and information

12. Embrace the Opportunity to Evaluate Vendors

Conducting audits on suppliers may include asking the following questions:
[] Security
[] Product support
[] End User training
[] Company Overview
[] Use of sub-contractors
[] Service delivery process
[] QMS application at the company
[] Development product life cycle
[] Key products development plans
[] Organization, roles, responsibilities, & training

13. Don’t be intimidated by your vendor comparisons

Utilize your URS to evaluate different vendors & note their advantages and disadvantages. If new information is found during the initial stage, feel free to revise your approved URS accordingly through the change control process. It is acceptable to make modifications or adjustments to the requirements to fit your needs until the final approval of the URS and it shall be revised the approved User Requirement Specification accordingly maintaining proper documentation.

14. What ought to be included in the URS?

The contents of a URS naturally include the following (but are not limited):
[] Functional requirements
[] Operational requirements
[] Technical requirements
[] Interface requirements
[] Data requirements
[] Security requirements
[] Regulatory requirements
[] Maintenance requirements
[] Availability requirements
[] Migration of any electronic data
[] Environmental requirements
[] Constraints to be observed
[] Life cycle requirements

15. Categorize Your Requirements

Categorize Your Requirements as-
[] Mandatory (High)
[] Beneficial (Medium)
[] Good to have it (Low)

16. Subjective Knowledge and Processing Step

To ensure that requirements, your professional knowledge is essential but not mandatory; if require you can seek help from an SME [Subject Matter Expert]. To identify key requirements of the system Process knowledge is required which are related to the manufacturing/servicing process. Look for the following key points-
[] Experience
[] Knowledge
[] Documentation

17. The requirements may be incomplete or not fully specified

Sometimes the requirements are not fully understood at the beginning of the project; Requirements evolve over time. URS shall be developed as per requirements when information is available. Don’t share incomplete User Requirement Specifications to the manufacturer to avoid any unwanted requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are URS always required for validation?

At the initial stage of system/service/equipment/instruments, then URS is a valuable tool for ensuring the asking requirements. When an existing system is being validated then URS consider as a functional requirement. These two documents can’t be considered as single documents.

What is the benefit of good User Requirement Specification?

Requirements gathering is an important part of a good software/hardware/service/product development project. Good estimation, improved customer satisfaction, reduced cost, and project duration can all fail if good requirements are not selected and sufficient knowledge is not introduced in the selection If you are unclear about what you are delivering, no one can expect anything better from you.

There are Five main questions that shall be asked to develop any project:
[] Why we are doing it?
[] What do we need to do it?
[] What is the benefit?
[] How do we do it?
[] What is the timeframe?

If we fail to estimate project requirements or are unable to assume what is the requirement, can lead to a poor outcome of the project, and also lead to extra manpower, longer duration, and project costing.

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User Requirement Specification (URS) Template

user requirement specification of Equipment Read More »

Forced Degradation Study or Stress Testing Procedure

What is Degradation?

Forced Degradation Study before proceeding on it ,first of all  ”Degradation’‘ to be discuss first, This is the act of lowering to some degree or someone to a less respected state or position. A CEO of a multinational company resigning from his office is a degradation. It’s also a downcast state.

The word degradation is very much related to the degrade, which comes from Latin word Degradare. The word “Degradare” comes from “de”-, meaning “down,” & gradus, meaning “Step.” So, it is very much clear that the degradation as a step down, or feeling as though you’re a step below.

Degradation products

It is the unwanted chemicals which can generate during manufacturing, transportation & storage of pharmaceutical drug products & can affect efficacy of pharmaceutical drug products. A small amounts of pharmaceutical degradation products can affect crucial safety because of the potential to cause adverse effects in end user.

Subsequently, it is crucial to focus on formulation, storage conditions, transportation, distribution channel and packaging to prevent the formation of degradation products which can negatively affect quality, safety and efficacy of the pharmaceutical drug products.

To find out the main cause of degradation of the pharmaceutical product is the crucial point, various software and data tracking system can help in this matter. This system can provide useful information during transportation and storage of pharmaceutical products, the route shall be determined to estimate the main cause.

Presence of a genotoxic degradation product shall tend to more assessment if it identified on due time. The chemical structure of the substance shall be determined to identify the toxic alerting structures associated toxic products, products [Compound] without active structure is marked as ordinary impurities.

A risk/benefit analysis shall be done to evaluate the levels of degradation products and most of the nest pharmaceutical call its mandatory. During the development of any type of product either critical or non-critical drug, critical variable of the drug products shall be follow-up which will control the degree of degradation of impurities.

Now a days the impurity profile has been considered as the key point of the product quality. It is the essential part of the quality parameter for the various competent regulatory authority. The toxicological evaluation and impurity profile become the key point of the degradation products to confirm its certain level of efficacy. Various types of test method have been identified to investigate the degradation products, all of them assay method consider the best to all and it’s highlighted to prove its effectivity.

The purity, safety and efficacy of the product depend on the stability of the product and it is the critical parameter of all the parameter. A product must be stable at a certain period of time to prove its efficacy, potency and safety.

A less stable or changes of stability can create serious toxicological effect by forming toxic degradation products and deliver less active or less effective or less potent drugs to the end user. Under these circumstances, this is very crucial to known the actual behavior of the drug products in various surrounding or environmental conditions.

Dissolution test are considering the most quality control tool for the commercial batch to batch product to monitor its consistency over a certain period of time. It also provides significant information during post approval changes of the certain product as changes made in formulation, manufacturing process and different scale up procedure.

To confirm the quality, safety and efficacy, the chemical stability is very important for a pharmaceutical product. This is very important to know the environmental influences of a certain developed product in specific condition such as Heat [Temperature], Humidity [Relative Humidity] & Light [Photostability] and this also regulatory [ICH & FDA] requirements.

Data acquire from stability study denote the shelf life and storage condition of the specific tested drugs, the container closure system [Protective packaging system] also require to satisfy the regulatory expectation.

Different types of method/instruments are available to determine the degradant compounds which are readily present during the forced degradation study period. HPLC-UV [HPLC with UV detector] and HPLC-PDA [ HPLC with Photodiode Array Detector] is the renowned method and extensively used in pharmaceutical company at the time of degradation study and validation and development of various type of method.

LC-MS [HPLC with Mass Detector], GC-MS [Gas Chromatography with Mass Detector] and NMR [Nuclear Magnetic Resonance] spectroscopy are significant methods to detect the degradants’ structure.

What is Forced Degradation Study?

Exposure of specific sample at the unfavorable/stress condition of Heat [Temperature], Humidity [Relative Humidity], Light [Photostability], Oxidation and Acidic/Basic condition; observe/detect the changes of those sample or measure the rate of changes/degradation, mainly in Efficacy, Safety and Potency parameter of drug substance. Forced degradation study is the key point during the development of a specific drug. Determination of the type changes denote the modification or changes of the development process.

Now a days Force Degradation Study become the prerequisite to submit the NDA to regulatory authority and it became the quality parameter for the new product. During the regulatory submission, the Force Degradation Study data shall be submitted to get satisfactory result from FDA. Some of the best application of Force Degradation Study is depicted here-

[][]Developing and validating stability study indicating method as per regulatory guidelines [ICH Guidelines].
[][]To set up specification of degradants or impurities and to identify structure and toxicity.
[][]To set propose shelf life the specific product without performing Realtime stability data.
[][]To avoid incompatibility of drug products and excipients.
[][]Determination of the process related degradation products or impurities.
[][]Provide supporting data to lab investigations/OOS [out-of-specification] analysis.
[][]To provide regulatory compliance documents during submitting of ANDA/NDA to FDA.

It is a useful tool to predict the stability of any Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) or formulation product. It helps to know about the impurities developed during the storage of drug products in various environmental conditions.

Forced degradation is performed by applying artificial methods and a drug is degraded forcefully. It is also known as stress testing. To assume the stability condition of API [Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient] and formulated product Forced degradation study plays an important role. It also helps to identify the impurities generated during storage of drug products in different environment stage.

Why Forced degradation study carried out?

Its play a vital role to develop and validating of stability study signifying method. At the time of developing phase of a new drug product, force degradation study performs to determine the degradation pathways of drug products & drug substances. It is very important to determine impurities of the degradant product, Forced degradation study quantify the number of impurities present on the specific drug substance. It helps to determine the molecular chemistry. Forced degradation study assure the more stable product. Help to develop the degradation profile. Stability related problem can be solved through Forced degradation study. Forced degradation study also highlight the following point of view-

[][]Evaluation of drug products & drug substance in solution.
[][]Determination of structural transformation of drug product & drug substance.
[][]Determination of the concentration of the degradation products.
[][]To identify the non-relevant impurities in the existence of the desired product.
[][]Separation of the product related degradants derived from intact placebo & excipients.
[][]Describe the degradation pathways of the specific drug substance.
[][]To categorize the degradation products which generate spontaneously during storage & use of products.
[][]To generate product related variants & develop analytical methods Forced degradation studies are performed during accelerated and long-term studies.

During the Forced degradation study, the degradation products may or may not be generate but it will show the degradation pathway of the product. This process will help them develop the analytical method of the relevant product and stability indicating analytical procedure. If any degradation occurs during performing of Forced degradation study, the degradation product shall be evaluated if it significant or minute, to robust the developed formulation.

How Forced degradation Study Conducted?

This study of the drug products or substances is generally conducted on the solid and solution stages at the high temperature exceeding accelerated stability condition which is above 40°C. Various condition are consider here as oxidation, hydrolysis, photolysis, polymerization and thermolysis. In Solution hydrolysis condition are investigated in broader pH range and in solid stage high relative humidity taken under consideration.

Control exposure of molecular oxygen or addition of oxidizing agents such as peroxides is use during investigating Oxidation in solution.
Applying heat in solid state effects of thermolysis are usually assessed. Light with wavelengths in the 300-800 nm range are use in Photolysis investigation in solution or the solid state. In an oxygen atmosphere photooxidation can be investigated with light under oxygen atmosphere. Measuring the rate of degradation, Drug substance polymerization can be investigated at the various drug substance concentrations in solution.

List of Analytical Tools to perform Separation & Identification of degradant

A. Sophisticated Techniques

[][]Capillary Electrophoresis- Mass Spectrometry [CE-MS].
[][]Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry [GC-MS].
[][]Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry [LC-MS].
[][]Liquid Chromatography- Nuclear magnetic Resonance [LC-NMR].
[][]Liquid chromatography-Fourier Transfer Infrared [LC-FTIR].

B. Conservative Techniques:

[][]Thin layer chromatography [TLC].
[][]Solid phase extraction [SPE].
[][]Accelerated solvent extraction [ASE].
[][]Low-pressure LC [LPLC].
[][]Supercritical fluid extraction [SFE].
[][]Mass Spectrometry [MS].
[][]Nuclear Magnetic Resonance [NMR].
[][]High Performance Liquid Chromatography [HPLC].

Extend of degradation

For validation of a chromatographic purity assay, degradation level of 10-15% is adequate to perform the activities. Forced degradation studies are not considered part of the formal stability program though forced degradation studies are a regulatory requirement & scientific necessity during development of a specific product. For conducting studies at the various phases of development the guidance gives various recommendations.

Selection of Forced Degradation Condition

In common industry practice, forced degradation is generally performed in different stress conditions, i.e., thermal, acid, alkali, peroxide, and UV, along with a control sample which also comply with ICH guidelines. There no specific range or rate of degradation in current industry practice but 5 to 30 percent degradation shall be taken into consideration and this can be achievable on any one of the above stress conditions.

Through stress testing, the aim of the degradation to be achieved to implement the control room temperature for the stability conditions. The conditions or concentrations of reagent shall be optimized if higher or lower degradations are observed.

During the degradation study Mass balance shall be demonstrated & it shall be around 100%, taking into attention margins of analytical errors. During mass balance evaluations, all the degradants /impurities must be calculated.

Any batch which is not be the part of regulatory submission can be used for the forced degradation study. For multiple strengths of the same placebos and different amounts, the highest ratio of placebo vs. API [Active pharmaceutical ingredient] shall be use.

Forced degradation of all the strengths shall demonstrate if placebos are different. Placebo & API [Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient] must be demonstrated to identify actual degradation pathways during the drug product force degradation study. All the placebos shall be considered for force degradation study if placebos are different for different strengths of drug product.

Various degradation conditions are depicted on the following table which is accepted by the regulatory authority [FDA] at the time of DMF/ANDA/NDA submission-

Degradation TypeReagent ConcentrationConditions to be appliedTimeRemarks
Acid5N HCL80deg.C1 HourConcentration, condition and time can change to optimize degradation
Alkali5N NaOH80deg.C1 HourDo
Peroxide10% H2O280deg.C1 HourDo
Heat/Thermal80deg.C80deg.C1 HourDo
UVExpose under UV light at 254nm wavelengthAmbient Temperature24 HoursTime can change to optimize degradation

Force Degradation shall be performed in solid or solution form though it is recommended that Force Degradation shall be executed in solution form using the mobile phase/diluent to get a homogeneous effect with better result. Force Degradation studies shall be started with harsh conditions (i.e., high temperature with high concentration of reagent) to shorten time of study.

Milder conditions shall be applied by reducing concentration of reagent with lowering temperature, etc. when degradation found 30% or above. Based on the initial degradation outcome, Degradation conditions can be optimized to achieve a target range.

To extend shelf life of chromatographic column, pH shall be adjusted about 7.0 for acid & alkali degradation. Different reagents & conditions shall be applied, e.g., Zn, H2SO4, etc. If degradation did not find in any of above conditions. A few numbers of molecule designated rock stable molecules as these molecules didn’t degrade any of the above stress condition. During a stability study This kind of molecule will not engender any additional impurities/degradant peaks.

If drug substance or product shows stability for two years at 30 ±2⁰C & 65 ±5% RH & Six months at 40 ±2⁰C & 75 ±5%RH, then the drug substance or product declared stable.
Concentration of the drug that is being tested for the degradation is a great point. For the degradation study 1 mg/ml of drug concentration is recommended though some degradation studies are done at concentration of drug in the final product. Main cause for this type of study is that precise amount of the degradation can be found in final product & their impact can be scrutinized.

Factors Affecting Forced Degradation Studies

Hydrolytic Degradation:

The reaction of chemical with water at different pH values occur in Hydrolysis degradation. In this degradation drug react with water in acidic & basic conditions. According to the stability of the drug substance concentration of the acid or base is selected where pH is 0.1 to 1.0 M HCl [Hydrochloric Acid] or H2SO4[Sulfuric Acid].

HCl & H2SO4 is used to maintain acidic conditions and 0.1 to 1.0M NaOH [Sodium hydroxide] or KOH [Potassium Hydroxide] used to generate basic conditions. Some materials are not readily dissolve/soluble in water freely; in that case other solvent are use to dissolve the water insoluble materials. Solvent shall be selected carefully so that it can’t degrade the selected drug substance.

Descriptive termPart of the solvent require per part of solute
Very solubleLess than 1
Free SolubleFrom 1 to 10
SolubleFrom 10 to 30
Sparingly solubleFrom 30 to 100
Slightly solubleFrom 100 to 1000
Very Slightly solubleFrom 1000 to 10,000
Practically insoluble10,000 and over

Reference: British Pharmacopoeia [BP]

Generally Chemical degradation shall be conduct in room temperature but if no sign of Chemical degradation occur at room temperature then room temperature shall be increase up to 50-60 ⁰C. A seven days timeframe shall be selected to perform the study. To prevent further degradation, Chemical degradation should be terminated using acid, base or buffer solution. Chemical analysis shall be done as soon as possible after completion of the test.

Oxidation Degradation:

in the forced degradation study, H2O2 (Hydrogen peroxide) is a widely used oxidizing agent. Hydrogen peroxide at 0.1% to3.0% solution is used at room temperature for 7 days is the suitable range to perform the activities. When more then20% degradation occur for a certain product, it can be considered abnormal cases.

Photolytic Degradation:

To determine the effect of light on the product during storage in the market Photostability testing of any drug take into consideration. light conditions shall be described during photostability. light source shall be cool white fluorescent lamp & wavelength of light shall be 200-800 nm (UV+ visible) which is also comply ICH guideline. The and the light intensity shall be not less than 200 watt-hours per sq meter and exposure time shall be not less than 1.2 million lux hours. To monitor the condition, a calibrated lux meter shall be use in place.

Result of forced degradation studies

[][]Forced degradation studies help to determine_
[][]Likely/Probable degradants
[][]Degradation paths
[][]Inherent stability of the drug molecule
[][]Validated stability indicating analytical method

When forced degradation studies to be performed?

This is the best practice to perform forced degradation studies at the time of development of new drug substance and new drug product. FDA prefer to perform it at phase III of the regulatory submission which is the best time to do the same. To establish the regular stability study, forced degradation studies can be prerequisite. This study can be done in different pH solution in the presence of light & Oxygen with high temperature & Humidity Level.

Generally, degradation study performs on single batch. There are two types of timeframes are use to perform stability study which Long Term [12 Months] & Short Term [6 Months]. 6 Months are performed at accelerated condition. Moreover, Intermediate Stability Study performed in a condition lesser than accelerated condition.

Force degradation studies are performed at pre-clinical phase or phase I of clinical trial so that sufficient time provides to identifying structure elucidation, degradation products. If forced degradation studies are performed properly, manufacturing process of the new product can be developed properly and stability-indicating analytical procedures can be select more effectively.

What is the regulatory obligation regarding Force Degradation Studies?

Following ICH [International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use] Guidelines has been depicted regarding forced degradation studies but it covers only marketing applications for new products but not for during clinical development.

[][]ICH Q1A: Stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products.
[][]ICH Q1B: Photo stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products.
[][]ICH Q2B: Validation of Analytical Procedures: Methodology.

What actually says this guideline?

[][]ICH Q1A (Stress testing): Stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products.

It implies for the performing of forced degradation studies for drug substances and drug products. The recommended condition is that the result shall be observe temperature above accelerated condition [Temperature>500C) and Humidity [75% relative humidity] including oxidation and photolysis. pH range may be wide for the testing of solution or suspension.

[][]ICH Q1B: Photo stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products.

It implies the photo stability of drug substances and drug products. Section II and Section III describe the forced degradation conditions condition for drug substance and drug product. Exposure levels are not defined in Forced degradation studies. Photo stability testing can be performed both in Solid or in solution/suspension. Stability indicating method is developed based on this sample result. Some non-experiential degradation products may be formed during stability studies which may not be taken under consideration.

[][]ICH Q2B: Validation of Analytical Procedures: Methodology.

Provide guideline regarding analytical meth validation. Gives guidance to validate the analytical methodology. To demonstrate specificity, in section B1.2.2 (impurities not available) there is a recommendation to utilize samples from the forced degradation studies.


to develop degradation pathways, Forced degradation studies are the prominent way & Forced degradation studies are the prominent way to develop degradation pathways and to detect degradation products of API [Active pharmaceutical Ingredients], further it simplifies elucidation of degradants structure. Forced degradation studies also simplify the chemical & physical stability analysis of drug substances & drug products. To develop manufacturing conditions, storage conditions & determine expiry date of a new drug formulation Forced degradation studies is considered as key studies.

Forced Degradation Study or Stress Testing Procedure Read More »

Calibration of Friability Tester With Operation & Cleaning

Calibration of Friability Tester, Purpose :

Calibration of Friability Tester, The purpose of this SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) is to describe the operation, calibration and cleaning of friability tester.

Calibration of Friability Tester, Scope :

This procedure is applicable for friability tester (Model: Electrolab, EF-1W ) used in Product Development Laboratory of XX Pharmaceuticals Limited.

Definitions / Abbreviation:

[][]PD: Product Development


[][]The roles and responsibility is as follows:

Executive, PD

[][]To ensure that this procedure is followed.
[][]To maintain the records properly as per SOP.

Sr.Executive, PD

[][]To ensure that this procedure is kept up to date.
[][]To arrange training on the SOP to all concerned personnel.
[][]To ensure implementation of the SOP after training.

Manager, Quality Assurance

[][]Approval of the SOP.



[][]Make sure the knob is properly fitted on the shaft to assure the drum is held in position.
[][]Do not hold the drum while they are rotating.
[][]Do not use abrasive, aggressive material or solvents to clean the drum and the tray. If required use mild detergent.
[][]Do not use wet drum. Make sure the drum is dry when in use.
[][]Replace the fuse with the correct rating whenever required.

Operating Procedure:

[][]Turn on the power switch of Friabilator.
[][]After power on, the drum would initialise itself to the loading position and the instrument will initialise the weighing scale and the following display will be shown:


[][]The instrument is then ready for the setting of test parameter and to run the test and following display will be shown on the screen:

SET = menu, START = run
[][]Press SET key to set the test parameter as the following way.
[][]The first parameter for the test is MODE selection. Select the Time or Count mode using the MODE key on the front panel. The desired value for the selected mode can be set using or & DIGIT SCROLL keys. Set Count 100 and Time 4 minutes. Press the ENTER key to go to the next parameter.
[][]The next parameter is RPM setting. The desired value from 20 RPM to 50 RPM can be set using the key or and DIGIT SCROLL keys. Set 25 RPM. Press the ENTER key to go the next parameter.
[][]The next parameter is for drum selection. Using the or keys the Friability or the Abrasion drum can be selected. Select the Friability drum. Press the ENTER key to go the next parameter.
[][]The next parameter is for selecting the Scale Connection Option. This option can be enabled (Y) or disabled (N) using or key. If no printer is connected select disabled (N) mode. Press the ENTER key to go to the next parameter.
[][]The next menu is for Clock setting. The default setting for this menu would be the current time. The Time can be adjusted using or key & DIGIT SCROLL key. Press the ENTER key to go to the next parameter.
[][]The next menu is for Date setting. The default setting for this menu would be the current date. The Date can be adjusted using or key & DIGIT SCROLL key. Press the ENTER key to go to the next parameter.
[][]The next menu is for the selection of the option to the last test result. Select No (N) by using or key. Press the ENTER key to go to the next parameter.
[][]The next menu is for the Sound option. Select Yes (Y) using or key.
[][]Press the SET key to exit from the SET menu.
[][]After weighing the test samples as per specific Standard Test Procedure, slide them gently into the drum through the side slit and press START key, input the weight of tablets, press ENTER to run the test.
[][]After the test is over, the drum rotates in the reverse direction, discharging all the test samples into the tray located below the drum.

[][]The drum would now initialize itself to the loading position. Carefully slide the tray out and remove the loose dust from the test samples, i.e. deduct the test samples. After deducting weight the sample, input the weight of deducted tablets, press ENTER, % friability will be displayed on the screen.
[][]Press SET key for performing a new test.

Calibration procedure:

[][]Ensure that the instrument is clean before use, including surrounding area.
[][]Check and ensure due date of calibration.
[][]Switch ON the power supply.
[][]Set the time 4.0 minutes by selecting TIMER key and start the machine and calibrated stopwatch simultaneously.
[][]Note the actual time shown by a calibrated stopwatch.
[][]Take three such readings and calculate the mean time.
[][]Set 100 counts (rotation) by selecting COUNT key (some tablets may be placed into the drum for ease of counting) and start the instrument.
[][]Record the number of rotation.
[][]Take three such readings and calculate the mean of rotation per minute.
[][]Record the observations in the Calibration report (Annexure –II).
[][]After completion of calibration switch ‘OFF’ the main supply.
[][]After completion of the calibration activity, affix the duly filled and signed calibration status label on the instrument.
[][]Calibration Frequency: Every three-month ±07 days of due date and after maintenance job.

Cleaning procedure:

Remove the knob by pressing gray colored button and open the drum.
Clean the drum with suitable dry duster or cloth.
If required use water and dry in air.
Place the drum properly and replace the knob.


Annexure-I: Log Book Of Friability Tester.
Annexure-II: Calibration Report Of Friability Tester

Calibration of Friability Tester With Operation & Cleaning Read More »

Calibration of Moisture Analyzer with Operation, and Cleaning

Calibration of Moisture Analyzer, Purpose :

Calibration of Moisture Analyzer, The purpose of this SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) is to describe the operation, calibration and cleaning of Moisture Analyzer.

Calibration of Moisture Analyzer, Scope :

This procedure is applicable for Moisture Analyzer (Model: METTLER TOLEDO, MJ33) used in the Product Development of XX Pharmaceuticals Limited.

Definitions / Abbreviation:



The roles and responsibility is as follows:

Operator / Supervisor, Product Development

[][]To ensure that this procedure is followed.
[][]To maintain the records properly as per SOP.

Executive / Senior Executive, Product Development

[][]To ensure that this procedure is kept up to date.
[][]To arrange training on the SOP to all concerned personnel.
[][]To ensure implementation of the SOP after training.

Manager, Quality Assurance

[][]Approval of the SOP.



[][]Keep sufficient free space around the instrument to avoid heat accumulation and over- heating.
[][]Never cover, plugged, taped over or tampered with any way the vent over the sample.
[][]Do not place any combustible material on, under or next to the instrument during operation.
[][]Be very careful to touch sample, sampling pan, sampling pan holder and heating module just after the operation.

Operating Procedure:

[][]Switch on the main power. Instrument shows “OFF” in display.
[][]Press the “ON/OFF” key to switch the instrument on.
[][]The instrument performs a self-test. Wait until the display shown 0.000 g.

Temperature setting

[][]Press the temperature setting key
[][]In display temperature reading shall be blinking.
[][]Select the desire temperature by pressing scroll button
[][]Press enter key to conform the temperature.
[][]Open the heating module (Top lid) for tare and close the heating module.
[][]Again open the heating module and put the sample on sample pan as mentioned in BMR or test procedure.
[][]Close the heating module and wait for buzzed.
[][]Record the moisture content from the display.
[][]Press the “ON/OFF” key to switch off the instrument.
[][]Wait sufficient time to cool down the instrument in ambient temperature before cleaning.

Calibration Procedure:

Balance calibration

[][]Ensure that the sample pan is in position.
[][]Switch ON the power supply. The display shows “OFF”.
[][]Press the “ON/OFF” key to start the instrument.
[][]The instrument performs a self-test. Wait until the display shown 0.000 g.
[][]Select standard weight of 1g, 5g and 10 g for calibration.
[][]Open the heating chamber and place 1g standard weight on the balance pan at center position.
[][]Repeat previous step no.for 5g. & 10 g.
[][]Record the observations in the calibration report (Annexure–II)

Temperature calibration

[][]Press menu key twice. Display shows “Temperature adj.”
[][]Select “Yes” using scroll keys.
[][]Press “enter” key to start process. Display shows “Remove pan holder”
[][]Open the heating chamber and Remove the sample pan holder from the sample chamber.
[][]Display shows “Insert adjustment kit”. Place the temperature adjustment kit (standard thermometer) in the sample chamber.
[][]Close the heating module to start heating to temperature 100deg. C. The display shows the temperature.
[][]Wait 15 minutes, instrument gives audio signal sound.
[][]Note down the actual temperature on standard thermometer in calibration report (Annexure-II)
[][]Press enter key. The heating module automatically starts calibration at 160deg. C.
[][]Again wait for 15 minutes, instrument gives audio signal sound.

Acceptance Criteria

[][]For balance calibration ± 0.1 % & for temperature calibration ± 30 C.
[][]After completion of calibration switch “OFF” the main supply.
[][]After completion of the calibration activity, affix the duly filled and signed calibration status label on the instrument.
[][]Calibration Frequency
[][]Every six month ± 10 days of due date and after maintenance job.

Cleaning Procedure:

[][]Disconnect the instrument from the power supply before cleaning.
[][]Open the heating module and remove the sampling pan by sampling pan holder.
[][]Clean the sampling pan with soft brush.
[][]Clean exteriors of the instrument by clean dry cloth.
[][]Set the parts of weighing pan carefully and close the heating module


Annexure-I: Log Book Of Moisture Analyzer.
Annexure-II: Calibration Report of Moisture Analyzer.

Calibration of Moisture Analyzer with Operation, and Cleaning Read More »

Semi Automatic Disintegration Tester Operation, Calibration and Cleaning

Semi Automatic Disintegration Tester , Purpose:

Semi Automatic Disintegration Tester , The purpose of this SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) is to describe the operation, calibration and cleaning of Disintegration tester.

Semi Automatic Disintegration Tester , Scope:

This procedure is applicable for Semi Automatic Disintegration tester (Electrolab, Model: ED-2 SAPO) at the Product Development area of XX Pharmaceuticals Limited. This procedure is applicable for Core, Uncoated, Coated tablets and capsules.

Definitions / Abbreviation:

Disintegration Test: The disintegration test is a measure of the time required under a given set of conditions for a group of tablets, Capsule and Other solid dosage forms to disintegrate into particles which will pass through a 10 mesh screen.


[][]The roles and responsibility is as follows

Executive, Product Development

[][]To follow the procedure as per SOP.
[][]To maintain the Calibration records.
[][]To ensure cleaning of Disintegration tester maintaining safety rules.

Manager, Quality Assurance

[][]To ensure training and implementation of SOP in department.



[][]Do not switch on the mains if water in the tank is not up to mark.
[][]While placing and removing the basket assemblies do not apply excessive force.
[][]Do not bend the heater while cleaning the water bath.
[][]Do not clean the bath with any strong solvent. Use mild detergents for cleaning.
[][]Lift the machine from the base while lifting or installing.
[][]The external probe should be handled carefully.
[][]To prevent algae propagation in the bath replaces water in the bath at least once in a week.
[][]Remove the external probes when baskets are parked out or removed.
[][]Switch OFF the power supply of the instrument before removing water from the bath.
[][]Do not hold the stirrer while in operation.

Operation: Semi Automatic Disintegration Tester

[][]Ensure the cleanliness of area and the instrument.
[][]Fill the bath with purified water up-to the graduated mark.
[][]Connect the power cord of the instrument to the main power supply.
[][]Check the calibration status of the instrument
[][]Insert the test vessel (jar) in the water bath. Fill the test vessels with purified water / desired media up to 800 ml.
[][]Turn on the power switch provided on the rear side of disintegration tester.
[][]After power on, the instrument will initialize by displaying a power flash screen which will flash twice


[][]After the power flash screen an idle will be displayed showing the last Mode. Protocol selected for basket A and basket B and the temperature of Jar A, Jar B, and Bath temperature.

Mode: Dual Timer
Proto A: # # Proto B: # #
BATH/ Jar A/ Jar B
# #. /ºC # #. /ºC # #. º

[][]Selection of Registration Mode (For Unknown Disintegration time)
[][]There are two modes: Registration Mode & Dual Timer Mode. Select Registration mode with or keys

Mode: Registration
Proto A: # # Proto B: # #
BATH/ Jar A/ Jar B
# #. /ºC # #. /ºC # #. ºC

[][]Press TEMP key from the front panel a screen will be displayed. Using // key set the temperature to 37.7ºC.
[][]Press TEMP key from the front panel a screen will be displayed. Using // key set the temperature to 37.7ºC.
[][]Press F1 to switch ON the heater. Press TEMP key to register the temperature and come out of the TEMP mode. An idle screen will be displayed. Wait to raise the bath and the jar temperature to desired level.
[][]Assemble the basket-rack.

Operation in Registration Mode

[][]Place six test samples in six tubes. Place the disks if stated in the monographs or in the case of floating products / tablets. Place the disk guides properly to prevent floating of samples.
[][]Press RUN/ HALT key of the respective A or B Jar to run the operation. In Registration mode two separate samples can be tested in two separate jars simultaneously.
[][]Observe the test in each of the tube. If the sample in any of the tube is disintegrated completely just press the key of the respective number. For example if the sample in the number 4 tube of Basket A is disintegrated at first press the number 4 key. Same procedure is followed for all the tubes of each basket.
[][]When Disintegration Time of 6 tablets in one Jar is registered the basket will park out of the media automatically. Press ENTER to return to initial screen.
[][]Observe the disintegration time. To see the time press TIME key. Press F1 to scroll to View Timing mode. Press ENTER. The screen will show the disintegration time of all the six samples. Press F1 key to scroll the screen downward.
[][]To come back into idle screen press ENTER key and press F2 key.

Selection of Dual Timer Mode (For Known Disintegration Time)

[][]When we know the disintegration time of any sample the operation can be done in DUAL TIMER MODE. In this mode there are 10 protocols. An individual sample with its known disintegration time is assigned against each protocol. Select Dual Timer Mode using UP or DOWN keys.
[][]Press TEMP key from the front panel a screen will be displayed. Using BACWARD/UP /DOWN key set the temperature to 37.7ºC.
[][]Press F1 to switch ON the heater. Press TEMP key to register the temperature and come out of the TEMP mode. An idle screen will be displayed. Wait to raise the bath and the jar temperature to desired level.
[][]Press TIME key from the front panel to set the time of a protocol.
[][]When (ARROW) indicates SET TIMER press ENTER button. Using BACWARD/UP /DOWN key adjust the required protocol and time. Press ENTER button to register the time and protocol and come out of the screen.
[][]Press F2 and return to the idle screen.
[][]Assemble the basket-rack.

Operation in Dual Timer Mode

[][]By using BACWARD/UP /DOWN key select different protocols for either jar A or jar B.
[][]Place six test samples in six tubes. Place the disks if stated in the monographs or in the case of floating products / tablets. Place the disk guides properly to prevent floating of samples / disks.
[][]Press RUN/ HALT key of the respective A or B Jar to run the operation.
[][]When the set Time for respective Jar is end up, the basket will park out of the media automatically. Press ENTER to return to initial screen.

Halting / Aborting the Test

[][]Press Run / Halt key to the respective test to be halted.
[][]The respective basket will park out of the media and the display will show the elapse cumulative halt time of the test being halted.

[][]To continue or abort test press Run / Halt key again a screen will be displayed for resuming or aborting the test.
[][]To resume test Press F1.
[][]To abort the test press F2. Press ENTER.

Operation Log Book

[][]Record the information’s in the operational log book- “Operation Log Book of Disintegration Tester (MODEL: ED2-SAPO)”
[][]Calibration of Temperature for Jar A and Jar B
[][]Press TEMP key. Use ▲/◄/▼Key to set the temperature at 37ºC.
[][]Press F1 to switch on the heater. The temperature light will blink.
[][]Press TEMP key to register the temperature and come out of the TEMP mode. An idle screen will display. Wait to raise the temperature at 37.7ºC in the both jars.
[][]When the screen displays a fixed temperature for Jar A and Jar B from temperature sensor, measure the temperature of both Jars by a calibrated thermometer.
[][]Keep the records of calibration as per Annexure-I.
[][]Acceptance Range: ± 2ºC of the display temperature.
[][]Calibration of Timer for Basket-A
[][]Select the Dual Timer mode by pressing ▼/▲key.
[][]Use ◄ key to select Proto A.[START OF SECTION ONE]
[][]Press the option menu.
[][]Press F1 (scroll) key to select set protocol. Press Enter key.
[][]Press ▼/▲ key to set a specific protocol no. (e.g. 01, 02, 03 …) under Proto A.
[][]Press F1 (scroll) key to enter the Timer option.
[][]Set the timer (5 minutes) by using ▲/◄/▼key.
[][]Press F2 key twice to return to the idle screen.
[][]Press the Run key in the front panel and start the calibrated stop watch to compare the time.

[][]After completion of the specified time (5 minutes) ‘Test is over’ is appeared on the screen with beeping sound.
[][]Press Enter key to return to the idle screen.
[][]Keep the records of calibration as per Annexure-I.
[][]Acceptance Range: 5 minutes.[END OF SECTION ONE]

Calibration of Timer for Basket-B

[][]Use ◄ key to select Proto B.
[][]Follow previous steps [START OF SECTION ONE] TO [END OF SECTION ONE]
[][]Calibration of Stroke/min. for Basket-A
[][]Check the jar temperature. If temperature is not in the desired level, wait for raising the temperature (37.7°C) in the jar.
[][]Follow previous steps
[][]Press the RUN key and start the stop watch to count the no. of strokes per minute.
[][]Press the Halt key twice and then Test A is displayed.
[][]Press F2 to abort. The screen will display ‘Test is over’.
[][]Press Enter key to return to the idle screen.
[][]Keep the records of calibration as per Annexure-I.
[][]Acceptance Range: 29 to 32 Stroke/min.
[][]Calibration of Stroke/min. for Basket-B
[][]Follow previous steps(In case of Proto B, Use ◄ key to select Proto B).
[][]Calibration of Traveling Distance for Basket-A
[][]Follow previous steps
[][]Press Run key to travel the Basket A in upward and downward stroke.

[][]When the basket is in the downward stroke position, Press the power switch (Rear side of the instrument) to off quickly.
[][]Now Mark the position (Xa) of the basket holder by a pencil.
[][]Press the power switch on.
[][]Press the TEMP key.
[][]Press F1 to on the heater. The temperature light will blink.
[][]Press TEMP key to return to the idle screen position.
[][]Wait for the desired setting temperature (37°C). When it reaches to the desired level, Press the Run key. The basket will travel upward and downward stroke.
[][]When it comes to the upward stroke position, Press the power switch (Rear side of the instrument) to off quickly.
[][]Mark the position (Ya) of the basket holder by a pencil.
[][]Now measure the traveling distance between Xa and Ya by a standard certified scale.

Xa – Ya= ## mm.
[][]Keep the records of calibration as per Annexure-I.
[][]Acceptance Range: 55 ± 2 mm.
[][]Calibration of Traveling Distance for Basket-B
[][]Press the power switch (Rear side of the instrument) to on.
[][]Press the TEMP key. Use ▲/◄/▼key to set the temperature at 37ºC.
[][]Press F1 to switch on the heater. The temperature light will blink.
[][]Press TEMP key to return to the idle screen position.
[][]Wait for the desired setting temperature (37.7°C). When it reaches to the desired level Press the Option Key.
[][]Follow steps  (In case of Proto B, Use ◄ key to select Proto B).
[][]Follow steps

Calibration of Basket A to Beaker Bottom Height

[][]Unscrew Basket A from the bottom and remove the basket bottom plate.
[][]Remove one tube (with Blue or Brown indication) and engage the basket to the basket holder.
[][]Insert the measuring scale (6 inch) into the disc from where the tubing has been removed. Care should be taken that the scale touches the bottom of the beaker.
[][]Press the power switch (Rear side of the instrument) to on.
[][]Press the TEMP key.
[][]Press F1 to on the heater. The temperature light will blink
[][]Press TEMP key to return to the idle screen position.
[][]Wait for the desired setting temperature (37°C). When it reaches to the desired level, Follow steps
[][]Press the Run key to travel the Basket A in upward and downward stroke.
[][]When the basket is in the downward stroke position, Press the power switch (Rear side of the instrument) to off quickly.
[][]Measure the Basket A to bottom height during the downward stroke by certified measuring scale.
[][]Keep the records of calibration as per Annexure-I.
[][]Acceptance Range: 25 ± 2 mm.

Calibration of Basket B to Beaker Bottom Height

[][]Follow steps

[][]Set the parts of the instrument and clean the instrument.
[][]Calibration Frequency: 3 months ± 10 days.


[][]After completion of a test clean the basket-rack assembly with potable water and if required with a mild detergent.
[][]Whenever required use a suitable brush to remove any residue of the previous sample from the mesh screen.
[][]Use potable water to clean the jar and bath.
[][]Finally rinse the basket rack assembly, jar & bath with purified water and dry in air.
[][]Cleaning frequency of basket rack assembly & jar : After every test
[][]Cleaning frequency of water bath: Once in a week.
Note: In between when water become dirty change water
[][]After cleaning of the disintegration test apparatus water bath, record it as per Annexure-III

Annexure: Semi Automatic Disintegration Tester

Annexure-I: Operation log book of Disintegration Tester(Model: ED2-SAPO)
Annexure –II: Calibration report of disintegration tester.
Annexure-III: Cleaning record for Disintegration water bath.

Semi Automatic Disintegration Tester Operation, Calibration and Cleaning Read More »

Electric Stirrer Operation, Cleaning and Maintenance Procedure

Electric Stirrer , Purpose :

Electric Stirrer,  The purpose of this SOP is to describe the Operation, cleaning and maintenance procedure of Electric Stirrer (Model: ES) in order to comply with cGMP standard.

Electric Stirrer , Scope :

The scope of the procedure is applicable to the Electric Stirrer (Model: ES) at the Product Development area of XX Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Limited.

Definitions / Abbreviation:



The roles and responsibility is as follows:

Operator/Supervisor Product Development

[][]Operation and cleaning of the Electric Stirrer (Model: ES)
[][]Maintaining operation and cleaning log book

Executive/ Sr. Executive Product Development

[][]Checking and ensuring that the operation and cleaning is performed according to the SOP.
[][]Checking the log book.
[][]Preparation and timely review of the SOP.

Manager Engineering

[][]Preparation of maintenance schedule and maintenance of the machine.

Manager, Quality Assurance

[][]Ensure that the SOP reflects actual operation, cleaning and maintenance procedure.
[][]Approve the SOP against XX Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Master documents and current regulatory requirements.
[][]Implementation of the SOP.


Machine Assembling

[][]Attach required sieve in the sieve holding clamp of the machine.
[][]Attach bolts and tighten the knobs to ensure that the sieve is properly installed in the machine.
[][]Rotate the shaft clamp to loosen the main shaft.
[][]Push the shaft downward to lower the main shaft and pull the shaft upward to rise the main shaft holding the propeller and sieve.
[][]Rotor the shaft clamp anticlockwise to tighten the main shaft.
[][]Ensure that the main shaft is properly tightened before running the machine. Donot run the machine if the shaft is not properly tightened.
[][]Check for all the bolts to be tightened properly.

Machine Operation

[][]Connect the main electric supply with the socket.
[][]Three lights (Red, Green and Yellow) illuminates to show the proper functioning of the three phase connection of the machine.
[][]Adjust the secondary propeller according to the need of the liquid to be stirred. If secondary propeller is not required adjust it higher than the liquid lavel.
[][]Make sure that both propeller is submerged in the liquid to be stirred.
[][]Push the Forward button to rotate the propeller clockwise and push the backward button to rotate the propeller anticlockwise.
[][]To stop the machine instantly push the stop button.
[][]To switch from forward rotation to backward rotation first push the stop button and when the machine is stop then push the backward button.
[][]Do not switch directly from one rotational direction to another direction.
[][]Display will show the RPM of the machine, do not change any parameter in the inverter. Changing parameters in the inverter will stop the machine immediately.
[][]To change or adjust the machine speed use the speed controlling regulator. Clockwise rotation will increase the RPM and anticlockwise rotation will decrease the RPM.
[][]When the display shows 60 in the screen the machine tends to rotate in 2800 RPM. Do not run the machine more than 1400 RPM that is 30 in the screen.
[][]To stop the machine push the stop button and the machine will stop automatically.

Machine Dismantling

[][]Disconnect the machine from the main electric supply.
[][]Rise the main shaft from the liquid. Remove the remaining liquid(if any) from the sieve holding clamp and remove the solution preparation mug.
[][]Loosen the sieve holding bolts, remove the sieve and take in a poly bag
[][]Loosen the primary propeller with the help of a range, and remove from the machine.

Machine Cleaning

[][]If the machine doesn’t used within 15 days after cleaning, then the machine should be cleaned on the 15th day.
[][]Clean the sieve holding clamp, secondary propeller and the main shaft of the machine with lint free cloth wiped in potable water.
[][]Repeat the procedure twice to remove all solution from the machine.
[][]Clean the secondary propeller and the clamp with brush to remove any part of the solution adhering to the machine.
[][]Rub gently with lint free cloth to remove any solution adhering to the machine.
[][]Wipe the cloth in hot water and rub the machine, Clean all the machine parts with hot water, then finally rinse with purified water.
[][]Clean the motor covering , Main shaft and the base of the machine with potable water, Rub the parts with lint free cloths wipe din potable water than rinse with purified water.
[][]Wipe the machine with dried lint free cloth to remove water from the machine. Use compressed water to remove water as necessary.
[][]Submerge the sieve and the primary propeller in potable water for 10 minutes.
[][]Clean the parts with tap water to remove any part of the solution.
[][]Use brush and lint free cloth to properly clean the parts.
[][]Submerge the parts in hot water, Clean the parts with hot water finally rinse with purified water.
[][]Rub the machine parts with lint free cloths and compressed air to remove water.
[][]Take the dried sieve and the sieve holding bolts in a poly bag attach a cleaned label and store in the cabinet.
[][]Install the propeller in the main shaft. Attach a Cleaned label in the machine.


Annexure – I: Operation and cleaning log book.

Electric Stirrer Operation, Cleaning and Maintenance Procedure Read More »

Hand Capsule Filling Machine Operation, Cleaning and Maintenance Procedure

Hand Capsule Filling Machine, Purpose :

Hand Capsule Filling Machine, The purpose of this SOP is to define the operation, cleaning and maintenance procedure of manual capsule filling machine. Model: PCF 300

Hand Capsule Filling Machine, Scope :

This SOP is applicable for operation, cleaning and maintenance procedure of manual capsule filling machine in product development laboratory of XX Pharmaceuticals Limited.

Definitions / Abbreviation:



[][]The roles and responsibility is as follows:

Operator/Supervisor Product Development

[][]Operation and cleaning of the Manual Capsule Filling Machine
[][]Maintaining operation and cleaning log book

Executive/ Sr. Executive Product Development

[][]Checking and ensuring that the operation and cleaning is performed according to the SOP.
[][]Checking the log book.
[][]Preparation and timely review of the SOP.

Assistant Manager Engineering

[][]Preparation of maintenance schedule and maintenance of the machine.

Manager, Quality Assurance

[][]Ensure that the SOP reflects actual operation, cleaning and maintenance procedure.
[][]Approve the SOP against XX Pharmaceuticals Ltd. master documents and current regulatory requirements.
[][]Implementation of the SOP.


Machine Assembling

[][]Before operation assemble the machine change parts that are necessary for certain type of operation.
[][]Attach the required type of change parts for the expected operation in the machine

Machine Setup

[][]Tag the filling machine with a Machine Label before use.
[][]Arrange empty capsule shell on the loading tray.
[][]Place the loading tray with empty capsule on the machine.
[][]Grip cam lever and pull towards the front.
[][]Push the inner slide knob.
[][]Depress the lifting plate lever.
[][]Lift the loading tray up.
[][]Separate the capsule bottom half (Bodies) from the cap.
[][]Check the entire cap and bodies are separated.
[][]Keep the loading tray with separated cap on the table carefully.
[][]Release the lever to drop down the bodies to sit in level with the top section.
[][]Place the filling tray on the machine. Ensuring the tray is properly located in holes provided in the top section.
[][]Pour the pre-weighed Powder /Pellet

Machine Operation for powders

[][]Spread the powder using Teflon dispenser over the top section to fill the body uniformly.
[][]If any powder remains on the tray, take aside the excess powder with the powder dispenser on to the platform provided on the right of the tray. Lower the pin plate assembly and lock it in position using pin plate locking lever to compact the powder.
[][]Unlock the lever, open the pin plate and spread the remaining powder (if necessary follow further step: 10.4.1. and 10.4.2.).
[][]Remove the filling tray. Place the loading tray with separated cap on the top section.
[][]Pull out the inner slide knob.
[][]Lower the pressure plate and lock in position with locking lever.
[][]Move the lifting plate lever downward for proper locking of the capsule.
[][]Unlock the pressure plate and take it back to its original position.
[][]Push the inner slide knob.
[][]Depress the lifting plate lever.
[][]Lift the loading tray up with locked capsule.

[][]Empty the locked capsule into a suitable container
[][]Remove the product container. Use plastic bag to wrap under the discharge chute. Clean the sieve to remove the materials that cannot pass though the sieve (If product is very sticky, the sieve might require to be removed for a thorough cleaning with brush and cleaning agent).
[][]Clean the machine after completing the operation of the day or before changing to process other products.

Machine operation for pellets.

[][]Spread the pellets using Nylon brush over the top section to fill the body uniformly.
[][]Remove the filling tray. Place the loading tray with separated cap on the top section.
[][]Pull out the inner slide knob.
[][]Lower the pressure plate and lock in position with locking lever.
[][]Move the lifting plate lever downward for proper locking of the capsule.
[][]Unlock the pressure plate and take it back to its original position.
[][]Push the inner slide knob.
[][]Depress the lifting plate lever.
[][]Lift the loading tray up with locked capsule.
[][]Empty the locked capsule into a suitable container
[][]Clean the machine after completing the operation of the day or before changing to process other products.

Machine Dismantling

[][]Remove the powder tray.
[][]Open the cam lever.
[][]Remove the eccentric pin.
[][]Remove the top section by loosening four screws.
[][]Pull out sliding sheet from the top section.

Machine Cleaning

[][]If the machine doesn’t used within 15 days after cleaning, then the machine should be cleaned on the 15th day.
[][]Wash the powder tray, cam lever, top section with sliding sheet, nylon brush, powder dispenser and the main body (lifting plate assembly, pin plate assembly and pressure plate assembly) with potable water.
[][]Wipe with damp markin cloth by rubbing to remove any adhering materials
[][]Wash with potable water again
[][]Wash with hot water using damp cloth to remove any insoluble material
[][]Wash with hot water and then with purified water.
[][]Wipe with clean, dry markin cloth to remove any water
[][]Dry with compressed air where necessary
[][]Wrap with poly bag, attach “CLEANED” label and store in the accessories cabinet.
[][]Clean eccentric pin with cotton cloth and lubricate it.
[][]Push the sliding sheet into the top section.
[][]Mount the top section onto the main body by four screws.
[][]Assemble the eccentric pin and cam lever.
[][]Keep the loading tray and powder tray with attached “CLEAN” label in accessories cabinet.
[][]Attach “CLEANED” label in the machine in store in the Table.

Annexure: Hand Capsule Filling Machine

Annexure – I: Operation and cleaning log book.

Hand Capsule Filling Machine Operation, Cleaning and Maintenance Procedure Read More »

Multi mill operation and cleaning procedure

Multi mill , Purpose :

Multi mill , The purpose of this SOP is to describe the Operation and cleaning procedure of Multi Mill (Model: GMP) in order to comply with cGMP standard.

Multi mill , Scope :

The scope of the procedure is applicable to the Multi Mill (Model: GMP) at the Product Development area of  XX Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Limited.

Definitions / Abbreviation:



[][]The roles and responsibility is as follows:

Operator/Supervisor Product Development

[][]Operation and cleaning of the Multi Mill (Model: GMP)
[][]Maintaining operation and cleaning log book

Officer/ Sr. Officer Product Development

[][]Checking and ensuring that the operation and cleaning is performed according to the SOP.
[][]Checking the log book.
[][]Preparation and timely review of the SOP.

Assistant Manager Engineering

[][]Preparation of maintenance schedule and maintenance of the machine.

Manager, Quality Assurance

[][]Ensure that the SOP reflects actual operation, cleaning and maintenance procedure.
[][]Approve the SOP against XX Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Master documents and current regulatory requirements.
[][]Implementation of the SOP.


Machine Assembling

[][]Loosen the knobs of the Discharge covering. Anticlockwise rotation of the knobs will loosen and clockwise rotation will tighten the discharge unit
[][]Remove the discharging unit from the machine. Rotate the covering slightly at any direction and pull downward to remove smoothly.
[][]Rotate the screws of the Mesh holding plate anticlockwise direction to loosen the plate. Rotate the plate anticlockwise and remove from the machine.
[][]Check for the proper tightening of the knife and knife holding shaft.
[][]Set desired mesh on the mesh slot, push upward to set the mesh properly.
[][]Install the mesh holding plate, tighten the mesh holding plate properly. Do not run the machine without properly tightening the knobs.
[][]Install the Discharge unit in the, tighten all the knobs of the discharge unit to properly set the machine.
[][]Check for the proper positioning, functioning and installation of the hopper, feed controlling plate and the hopper covering.

Machine Operation

[][]Connect the main electric supply with the socket.
[][]Three lights (Red, Green and Yellow) illuminates to show the proper functioning of the three phase connection of the machine.
[][]Remove the covering of the hopper to charge the materials in the hoper. Keep the feed control plate fully closed while charging the materials.
[][]Pull the feed control plate outward to control the material entry in the milling zone.
[][]Install the hoper covering, do not run the machine without the covering installed properly.
[][]Push the Forward button to rotate the blades clockwise and push the backward button to rotate the blades anticlockwise.
[][]To stop the machine instantly push the stop button.
[][]To switch from forward rotation to backward rotation first push the stop button and when the machine is stop then push the backward button.
[][]Do not switch directly from one rotational direction to another direction.
[][]Display will show the RPM of the machine, do not change any parameter in the inverter. Changing parameters in the inverter will stop the machine immediately.
[][]To change or adjust the machine speed use the speed controlling regulator. Clockwise rotation will increase the RPM and anticlockwise rotation will decrease the RPM.
[][]When the display shows 28 in the screen the machine tends to rotate in 1400 RPM. Machine can be run in more speed than that, but don’t run the machine in speed more than 28 in display.
[][]To stop the machine instantly push the stop button and the machine will stop automatically.

Machine Dismantling

[][]Disconnect the machine from the main electric supply.
[][]Remove the Hopper cover and the feed control plate from the machine.
[][]Loosen the screws in the hopper than remove the hopper from the machine.
[][]Rotate the knobs in the discharge unit, rotate the discharge unit than pull downward to remove the discharge unit from the machine.
[][]Rotate the knobs in the mesh holding tray anticlockwise to loosen the screws. Rotate the knobs anticlockwise and remove the tray.
[][]Pull the mesh downward to separate the mesh from the machine.
[][]Use a socket set to remove the knife shaft from the machine.
[][]Loosen the screw on the downward of the machine.
[][]Pull the shaft backward. The shaft with the knives will come out.
[][]Remove the pin holding cap on the top of the shaft.
[][]Pull out the pins from the shaft.
[][]Remove the knives and the scrapers by pulling them in outer direction.

Machine Cleaning

[][]After removal and dismantling of all change parts take the change parts in the cleaning bay.
[][]Use vacuum cleaner to remove any remaining powder from the machine body.
[][]Wash the machine body, shaft, basement and motor holding portion wish wet lint free cloth.
[][]Wash the machine with hot water if necessary, then finally rinse the machine with wet cloth submersed in purified water.
[][]Dry the machine with dried lint free cloth. Use compressed air if necessary to remove water from the critical places.
[][]Clean the wire with wet cloth and dry using lint free cloths.
[][]Clean all the change parts with potable water, use cloth to rub well to remove any portion of powder from the machine.
[][]Use hot water to clean all the machine parts, use nylon brush if necessary to remove any remaining quantity of powder dust
[][]Use nylon brush to clean the knives and brush through the knife shaft to remove any portion of powder.
[][]Run the whole procedure twice for knife and knife holding shaft.
[][]Rinse the parts with purified water. Dry all the change parts with lint free dried cloth, Use compressed air to remove water from the critical areas.
[][]Use compressed air to remove the water from the knife holding zone in the shaft.
[][]Attach the knives with the shaft and lock with the pin
[][]Attach pin holding top to keep the pin in position.
[][]Fix the knife shaft in the machine and tighten with the socket set, check for the proper fixing of the machine.
[][]Attach the sieve holding plate and the discharge unit with the machine
[][]Install the hopper, feed control plate and the hopper covering in the machine. Attach a CLEANED label in the machine.
[][]Clean the sieve with potable water, use dump cloth to properly remove powder.
[][]Use hot water to clean the sieve properly, use nylon brush to remove any quantity of powder.
[][]Rinse the sieve with purified water, dry the sieve with dried lint free cloth, use compressed water first to remove the water from the sieve then use lint free cloth to dry the sieve.
[][]Take the sieve in a poly bag, attach a cleaned label in the bag and store in the cabinet for machine change parts.


Annexure – I: Operation and cleaning log book.

Multi mill operation and cleaning procedure Read More »

Coating Machine Operation and Cleaning Procedure

Coating Machine , Purpose:

Coating Machine , The purpose of this SOP is to define the operation and cleaning procedure of Coating machine.

Coating Machine , Scope:

This SOP is applicable for operation and cleaning procedure of Coating machine in product development of General Block at XX Pharmaceuticals Limited.

Definition / Abbreviation:



The roles and responsibility are as follows:

Operator/Supervisor Product Development

[][]Operation and cleaning of the Coating machine
[][]Maintaining operation and cleaning log book

Executive/ Senior Executive, Product Development

[][]Checking and ensuring that the operation and cleaning is performed according to the SOP.
[][]Checking the log book.
[][]Preparation and timely review of the SOP.

Manager, Quality Assurance

[][]Ensure that the SOP reflects actual operation and cleaning procedure.
[][]Approve the SOP against XX Pharmaceuticals Limited master documents and current regulatory requirements.
[][]Implementation of the SOP.


[][]Machine Assembling
[][]Before operation assemble the machine accessories that are necessary for operation.
[][]Place the spray gun at the holding arm. Then, enter the spray gun holding arm into the coating pan.
[][]Connect the peristaltic pump with the spray gun.
[][]Test whether coating pan rotates smoothly without any abnormal noise after activation. Check that rotation direction is correct.

Machine Operation

[][]Connect the power cable to the socket for power supply.
[][]Switch on the Machine.
[][]Unlock and open the inlet port cover of the machine.
[][]Load tablets into the coating pan. Total tablet load should not exceed the maximum working load and should not be less than the minimum working load.
[][]Securely close the coating pan chamber cover and clamp.
[][]Outlet blower ‘‘ON/OFF” by pressing the push button.
[][]Pan motor ‘‘ON/OFF’ by pressing the push button.
[][]Inlet blower” ON/OFF” by pressing the push button.
[][]Warm up the tablets without spraying on the tablet bed.
[][]Start spraying phase by pressing the pump start button in manual mode or Spray key in Auto mode. Adjust dosing volume by changing the rpm of the peristaltic pump.
[][]After spraying, stop the Spray by pressing Pump ON/OFF button. Dry the tablets until required
[][]Unload the tablets from the coating pan when desired tablet temperature is attained.

Machine Cleaning

[][]If the machine doesn’t used within 15 days after cleaning, then the machine should be cleaned on the 15th day.
[][]Switch off outlet damper, blower, pan motor, inlet blower.
[][]Open all safety doors.
[][]Dismantle spray system.
[][]Switch on the peristaltic pump by pressing “Switch on button”.
[][]Wash the inside of tube by spraying with hot water followed by purified water.
[][]Again wash the tube with purified water.
[][]The compressed air through tube to dry inside of tube.
[][]Clean the Spray gun nozzle with hot water and soft brush.
[][]Now discharge the water with dissolved materials.
[][]Now hot water is applied inside the chamber to remove materials fixed hardly on the chamber surface.
[][]Wash the machine with wet markin cloth.
[][]Re-wash the machine with purified water as required. Finally rinse with purified water.
[][]Clean inlet ports, discharge port, mixing chamber and external surface with damp cloths.
[][]Wipe the water droplets with cloth, and dry the machine with compressed air.
[][]Fix ‘CLEANED’ label on the machine.
[][]Keep the record of machine operation and cleaning according to the Annexure – I of this SOP.


Annexure – I: Operation and cleaning log sheet of Coating machine, Model: FC 15”-E

Coating Machine Operation and Cleaning Procedure Read More »

Compression machine operation and cleaning procedure

Compression machine, Purpose :

Compression machine, The purpose of this SOP is to describe the Operation and cleaning procedure of CAMBERT Tablet Compression Machine (Model: KMP DB8) in order to comply with cGMP standard.

Compression machine, Scope :

The scope of the procedure is applicable to the CAMBERT Tablet Compression Machine (Model: KMP DB8) at the Product Development area of XX Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Limited.

Definitions / Abbreviation:



[][]The roles and responsibility is as follows:

Operator/Supervisor Product Development

[][]Operation and cleaning of the CAMBERT Tablet Compression Machine (Model: KMP DB8)
[][]Maintaining operation and cleaning log book

Executive/ Sr. Executive Product Development

[][]Checking and ensuring that the operation and cleaning is performed according to the SOP.
[][]Checking the log book.
[][]Preparation and timely review of the SOP.

General Manager, Engineering

[][]Preparation of maintenance schedule and maintenance of the machine.

Manager, Quality Assurance

[][]Ensure that the SOP reflects actual operation, cleaning and maintenance procedure.
[][]Approve the SOP against XX Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Master documents and current regulatory requirements.
[][]Implementation of the SOP.

Procedure: Compression machine

[][]Machine Assembling
[][]Remove the site glass of all sides
[][]Setting of Die
[][]Ensure that the die pockets are cleaned.
[][]Smear the die with food grade oil and place n the die pocket of the die table.
[][]Press the die down with finger to locate accurately the die in the die pocket.
[][]Once the die is located enter the die bar through the upper punch guide hole and allow to drop from a height of 70 – 80 mm approximately.
[][]The die will enter in the pocket apply additional force through die bar until the die is fully down on the die pocket.
[][]In order to set the shaped die enter the upper punch first and align the die cavity with the upper punch and gently push the die with the punch to enter in the die pocket, then apply additional force to fully down the die in the die pocket.
[][]Ensure that the top face of the die is perfectly flash with the die table.
[][]Tighten the die screw with the allen key. Ensure that the die is flash with the die table after tightening. Do not run the machine if die screw is not properly tightened.
[][]Use four blank dies ( four for B tooling and four for D tooling separately) in respective die cavity and install in the same procedure.

Setting of lower punch

[][]Remove the R.H. lower panel to access punch loading plug
[][]Remove the punch loading plug from the middle plate by just pushing it from bottom.
[][]Rotate the turret slowly with the help of hand wheel and align punch guide hole with the punch loading plug cavity.
[][]Insert the punch in to guide hole. Push the punch to its highest position and ensures it drops freely under its own weight. Tighten the punch holding plug with a screw driver.
[][]Carefully rotate the turret by means of the hand wheel until the punch is clear of the loading port.
[][]Set all the lower punch in the same way.
[][]Install the Punch loading plug in the middle plate.

Setting of upper punch

[][]Ensure that the punch guide holes and punches are clean.
[][]Place the punches in the punch holes and check that each punch is free to move in its guide and capable of dropping in to the cam track by its own weight.
[][]Rotate the turret at least one full turn by fly wheel to recheck to ensure that the upper punches enter the die bores without tipping and they run freely throughout the cam system.
[][]In order to set shaped punches (other than round) remove the punch take out plate for upper punch. Then place the punch in the punch holes and observe that the punch is fitted with the die without any friction, than rotate the fly wheel until the upper punch is removed to the punch head fitted position.
[][]Set all the punches in the same manner, then refit the punch take out plate in position.
[][]Rotate the machine manually through fly wheel to ensure that die punch are set correctly and the machine can be run without any friction.
[][]Install the force feeder in front of the machine. Ensure that no part is in touch with the main turret. Tighten the bolts of force feeder. Rotate the machine manually through fly wheel to ensure machine rotates without hindrance.
[][]Install the tablet ejection chute at the right side of the machine. Ensure that no part of the machine is in contact with the turret. Tighten the screw so that the ejection chute.
[][]Install the hopper above the force feeder.
[][]Connect the coupling with the feeder drive, shaft. Lock the coupling.
[][]Check that all nut bolts are tightened correctly.
[][]Install the R.H lower panel and the site glass. The machine is ready to use.

Machine Operation

[][]Rotate the machine through fly wheel and check that there is no abnormal sound in the machine
[][]Connect the main electric supply with the socket.
[][]Turn the machine on off switch to right direction, main drive and feeder drive button light will lights will illuminate to indicate machine is supplied with proper electric supply.
[][]Remove the R.H lower panel and keep the weight adjustment and thickness adjustment wheel at lower position, install the R.H. lower panel.
[][]Keep the speed adjustment knob at low and press the main drive button to ensure that the machine runs without any abnormal noise or hindrance.
[][]Press the main drive off switch, turret will stop.
[][]Remove the lid of the hoper and pour powder in the hoper, Push the feeder drive button feeder will start, wait until powder is transferred to the filling area.
[][]Fix the upper punch penetration wheel at its desired position (from 2 to 6 mm) depending on the punch and product type. Do not change the position of the wheel during operation.
[][]Fix the precompression wheel at its desired position (from 2 to 4), do not change the position of pre compression wheel during operation.
[][]Push the main drive button, turret will start, ensure that the powder are filled accurately in the die cavity.
[][]Rotate the thickness adjustment wheel clockwise until the powders take the shape of tablet.
[][]Adjust the weight of the tablet by rotating the filling depth adjustment wheel clockwise. Clockwise rotation will decrease the tablet weight and anticlockwise rotation will decrease the weight of the tablet.
[][]After desired tablet weight is achieved, adjust the thickness of the tablet. Clockwise rotation of thickness adjustment wheel will decrease the thickness and anticlockwise rotation will increase the thickness.
[][]Tablet hardness will also be adjusted by the thickness adjustment wheel. Clockwise rotation of the wheel will increase the hardness and anticlockwise rotation will decrease the hardness.
[][]Once tablet of desired quality is achieved set the turret speed. Turret speed can be adjusted by the speed adjustment knob. Clockwise rotation of the knob will increase the speed and anticlockwise rotation will decrease the speed.
[][]With any change in the turret speed, feeder speed is also needed to adjust. Clockwise rotation of the feeder speed adjustment knob will increase and anticlockwise rotation will decrease the feeder speed.
[][]Check the tableting parameters (Weight, Hardness and thickness) while turret speed is increased or decreased. Adjust the weight and thickness if necessary.
[][]Rotate the tablet counting key at right side. Counter will start counting the tablets. To watch counting in number of tablet in display place the counter knob at number of tablet position and to watch the turret speed place the counter knob at RPM position.
[][]To stop the turret, press turret off button and to stop the feeder drive, press feeder drive stop button.
[][]To stop the machine instantly, rotate the main switch at left position, machine will stop.

Machine Dismantling

[][]Remove the site glass in front side of the machine.
[][]Remove to material lock from the force feeder, place a poly bag and on the force feeder, excess materials will be flown in to the poly bag.
[][]Switch off the machine, Remove the main power supply form the socket.
[][]Adjust the filling depth wheel and thickness adjustment wheel at the lowermost position
[][]Loosen the ejection chute holding screw and remove the ejection chute

Remove the hoper.

[][]Unlock the feeder drive shaft from the coupling and keep aside. Loosen the force feeder holding screw then remove the force feeder.
[][]Remove the upper punches
[][]Remove the lower RH panel and punch loading plug.
[][]Rotate the machine manually and align the lower punch with the punch loading cavity.
[][]Loosen the punch holding plugs. Punch will automatically come out of the cavity, if required press gently downward and collect the punch.
[][]Remove all the lower punch in the same manner.
[][]Loosen all the die locking screw up to maximum limit.
[][]Enter the die bar from the punch loading cavity. Align the die with the cavity then gently apply pressure upward to remove the die. If necessary apply force through tamping. Die will come out of the die cavity. Remove all the die in the same manner.
[][]Install the lower RH Panel

Machine Cleaning

[][]If the machine doesn’t used within 15 days after cleaning, then the machine should be cleaned on the 15th day.
[][]Remove dusts from the machine with a vacuum cleaner. Collect dust from the turret, punch holding cam, operation panel and machine body.
[][]Clean all the machine parts with dry lint free cloth. Clean the die cavity & die holding plug with a flush brush. Use brush to clean any material sticking in the machine parts, screw and knobs.
[][]Use potable water to clean the turret, machine body, cam, punch holding cavity operation panel, die cavity and die holding screw.
[][]Use hot water to clean all the above mentioned body parts & finally rinse with purified water.
[][]Clean and sob with lint free cloth all the parts to dry any water in the machine body.
[][]Attach RH panel and site glass and stick a cleaned label in the machine.

Cleaning of die and punches

[][]Clean the die and punch with lint free cloth to remove any particle in the die and punch.
[][]Flash the die hole with flash brush and use brush to clean any particle sticking with the die and punch.
[][]Clean the die and punch with potable water, use brush if necessary.
[][]Clean the die and punch with hot water and finally rinse with purified water.
[][]Sob any water present in the die and punch with lint free cloth.
Smear the die and punches with food grade oil and store in the die punch cabinet.

Cleaning of force feeder

[][]Remove the screws of force feeder and open the cover of feeder housing
[][]Remove the paddle and paddle key from the machine and collect dust particle from the feeder housing with vacuum cleaner.

[][]Clean all the parts with lint free cloth.
[][]Clean all the parts with potable water, use Teflon brush if necessary
[][]Clean all machine parts with hot water and then rinse with purified water.
[][]Remove any water particle from the parts with lint free cloth.
[][]Assemble the paddle and cover in the feeder housing and take in a poly bag. Attach a cleaned label in the bag and store in the machine parts cabinet

Cleaning of hopper and ejection chute

[][]Clean all the powder with lint free cloth
[][]Use potable water to clean the hopper and the ejection chute, use Teflon brush where necessary.
[][]Clean the machine with hot water, then rinse with purified water.
[][]Clean and sob out any water remaining in the machine parts with lint free cloth.
[][]Wrap the change parts with poly bag, attach cleaned label in the poly bag and store in the machine parts cabinet.

Annexure: Compression machine

Annexure – I: Operation and cleaning log book.

Compression machine operation and cleaning procedure Read More »

Container blender operation and cleaning procedure

Container blender, Purpose:

Container blender, The purpose of this SOP is to define the operation and cleaning procedure of container blender.

Container blender, Scope:

This SOP is applicable for operation and cleaning procedure of container blender in product development of XX Pharmaceuticals Limited.

Definition / Abbreviation:



[][]The roles and responsibility are as follows:

Operator/Supervisor Product Development

[][]Operation and cleaning of the container blender
[][]Maintaining operation and cleaning log book

Executive/ Senior Executive, Product Development

[][]Checking and ensuring that the operation and cleaning is performed according to the SOP.
[][]Checking the log book.
[][]Preparation and timely review of the SOP.

Manager, Quality Assurance

[][]Ensure that the SOP reflects actual operation and cleaning procedure.
[][]Approve the SOP against XX Pharmaceuticals Limited master documents and current regulatory requirements.
[][]Implementation of the SOP.


Machine Assembling

[][]Before operation assemble the machine accessories that are necessary for operation.
[][]Place the container at the holding arm of the blender. Then, secure it with the holding arm.
[][]Securely close and lock of inlet ports and outlet port in place.
[][]Test whether container rotates smoothly without any abnormal noise after activation. Check that rotation direction is correct according to the arrow sign.

Machine Operation

[][]Connect the power cable to the socket for power supply.
[][]Turn the machine ON/OFF switch (main switch at the right down corner of the machine) to ON. Control panel light will illuminate and the machine is ON.
[][]Unclamp and open the inlet port cover.
[][]Load raw materials into the chamber. Total material load should not exceed the maximum working volume and the minimum working volume.
[][]Securely close the mixing chamber cover and clamp.
[][]Release the EMERGENCY SWITCH, MIXER STOP SWITCH will light up, indicating that the electricity is supplied to the control system and the machine is ready to perform the process.
[][]Set Timer process according to the timer required for the mixing process.
[][]Activate the mixer.
[][]Observe carefully, there is no abnormal noise generated by the blender.
[][]Ensure that there is no leakage in inlet valve and outlet valve during the mixing.
[][]Check that the timer counts down the time. Once the set time is reaches, the mixer will stop operation accordingly.
[][]Place a collection bin under the outlet port. Plastic or clothing bag might be wrap between outlet port and other collection bin to prevent product dispersion into the room.
[][]Open the outlet valve to discharge the product into a collection bin. Open the inlet port to check whether there is any remaining product inside the container.
[][]Shut the outlet port after all product removed.
[][]In case of manual operation set TIMER OFF/ON selector to OFF. And activate the blender.
[][]Push EMERGENCY SWITCH button to discontinue the electrical supply to the system.
[][]Clean the machine as per above cleaning procedure.
[][]Turn the machine ON/OFF button to OFF. The machine light will be OFF.

Machine Cleaning

[][]If the machine doesn’t used within 15 days after cleaning, then the machine should be cleaned on the 15th day.
[][]Place the drain tank under the discharge port.
[][]Ensure the discharge port is securely closed.
[][]Check again there is no material inside the container.
[][]Fill the container until half of the mixing chamber with normal water.
[][]Securely close the inlet port.
[][]Activate the machine to rotate at low speed first before accelerate the speed.
[][]After a while, check inside the chamber whether machine residue is fully dissolved and suspended or not. If not, start the blender rotation again.
[][]Repeat the procedure until it is done.
[][]Now discharge the water with dissolved materials.
[][]Now hot water is applied inside the chamber to remove materials fixed hardly on the chamber surface.
[][]Wash the machine with wet marking cloth.
[][]Re-wash the machine with purified water as required. Finally rinse with purified water.
[][]Clean inlet ports, discharge port, mixing chamber and external surface with damp cloths.
[][]Wipe the water droplets with cloth, and dry the machine with compressed air.
[][]Fix ‘CLEANED’ label on the machine.
[][]Keep the record of machine operation and cleaning according to the Annexure – I of this SOP.


Annexure – I: Operation and cleaning log sheet of Container Blender

Container blender operation and cleaning procedure Read More »

Wet and Dry Granulator Operation and Cleaning Procedure

Wet and Dry Granulator , Purpose:

Wet and Dry Granulator , The purpose of this SOP is to define the operation and cleaning procedure of Wet and Dry granulator.

Wet and Dry Granulator , Scope:

This SOP is applicable for operation and cleaning procedure of Wet and Dry granulator in product development of  XX Pharmaceuticals Limited.

Definition / Abbreviation:



[][]The roles and responsibility are as follows

Operator/Supervisor Product Development

[][]Operation and cleaning of the Wet and Dry granulator
[][]Maintaining operation and cleaning log book

Executive/ Senior Executive, Product Development

[][]Checking and ensuring that the operation and cleaning is performed according to the SOP.
[][]Checking the log book.
[][]Preparation and timely review of the SOP.

Manager, Quality Assurance

[][]Ensure that the SOP reflects actual operation and cleaning procedure.
[][]Approve the SOP against XX Pharmaceuticals Limited master documents and current regulatory requirements.
[][]Implementation of the SOP.


[][]Machine Assembling
[][]Before operation assemble the machine accessories that are necessary for operation.
[][]Place the appropriate granulator head that is Wet head or Dry head.
[][]Place the appropriate sieve in the head.
[][]Securely lock the main head body to the driving shaft.
[][]Clamp down or tighten each component in place and insert the desired sieve with correct mesh size.
[][]Tightened the blade, hopper and body.
[][]Switch on the machine check that the granulation head rotates smoothly and there is no abnormal noise heard.

Machine Operation

[][]Switch on Main Breaker to supply main power to the system.
[][]Place a product container underneath the granulation head.
[][]Wrap the discharge chute with lint-free cloth which allows air to flow through. This will make the product flow penetrating into the product container without dispersing in the air.
[][]Press Start (Green push button) to activate the granulation head. The head will start rotating.
[][]Gradually load material into the granulation head from the top side.
[][]Observe that material loading rate should synchronize with granules output rate, that granule present through the discharge chute into the product collection bin.
[][]Loading product faster in the granulation head will results finer particles than the desired.
[][]The granulation rate varies depending on sieve size used and product characteristics.
[][]After charging all material into the machine and all are discharged, press Stop (Red push button) to discontinue the granulation process. The main shaft will stop rotating.

Machine Cleaning

[][]If the machine doesn’t used within 15 days after cleaning, then the machine should be cleaned on the 15th day.
[][]For safety purpose, cut off the main breaker that supply electricity to the machine before commencing the cleaning operation.
[][]Removing Granulation head from the main machine and bring it to the cleaning area.
[][]Disassemble each component for cleaning separately.
[][]Clean each component with fresh running potable water, hot water finally Purified water. Spatula (scraper) and cleaning agent might be required to remove sticky material attached on the surface.
[][]Do not submerge Granulation head into water bath. Water will penetrate into the bearing housing and cause rust, bearing service life of bearing will be lessened and machine will not operate smoothly.
[][]Spatula (scraper) or cleaning brush used with the machine must be made of only of plastic, rubber or materials that do not generate scratches or damage to the mirror-polished surface.
[][]Sieve should be thoroughly clean and ensure that no material stuck in the perforated holes and wire net.
[][]Repeat cleaning if necessary until the granulation head is completely cleaned.
[][]Use soaked cloth to clean the main granulation machine. Care must be taken that no water enters the control box and motor housing.
[][]Wipe each component with clean and dry cloth to remove the remaining water. Start wiping the critical area that is product contact parts first, following by non-product contact area.
[][]Apply compressed air or heated air to expedite the drying rate. Otherwise, leave each component to dry up in the clean operating room.
[][]Re-wash the machine with purified water as required. Finally rinse with purified water.
[][]Fix ‘CLEANED’ label on the machine.
[][]Keep the record of machine operation and cleaning according to the Annexure – I of this SOP.


Annexure – I: Operation and cleaning log sheet of Wet and Dry granulator

Wet and Dry Granulator Operation and Cleaning Procedure Read More »

Stability Study standard operating procedure

Stability Study, Purpose:

Stability Study, The purpose of this SOP is to define the procedures to be followed in the management of stability studies throughout the stability study lifecycle from study initiation to study completion.

Stability Study, Scope:

[][]This procedure is applicable for
[][]Development of New Product.
[][]Reformulation of existing products.
[][]Routine study of commercial batches.
[][]Change of specification of raw and primary packing material.
[][]Process change.
[][]Change of batch size.
[][]Rework reprocess and investigational batches.
of all pharmaceutical products  at XX Pharmaceuticals limited.

Definitions / Abbreviation:

Stability Studies:

[][]Long-term and accelerated (and intermediate) studies undertaken on Development and/or production batches according to a prescribed stability protocol to establish the shelf-life of an finished pharmaceuticals product.

Accelerated Testing:

[][]Studies designed to increase the rate of chemical degradation or physical change of an active substance or pharmaceutical product by using exaggerated storage conditions as part of the formal stability studies.

Long Term Testing:

[][]Stability studies under the recommended storage condition for the re-test period or shelf life proposed (or approved) for labeling.

Development-scale Batch:

[][]A batch of an FPP manufactured by a procedure fully representative of and simulating that to be applied to a full production-scale batch. For example, for solid oral dosage forms, a Development scale is generally, at a minimum, one-tenth that of a full production scale or 100 000 tablets or capsules, whichever is the larger; unless otherwise adequately justified.


[][]A list of tests, references to analytical procedures, and appropriate acceptance criteria, which are numerical limits, ranges or other criteria for the tests described. It establishes the set of criteria to which an FPP should conform to be considered acceptable for its intended use.

Release Specification:

[][]The combination of physical, chemical, biological, and microbiological tests and acceptance criteria that determine the suitability of an FPP at the time of its release.

Shelf-life Specification:

[][]The combination of physical, chemical, biological, and microbiological tests and acceptance criteria that an FPP should meet throughout its shelf life.


[][]The period of time during which an FPP, if stored correctly, is expected to comply with the specification as determined by stability studies on a number of batches of the API or FPP. The shelf-life is used to establish the expiry date of each batch.

Expiry Date:

[][]The date given on the individual container (usually on the label) of a product up to and including which the API and FPP are expected to remain within specifications, if stored correctly. It is established for each batch by adding the shelf-life to the date of manufacture.


[][]The design of a stability schedule such that only samples at the extremes of certain design factors, e.g. strength and package size, are tested at all time points as in a full design. The design assumes that the stability of any intermediate levels is represented by the stability of the extremes tested.


[][]The design of a stability schedule such that a selected subset of the total number of possible samples for all factor combinations is tested at a specified time point. At a subsequent time point, another subset of samples for all factor combinations is tested. The design assumes that the stability of each subset of samples tested represents the stability of all samples at a given time point.

Container Closure System:

[][]The sum of packaging components that together contains and protects the dosage form. This includes primary packaging components and secondary packaging components, if intended to provide additional protection to the pharmaceutical product.


The roles and responsibility are as follows:

Senior Executive, Product Development

[][]Reporting and generation of stability protocol and stability report for new products
[][]Identify the need for stability study
[][]Sample storage and withdrawal.
[][]Compile and review the trend of analytical test results.
[][]Time to time revision of the SOP.
[][]Prepare Monthly Stability Schedule of new products.

Senior Executive, Quality Control

[][]Prepare, generate & Review Master Stability Schedule
[][]Timely analysis of stability sample and analytical report generation.
[][]Development and validation of finished products analytical method.

Senior Executive, Quality Assurance

[][]Sampling of the commercial batches for real time stability study.
[][]Schedule, reporting and generation of stability protocol and stability report for commercial products.

Head of Quality Assurance

[][]To approve the stability protocol and stability report.
[][]To approve the shelf life and packing instruction of the products to be marketed.



All concerned persons have to follow the SOP. Keep The Stability Samples according to instruction and maintain Stability Schedule of individual Product.

Stability study of Development batches

Stability study protocol of Development batches

[][]Executive product development will generate he stability study protocol after completion of the trial batch of the products according to the Annexure I of this SOP
[][]Individual protocol will be used for individual products. In case of any change in the protocol, due to any stability problem, new version of the protocol will be issued, defining change history at the revision details section of the protocol.
[][]Each protocol will have a unique identification number of 20 digits. As following
GPD stands for General Product Development. In case of Cephalosporin unit, the code will be CPD which indicates cephalosporin Product Development.
SSP stands for Stability Study Protocol.
001 in the numerical serial number, first protocol of the year will bear number 001, second one 002 and continue till the end of the year.
XX stands for the year 20xx, in case of the following years
01 stands for the version number. Second version will bear the number 02 and so on.
/ stands for separator in all case.

[][]Executive, Product Development will maintain a log Book according to Annexure II of the SOP to record the Protocol Number. Specific protocol shall be used for specific products and same number shall never be issued for two products.
[][]Senior executive, product development will check the protocol and Manager, Quality Assurance will approve the protocol.

Determining Batch Size

[][]Executive, Product Development will determine the batch size of the products. Batch size of the Development batches will be one tenth of the commercial batch. Commercial batch size will be determined from the yearly sales forecast. Depending on the sales volume, the commercial batch size will be either 50 kg or 30 kg. Therefore, Development batch size will be either 5.0 kg or 3.0 kg respectively.

Design of stability Study

For new product stability study, one trial batch and two Development batches will be stored for stability study, also optimization and validation batches will be stored for stability testing.

[][]1 Trial batch
(batch size: Below 1 kg or decided batch size)

[][]2 Development batches
(batch size: 1/10th of Commercial batches)

[][]Commercial Batches (Ongoing)

Reformulation manufacturing / Process change / Specification Change (API / Excipient) , one trial batch and two Development batch will be stored for stability study, also optimization and validation batches will be stored for stability testing.

[][]1 Trial batch
(batch size: Below 1 kg or decided batch size)

[][]1 Development batch
(batch size: 1/10th of Commercial batches)

[][]Commercial Batches (Ongoing)
(Accelerated & Long Term)

New Source Development (Primary Packaging Material) / Equipment Change

[][]Trial run with new packing material / equipment

[][]Accelerated Stability study on Commercial batches

Number of sample to be stored

Executive, Product Development will store required quantity of sample according to the dosage form .In case of matrixing number of sample to be stored will be generated from the protocol.

Storage condition

[][]Storage condition of stability sample should be as per WHO assigned climatic Zone which is mentioned below:

Climatic ZoneAcceleratedLong term
Zone I40°C ± 2°C/75% R.H. ± 5% R.H.21°C ± 2°C/45% R.H. ± 5% R.H.
Zone II40°C ± 2°C/75% R.H. ± 5% R.H.25°C ± 2°C/60% R.H. ± 5% R.H.
Zone III40°C ± 2°C/75% R.H. ± 5% R.H.30°C ± 2°C/35% R.H. ± 5% R.H.
Zone IVA40°C ± 2°C/75% R.H. ± 5% R.H.30°C ± 2°C/65% R.H. ± 5% R.H.
Zone IVB40°C ± 2°C/75% R.H. ± 5% R.H.30°C ± 2°C/75% R.H. ±5% R.H.

[][]In case of storage in refrigerator (2°C – 8°C) indicated products storage condition and minimum testing time should be maintained as

StudyStorage conditionMinimum time period
Long term50 C ± 30 C12 months
Accelerated250C ± 20C / 60 ± 5% RH06 months

[][]In case of storage in freezer (-20°C ± 5°C) indicated products storage condition and minimum testing time should be maintained as  Long term storage condition shall be  (-200 C ± 50 C) for 12 months.

[][]As per WHO guideline Bangladesh is in Zone IVA. So, the stability study shall be done as per Zone IVA for the products marketed in Bangladesh only.
[][]Executive, Product Development will store the sample in the following conditions and for mentioned time period (at minimum) for initial submission to drug authority.

StudyStorage conditionMinimum time period covered by data at submission to Regulatory
Long term30°C ± 2°C/65% R.H. ± 5% R.H.12 months
Accelerated40°C ± 2°C/75% R.H. ± 5% R.H.6 months

[][]If 30°C ± 2°C/65% R.H. ± 5% R.H. or 30°C ± 2°C/75% R.H. ±5% R.H. is the long term condition there is no intermediate condition.


[][]Bracketing can only be done if the following criteria is meet
[][]Three or more strength of the products are to be stored for stability.
[][]Products are prepared by the same blend or same pellets by only varying the final weight.
[][]Packing materials for all strength are same.
[][]If all the above mentioned criteria are met, Executive, Product development will specify the bracketing design in the section 10 of the stability protocol.
[][]If applied shelf life for all strength will be declared by only assessing the minimum and maximum strength of the product. For example, if a tablet dosage form has three different strengths like 20 mg, 40 mg and 80 mg, only 20 mg & 80 mg strength may be selected for conducting stability study at all time points. The intermediate strength will then be represented by the stability of the extremes tested.


[][]The following factors can typically be matrixed
Strength (same formulation)
Container size
Container fill sizes
Intermediate time points
[][]The following factors should not be matrixed
Initial and final time points
Test parameters e.g. assay, related substances, pH
Dosage forms
Strength of significantly different formulation
Storage condition

[][]Bracketing and matrixing should not be applied together.
[][]Accelerated storage condition should not be matrixing, only long time test frequency may be matrixed.
Matrixing can be done in batches of the same formulation that are manufactured using same process and same machineries.
[][]Certain batches will be exempted from analysis at certain time point. but following time points must be considered for full scale analysis
Initial time point
06 Month time point
24 month time point with 18 month time point in case of the products with 18 month shelf life.

[][]Executive, Product Development will define the matrixing design at the section 10 of stability protocol.

Storage of stability sample

[][]A sample will be considered for stability storage if it meets the following criteria
[][]Batches prepared by same formulation using API from the same source
[][]Batches prepared using same manufacturing process and machinaries
[][]Batches meeting all specification as outlined in section 11 of the stability protocol
[][]Batches packed in the same container closer system

[][]After approval of the stability protocol, executive, product development will store the necessary quantity of sample  in the stability chamber.
[][]Executive product development will maintain the log book of stability sample storage log book (Annexure III).
[][]Individual log book would be maintained for individual stability chamber.
[][]Chamber number, tray number and position of sample stored must be mentioned clearly in the log book.
[][]Stability chamber tray is numbered numerically from 1 to 8 from top to bottom.

Tray and position number like 1A denotes that the sample is stored in 1st tray and in the rear left position of the tray.

Monthly stability schedule

[][]After storing sample in the stability chamber, executive, product development will entry the product name in the stability schedule. (Annexure IV)
[][]Stability schedule will be printed monthly from the live data, and will be stored in the stability chamber room at the beginning of the month.

Withdrawal of stability sample

[][]Based on the stability schedule, operator, product development will withdraw sample from the specific stability chamber.
[][]Sample will be withdrawn on due date whenever possible, but in case of any circumstance sample may be withdrawn within 7 days after the storage date. No sample will be withdrawn before the expected sample withdrawal date.
[][]After withdrawal of every sample, operator, product development will sign in the sample storage log book.
[][]Executive, product development will assign unique lab control number in every sample and maintain the stability sample analysis register (Annexure V) of this SOP.
[][]Executive, product development will analyze the sample and put the report in product master file, he will also put the data in stability trend.(Annexure VI)
Stability study report of Development batches.
[][]After completion of both the accelerated and long term stability testing executive, product development will generate a stability study report according to the Annexure VII of this SOP.
[][]Each report will have a unique identification number of 20 digit. As following
GPD stands for General Product Development. In case of Cephalosporin unit the code will be CPD which indicates cephalosporin Product Development.
SSR stands for Stability Study Report.
001 in the numerical serial number, first protocol of the year will bear number 001, second one 002 and continue till the end of the year.
15 stands for the year 2015, in case of the following years 16, 17 etc will be used.
01 stands for the version number. Second version will bear the number 02 and so on.
/ stands for separator in all case.

[][]Executive, Product Development will maintain a log Book according to Annexure VIII of the SOP to record the Report number. Specific report shall be used for specific products and same number shall never be issued for two products.
[][]Senior executive, product development will check the report and manager, Quality Assurance will approve the report.
[][]One copy of the report will be provided to quality compliance department for assigning shelf life to the commercial batches.
[][]One copy of the stability report will be generated to the regulatory department for regulatory submission.

Stability study of market sample

[][]A comparative study with the market sample will be done in case of all new products.
[][]Executive, product development will raise requisition for the amount of market sample required to supply chain department.
[][]Executive, product development will store the market sample in stability chamber with the stability batches.
[][]Only accelerated stability study will be done for comparison with the market sample.

[][]Executive, product development will send the sample of market products with the SAF along with the stability batches.
[][]Executive, product development will assign a unique lab control number to the SAF and analyze the sample.
[][]After analysis the analytical reports will be stored in the market products file and the analytical data will be entered in the stability trend (Annexure VI)
[][]After completion of the accelerated stability study a comparative result of the Development batch and market sample will be provided with the accelerated stability report.

Stability study of commercial batches

[][]Stability study protocol of commercial batches

[][]Commercial batches that will undergo stability study are as follows

Batches Accelerated studyLong term study
Optimization batches Y--
Validation batches YY
Change in the source of active raw materials: First three batchYY
Change in the source of major excipients: First batch. (Only if the excipients constitute more than 70 % of the total mix)Y--
Change in manufacturing process: First three batch after changeYY
Change in manufacturing equipment: First three batches after change.YY
Change in manufacturing formula: First three batches after change.YY
Change in batch size.YY
Reprocess / Rework batch: Specific batch.Y--

Y indicates the type of stability study to be conducted. Indicates no stability will be done for this storage condition.

[][]Executive, quality compliance will generate stability study protocol (Annexure I) of commercial batches
[][]Each protocol will have a unique identification number of 20 digit. As following
GQCOM stands for G Block Quality Compliance.
SSP stands for Stability Study Protocol.
001 in the numerical serial number, first protocol of the year will bear number 001, second one 002 and continue till the end of the year.
15 stands for the year 2015, in case of the following years 16, 17 etc will be used.
01 stands for the version number. Second version will bear the number 02 and so on.
/ stands for separator in all case.


[][]Assistant manager, quality Assurance  will check the protocol and manager, quality compliance will approve the protocol.
[][]The protocol will be generated by keeping the batch number portion of the protocol blank. Executive, quality compliance will fill the portion while he will store certain batches in stability.
[][]Long term stability testing will continue for shelf life plus one year, for example if the product is assigned with 24 month shelf life tehn the study will be designed for 24 plus 12 that is for 36 month.

Storage of stability sample

[][]After approval of the stability protocol, executive, quality compliance will send the required quantity of sample to product development department along with the protocol and stability sample.
[][]Executive, product development will receive the sample and store the sample in the stability chamber after filling the log book (Annexure III)

Monthly stability schedule

[][]After storing the stability samples, executive, product development will fill the stability schedule (Annexure IV).
[][]At the beginning of the month executive, product development will print the schedule for the specific month and after signing from the department in charge send the schedule to quality compliance department.

Withdrawal of stability sample

[][]Executive, Quality Assurance will generate a Sample Advice Form (SAF) to product development department, based on the stability schedule.
[][]The SAF should be sent on due date, but due to any circumstance it may be sent after the expected date, no sample will be withdrawn before the schedule date.

[][]After receiving the Sample Advice Form from operator, product development will withdraw the sample and provide the sample to quality compliance department. He will sign in the logbook for sample withdrawal.
[][]Executive, quality Assurance will send the Sample Advice Form from along with the sample to quality control department.
[][]Executive, quality control will receive the sample and assign a unique lab control number and analyze the sample. After analysis executive, quality control will store the data in quality control department and put the result in stability trend.

Stability study report of commercial batches

[][]After completion of the accelerated and long term stability study executive quality compliance will generate the stability study report according to Annexure VII of this SOP.
[][]Each report will have a unique identification number of 20 digit. As following
QA Quality Assurance
SSR stands for Stability Study Report.
001 in the numerical serial number, first protocol of the year will bear number 001, second one 002 and continue till the end of the year.
XX stands for the year 20XX, in case of the following years
01 stands for the version number. Second version will bear the number 02 and so on.
/ stands for separator in all case.
[][]Senior executive, product development will check it and assistant manager quality compliance will review. Manager quality assurance will approve the report.
Significant change criteria“Significant change” for an Finished Pharmaceutical Products are:
[][]A change from the initial content of API(s) of 5% or more detected by assay, or failure to meet the acceptance criteria for potency when using biological or immunological procedures.
[][]Any degradation product exceeding its acceptance criterion.
[][]Failure to meet the acceptance criteria for appearance, physical attributes and functionality test
[][]Also, as appropriate for the dosage form:
[][]Failure to meet the acceptance criterion for pH; or
[][]Failure to meet the acceptance criteria for dissolution for 12 dosage units.

Data evaluation procedure

[][]In general, a provisional shelf-life of 24 months will be established provided the following conditions are satisfied:
[][]The API is known to be stable (not easily degradable).
[][]Stability studies, of API, have been performed and no significant changes have been observed.
[][]Supporting data indicate that similar formulations have been assigned a shelf-life of 24 months or more.
[][]Long-term studies to be continued until the proposed shelf-life has been covered, and the results obtained will be submitted to the national medicines regulatory authority.
[][]Alternatively, after the availability of sufficient long term data, shelf life will be declared following any of the following process:
[][]If the Accelerated stability data shows no significant change, the long term data shows little or no variability and the accelerated data also shows little or no variability then shelf life will be declared as double the time of available long term data but, it should not exceed long term data availability time + 12 month (Y = 2X, but should not exceed Y = X + 12 Month, Where Y = proposed shelf life, and X = period covered by long term data). Such as if a product meets all the above criteria with 12 month long term data, then shelf life will be 2 x 12 = 24 Month. If 24 month long term data will be available, shelf life will be 24 + 12 = 36 month but not 24 x 2 = 48 month.

[][]If accelerated data shows significant change, but long term data shows no significant change and shows little or no variability, a statistical analysis will be performed with graphical representation with 5% upper and lower acceptance criteria. Available data will be then extrapolated to figure out time to attain the lower acceptance criteria.

[][]If backed by the above graphical representation shelf life will be declared as 1.5 time of available long term data but, it should not exceed long term data availability time + 6 month (Y = 1.5X, but should not exceed Y = X + 6 Month Where Y = proposed shelf life, and X = period covered by long term data). Such as if a product meets all the above criteria with 12 month long term data, then shelf life will be 1.5 x 12 = 18 Month. If 24 month long term data will be available, shelf life will be 24 + 6 = 30 month but not 24 x 1.5 = 36 month.

[][]If the Accelerated stability data shows no significant change, the long term data shows variability and the accelerated data also shows little or no variability a statistical analysis will be performed with graphical representation with 5% upper and lower acceptance criteria. Available data will be then extrapolated to figure out time to attain the lower acceptance criteria.

[][]If backed by the above graphical representation, shelf life will be declared as double the time of available long term data but, it should not exceed long term data availability time + 12 month (Y = 2X, but should not exceed Y = X + 12 Month Where Y = proposed shelf life, and X = period covered by long term data). Such as if a product meets all the above criteria with 12 month long term data, then shelf life will be 2 x 12 = 24 Month. If 24 month long term data will be available, shelf life will be 24 + 12 = 36 month but not 24 x 2 = 48 month.

[][]If sufficient data are not available to perform the statistical analysis shelf life will be declared as 1.5 time of available long term data but, it should not exceed long term data availability time + 6 month (Y = 1.5X, but should not exceed Y = X + 6 Month Where Y = proposed shelf life, and X = period covered by long term data). Such as if a product meets all the above criteria with 12 month long term data, then shelf life will be 1.5 x 12 = 18 Month. If 24 month long term data will be available, shelf life will be 24 + 6 = 30 month but not 24 x 1.5 = 36 month.

[][]If the Accelerated stability data shows no significant change, the long term data shows variability and the accelerated data also shows variability a statistical analysis will be performed with graphical representation with 5% upper and lower acceptance criteria. Available data will be then extrapolated to figure out time to attain the lower acceptance criteria.

[][]If backed by the above graphical representation, shelf life will be declared as double the time of available long term data but, it should not exceed long term data availability time + 12 month (Y = 2X, but should not exceed Y = X + 12 Month Where Y = proposed shelf life, and X = period covered by long term data). Such as if a product meets all the above criteria with 12 month long term data, then shelf life will be 2 x 12 = 24 Month. If 24 month long term data will be available, shelf life will be 24 + 12 = 36 month but not 24 x 2 = 48 month.

[][]If sufficient data are not available to perform the statistical analysis shelf life will be declared as 1.5 time of available long term data but, it should not exceed long term data availability time + 6 month (Y = 1.5X, but should not exceed Y = X + 6 Month Where Y = proposed shelf life, and X = period covered by long term data). Such as if a product meets all the above criteria with 12 month long term data, then shelf life will be 1.5 x 12 = 18 Month. If 24 month long term data will be available, shelf life will be 24 + 6 = 30 month but not 24 x 1.5 = 36 month.

Labeling statement for finished product

[][]As the accelerated storage condition is 40°C ± 2°C/75% R.H. ± 5% R.H, and the long term storage condition is 30°C ± 2°C/65% R.H. ± 5% R.H. then the storage condition in final pack should include “ Do not store above 30°C”.
[][]Semi-finished and ready to fill materials
[][]In case of semi-finished and ready to fill material shelf life will be based on manufacturers declared shelf life regardless of date of dispensing.

Photostability Testing

[][]Selection of product/batch
[][]Photostability testing will be conducted for the finished products of which photo sensitivity is known. Products that are not photosensitive will not fall under the criteria of photo stability testing Photostability will be done for the Development batches and the validation batches only.
[][]Photostability will be conducted in following cases
[][]For new products
[][]Any change in the formulation
[][]Any change in the immediate pack
[][]Any change in the marketing pack
[][]From the three Development and trial batch, one Development batch will be stored for photostability, if the result from one batch is not conclusive then two other batch will be stored for photostability.
[][]From the three validation batch, one batch will be stored for photostability, if the result from one batch is not conclusive then two other batch will be stored for photostability.

Design of photostability

[][]Products will be stored in three following types
[][]Fully exposed products (products without any packing, coated if coating is incorporated)
[][]Products in immediate pack (eg. Blister or glass bottle or vial, ampoule)
[][]Products in the marketing pack (eg. Inner carton)
[][]Along with a controlled sample, this will be covered with aluminum foil to assure complete protection light.

Photostability testing protocol of Development batch

[][]Executive, product development will generate photostability testing protocol of Development batch according to Annexure IX of this SOP
Individual protocol will be used for individual products. In case of any change in the protocol, due to any stability problem, new version of the protocol will be issued, defining change history at the revision details section of the protocol.
[][]Each protocol will have a unique identification number of 20 digit. As following

PD stands for Product Development.
PSP stands for photo stability protocol.
001 in the numerical serial number, first protocol of the year will bear number 001, second one 002 and continue till the end of the year.
XX stands for the year 20X, in case of the following years
01 stands for the version number. Second version will bear the number 02 and so on.
/ stands for separator in all case.
[][]Executive, Product Development will maintain a log Book according to Annexure X of the SOP to record the Protocol Number. Specific protocol shall be used for specific products and same number shall never be issued for two products.
[][]Senior executive, product development will check the protocol and Manager, Quality Assurance will approve the protocol.

Number of sample to be stored

Number of sample stored will follow the following criteria

[][]Sample type/Number of sample
[][]Fully exposed sample /60 pcs
[][]Sample in immediate pack /60 pcs
[][]Sample in marketing pack /60 pcs
[][]Controlled sample /60 pcs

Sample storage procedure

[][]Executive, product development will store sufficient sample in the stability chamber after approval of the protocol
[][]He will provide input in the photostability sample storage log book (Annexure XI), he will provide input regarding the sample withdrawal time at the same time.
[][]Time requirement for sample to be stored should be calculated based on the procedure outlined

Withdrawal of sample

[][]Executive, product development will input the required time in photostability sample storage log book, in case of withdrawal time falling in the off time sample will be withdrawn at next possible time, no sample will be withdrawn before the schedule time.
[][]Operator, product development will OFF the light and withdraw the sample at scheduled time, and after wraping the sample with light protected barrier provide the sample for analysis.

Storage condition and procedure

[][]Executive, product development will define the position number in the tray, the tray is divided in supplied  position
[][]Executive, product development will define the position of each sample in the protocol from the above figure.
[][]He will ON the flurosence lamp and the UV lamp and take three reading of the flurosence light and UV light and from the average data will calculate the time required to attain the sufficient exposure time from the following equation

[][]Time required for flurosence light (H) = 1.2 x 1000000 / average data
[][]Time required for UV light (H) = 200 x 1000000 / average data x 10000
[][]After estimating the required time, executive, product development will determine when UV light will be kept OFF and when the sample will be withdrawn.
[][]Executive, product development will take reading of the both light twice daily, within the scheduled time at 8.30 AM in the morning and 4.30 PM in the evening, to figure out the actual values of light during sample stored.
[][]He will note the values daily in the photostability testing protocol.

Analysis of sample

[][]Executive, product development will analyze the samples along with the controlled sample after the end of the exposer time.
[][]In case of Tablet or Capsule a composite sample of 20 pcs will be analyzed.
[][]In case of other samples (eg. Suspension or vial/ampoule) homogeneous sample must be used for determination.
[][]Following test parameters will be tested after the exposed time
[][]Clarity or color of solution (for suspension and vial/ampoule)
[][]Disintegration and dissolution for tablet and capsules.
[][]After completion of the analysis, executive, product development will submit the analytical result for evaluation.

Photostability testing report of Development batch

After completion of both the accelerated and long term stability testing executive, product development will generate a stability study report according to the Annexure II of this SOP.

[][]Each report will have a unique identification number of 20 digit. As following
PD stands for Product Development.
PSR stands for photostability study report.
001 in the numerical serial number, first protocol of the year will bear number 001, second one 002 and continue till the end of the year.
15 stands for the year 20XX
01 stands for the version number. Second version will bear the number 02 and so on.
/ stands for separator in all case.
[][]Executive, Product Development will maintain a log Book according to Annexure X of the SOP to record the report number. Specific report shall be used for specific products and same number shall never be issued for two products.
[][]Senior executive, product development will check the report and manager, quality assurance will approve the report.
[][]One copy of the report will be provided to quality compliance department for assigning shelf life to the commercial batches.
[][] Photostability study protocol of commercial batch
[][]Executive, quality compliance will generate photostability testing protocol of commercial batch according to Annexure VIII of this SOP
[][] Individual protocol will be used for individual products. In case of any change in the protocol, due to any stability problem, new version of the protocol will be issued, defining change history at the revision details section of the protocol.
[][]Each protocol will have a unique identification number of 20 digit. As following
QA stands for Quality Assurance
PSP stands for photo stability protocol.
001 in the numerical serial number, first protocol of the year will bear number 001, second one 002 and continue till the end of the year.
XX stands for the year 20XX.
01 stands for the version number. Second version will bear the number 02 and so on.
/ stands for separator in all case.
[][] Executive, Quality Assurance will maintain a log book according to Annexure XIII to record the report number. Specific protocol shall be used for specific products and same number shall never be issued for two products.
[][]Assistant manager, Quality Assurance will check the protocol and Manager, Quality Assurance will approve the protocol.
[][]Quantity of sample stored will be same as the section 7.7.4 of this SOP, storage conditions will be same as the section 7.7.5 of this SOP
[][]Storage of stability sample
[][]After approval of the stability protocol, executive, quality compliance will send the required quantity of sample to product development department along with the protocol and stability sample.
[][]Executive, product development will receive the sample and store the sample in the photo stability chamber after filling the log book.
[][] Withdrawal of stability sample
[][]Executive, quality compliance will generate a Sample Advice Form (SAF) to product development department, based on the stability schedule.
[][] The SAF should be sent on due date, but due to any circumstance it may be sent after the expected date, no sample will be withdrawn before the schedule date.
[][]After receiving the SAF operator, product development will withdraw the sample and provide the sample to quality compliance department.
[][]Executive, quality assurance will send the SAF along with the sample to quality control department.
[][] Executive, quality control will receive the sample and assign a unique lab control number and analyze the sample. After analysis executive, quality control will store the data in quality control department and put the sample in stability trend.

Photostability study report of commercial batch

[][]After completion of the photostability study executive quality compliance will generate the stability study report according to Annexure – IX of this SOP.
[][]Each report will have a unique identification number of 20 digit. As following
QA stands for General Quality Assurance.
PSR stands for Photostability study report.
001 in the numerical serial number, first protocol of the year will bear number 001, second one 002 and continue till the end of the year.
15 stands for the year 20XX
01 stands for the version number. Second version will bear the number 02 and so on.
/ stands for separator in all case.
[][] Senior executive, product development will check it and assistant manager quality compliance will review. Manager quality assurance will approve the report.
[][]Evaluation of data
[][]Sample data will be evaluated against the data of the controlled sample for any change in samples.
[][] Depending on the extent of change special labeling or packaging will be designed to mitigate exposure light.

Labeling information

Depending on the extent of change storage information like “Protect from light” will be incorporated in the marketing pack.


Annexure – I : Stability study protocol.
Annexure – II : Stability study protocol log book for Development batch.
Annexure – III : Stability sample storage log book.
Annexure – IV : Monthly stability schedule.
Annexure – V : Stability Sample analysis register.
Annexure – VI : Stability trend.
Annexure – VII : Stability study report.
Annexure – VIII : Stability study report log book for Development batch.
Annexure – IX : Photostability study protocol of Development batch.
Annexure – X : Photostability protocol logbook of Development batch.
Annexure – XI : Photostability sample storage log book.
Annexure – XII : Photostability study report of Development batch.
Annexure – XIII : Photostability report log book of Development batch.

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correspondence with regulatory affairs

Correspondence with regulatory affairs , Purpose:

Correspondence with regulatory affairs , The purpose of this SOP is to describe the procedures of the following activities related with the regulatory affairs, Namely
[][]Recipe preparation
[][]Annexure Preparation
[][]Sample sending procedure to DGDA for INN Products.
[][]Annexure amendment as and when necessary.
[][]To comply with the cGMP as well as DGDA requirements.

Correspondence with regulatory affairs , Scope:

This procedure is to be followed for recipe preparation, Annexure preparation, sample sending to DGDA for INN products and Annexure amendment procedure in of XX Pharmaceuticals Limited.

Definition of Terms:

[][]SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
[][]DA: Drug Administration
[][]INN: International Nonproprietary Name
[][]cGMP: Current Good Manufacturing Practice.
[][]QA: Quality Assurance
[][]QC: Quality Control
[][]PD: Product Development
[][]RA: Regulatory Affairs
[][]SCM: Supply Chain Management
[][]COA: Certificate of Analysis
[][]MOA: Method of Analysis
[][]W/S: Working Standard


The roles and responsibility are as follows:

Executive / Sr. Executive, PMD

[][]Generation of recipe.
[][]Generate pack size and brand name of the products.

Executive / Sr. Executive, Product Development

[][]Recipe and Annexure Preparation after completion of stability study
[][]Provide sample and stability data of INN products for submission to DA
[][]Provide Annexure amendment form and other related documents for Annexure amendment

Manager, Regulatory Affairs

[][]Recipe, Annexure, INN product sample and Annexure amendment form Submission to DA and provide approved recipe to QA
Update to QA, PD about any changes or requirements of DA

Executive / Sr. Executive, Quality Control

[][]Analysis of INN product sample send to DA

Head of Plant Operation

[][]Review Recipe and Annexure prior send to DGDA

Head of Quality Assurance

[][]Review the Recipe and Annexure prior send to DGDA.
[][]Approve the SOP against XX Pharmaceuticals Ltd. master documents and current regulatory requirements.
[][]Implementation of the SOP


[][]All concerned persons have to follow the SOP.
[][]Any deviation from the stated procedure should be documented and reported to the supervisor for corrective measure.


[][]Procedure for product proposal and feasibility testing
[][]PMD will generate the Recipe after finalization of product brief and based on technical feasibility.
[][]Recipe will be submitted according to the Annexure – I of this SOP
[][]Executive / Sr. Executive, PMD will fill the product data sheet and the section 6 and 7 of the Annexure and send to Product Development Department.
[][]Executive / Sr. Executive, Product development will fill the technical data section of the Recipe carefully and send the Recipe to GM Plant for further checking and signing in the particular section.
[][]After signing Product development will send the recipe to Head of QA for checking and signing in the particular section.
[][]After approval of the Recipe regulatory affairs shall conform to QA about the approval.
[][]Procedure for Annexure Preparation
[][]Necessary documents to be provided for product inclusion includes
Application for new product inclusion to the director of DA
Recipe approval form from DA
Product Inclusion fee
For INN products necessary quantity of sample (as described by DA) and analytical method of the product.
Text of the packing materials
Accelerated Stability data of the product.
[][]Regulatory Affairs will provide the application, Recipe approval form and product inclusion fee.
[][]PD will generate the Accelerated Stability Data of the product after completion of six month stability
[][]PD will prepare the Annexure after completion of six month accelerated stability.
[][]Annexure for Non Biological drugs will be filled through Annexure I and for Biological drugs will be filled through Annexure II of DA.
[][]Manufacturing License no for Biological and Non Biological License will be checked before filling the corresponding Annexure.
[][]Brand name and blister/bottle/ampoule/vial per pack must be checked before filling the Annexure
[][]Formulation of the product must be filled according to the Stable pilot batch formulation after completion of six month stability.
[][]Compendial reference must be checked for active materials and excipients while filling the Annexure.
[][]Annexure must be filled as Quantity per tablet/capsule for tablet and capsule dosage forms, Quantity per 100 ml for PFS/Syrup/Suspension/ampoules, Quantity per vial for injectable vials.
[][]After completion of Annexure, Manager QA shall check the formulation according to the stable pilot batch formulation and send it to the RA along with other documents.
[][]Regulatory Affairs will arrange for submission and approval of the Annexure from DA.
[][]After approval of the Annexure ,RA will send copies of the Annexure to QA and PD.

Procedure for Sample Sending of INN Products

Required documents for sample sending to the DA are
[][]Application for approval of INN products to director of DA.
[][]Recipe approval form from DA
[][]Fees for analysis
[][]Required quantity of sample of different dosage forms as required by DA
[][]Method of analysis of the active materials as supplied by the manufacturer.
[][]Certificate of Analysis of the active materials.
[][]Working Standard/ Reference Standard of the active materials.
[][]Method of analysis of the finished product
[][]Sample Chromatogram of the active materials.

[][]Regulatory Affairs will arrange for the submission of application, Recipe approval form and fees for analysis to the DA

[][]Quality control will arrange the MOA supplied by the manufacturer, COA and WS and the sample chromatogram after the initial analysis of the sample to be sent to DA.
[][]Manager, QA will check all the documents and arrangement to send to Regulatory Affairs
[][]Regulatory Affairs will arrange the submission to the DA and after the approval will send copies to QA, PD and QC.

Procedure for Annexure amendment

An Annexure can be amended in following cases (not limited to)
[][]Any change in the formulation than the approved Annexure after the process validation.
[][]Inclusion or exclusion of any excipients than the approved Annexure.
[][]Increase or decrease in the quantity of Excipients than the approved Annexure
[][]After any reformulation work.
[][]PD will arrange the justification of Annexure amendment form according to the Annexure – III

[][]In case of inclusion or exclusion of excipients corresponding row will be left blank.
[][]Head of QA and GM plant operation will check the requirements of the justification of Annexure amendment and the formulation and sign for approval.
[][]PD will generate the revised Annexure following step .
[][]Manager, QA will check the revised Annexure according to the revised formulation (pilot batch or validation batch) and documents to RA.
[][]RA will submit and amend the Annexure accordingly and send approved copies to QA.
[][]QA will send revised approved Annexure to PD and SCM and obsolete the previous Annexure.


Annexure – I: Recipe format
Annexure – II: Annexure format
Annexure – III: Format of Annexure amendment form.

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New Product Development Procedure

New Product Development Purpose:

New Product Development, To detail the standard operating procedure for the manufacturing of new products by Product Development Department.

New Product Development Scope:

This SOP is applicable for new product of  XX Pharmaceuticals Limited.

Definitions / Abbreviation:

[][]Preformulation: Preformulation is the basic study of the physical and chemical properties of the product prior to start the formulation procedure. Generally, preformulation are conducted to get necessary information to optimize formulation of the products.
[][]Trial Batch: Trial batches are the batches that are conducted in small scale to finalize the formulation of the product in terms of physical feasibility and cost effectively.
[][]Batch: Batches are the Batch that will be prepared to conduct the full physical and chemical stability of the product.
[][]Development Batch: Development batches are the batches that are manufactured and packed using production machinery, for which full physical and chemical accelerated stability will be conducted. The batch size for Development batch should be at a minimum of one tenth of the commercial batch.
[][]Stability Study: Studies conducted to ensure that finished dosage form with excipient will exert to produce its intended effects over the shelf life.
[][]SAF: Sample Advice Form
[][]PB: Pilot Batch
[][]PV: Process Validation
[][]PD: Product Development
[][]DB: Development batch
[][]BMR : Batch manufacturing Record


The roles and responsibility are as follows:

Executive/ Sr. Executive PMD

[][]Issue of Product Proposal, Product Brief, Technical Feasibility Analysis Report.

Executive/ Sr. Executive Product Development

[][]Development of new products following this SOP.
[][]Preparation and periodic revision of the SOP
[][]To ensure that the documents technically are accurate and reflects the required working practice

Manager, Supply Chain Management

[][]To ensure availability of all necessary raw materials (active and excipients) for new product purpose

Executive/ Sr. Executive, Quality Control

[][]Analysis of samples of raw materials, trial batches, batches, Development batches, process validation batches.

Manager, Regulatory Affairs

[][]To provide all necessary information on regulatory requirements for new products.

Head of Quality Assurance

[][]Approve the SOP against XX Pharmaceuticals Ltd. master documents and current regulatory requirements.
[][]Ensure effective implementation of the SOP


[][]After getting Product Proposal, Product brief and Feasibility study report from PMD, start information collection about that product from all possible sources; i.e. BP, USP, BNF, Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR), The Electronic Medicines Compendium, Mark Index, Martindale, Patent manufacturer of the API, Internet etc.
[][]Summarize or highlight that information vital for formulation in the preformulation Study (Annexure-I) & discuss with the members of team through a meeting, if required.
[][]Inform Quality control department to collect sample of the specific product, mention any specific requirement of the product and sample quantity through mail.
[][]Collect the sample of the product from market, preferably from patent manufacturer or of leading Brand Company. Check the physical parameters of the market products to set specifications of our final product.
[][]To get preliminary idea about formulation, make trial of minimum units of each dosage form and record on the Trial Batch (TB) Manufacturing Sheet (Annexure-II). Send the trial batch for QC analysis and figure out best probable formulation.
[][]Based on the information collected in preformulation study and considering trial batch formulation confirm product formula and issue manufacturing instruction for batches (DB). Total manufacturing procedure of batches should be noted properly in to the batch manufacturing record (Annexure – III)
[][] Submit the sample for analysis & compare the results with set specification previously set by the quality control department.
[][]After getting satisfactory results send the batch (DB) sample to production department along with ERP generated packing material requisition for primary packing.
[][] Store the finally packed samples in the accelerated and long term condition according to SOP/PD/003/02 & store the batch manufacturing record in to the product master file. It should be insured that for comparative study, market leading brands, preferably of patent manufacturer is being studied simultaneously.
[][] Analyze and evaluate the stability study results periodically submitted by Quality Control department. Discuss with the head of the department for further proceeding.
[][] After getting satisfactory batch (DB) results, take necessary action for scaling up in to Development batch (PB). Manufacture the Development batch according to the manufacturing formula and instruction of the batch, maintaining all GMP requirements for commercialization of the batch.
[][]Batch size of Development batch should be preferably equivalent to commercial batches and optimization of machine capacity should be considered properly.
[][]Total manufacturing procedure for Development batch should be noted in the Optimization batch manufacturing record (Annexure V), Critical process parameters be justifies and optimized for validation.
[][] For solid oral dosage forms the Development batch size is generally taken to be, at a minimum one tenth that of full commercial batch, or 100000 tablets or capsules whichever is larger, This quantity can be compromised only in case of machine capacity constrain.
[][] Check the analytical results in each & every steps of Development batch. Ensure that the results are within specifications. Then proceed to next step.
[][] Submit the sample of Development batch (PB) to QC laboratory for analysis and stability study following the same procedure as like batch (DB).
[][] To standardize the commercial batch size and to set all the process parameters, first Development batch will be manufactured as optimization batch under the direct supervision of concerned PD Executive. If more than three optimization batches are required for setting all process parameters then it should be justified through risk assessment.
[][] Satisfactory Development batch (PB) result should be informed to all concerned departments to pack as commercial batch according to launching forecast.
[][] Prepare Batch Manufacturing Record (BMR) for a particular product, based on the manufacturing record of Development batches. Finally hand over all related documents of a new product e.g. BMR, Batch formula etc. to Quality Compliance departments for start up the Process validation activities.
[][] On the basis of the approved BMR, next three consecutive commercial batches will be considered as process validation batches.

Reformulation Procedure

[][]A product will be reformulated for any or all of the following causes.
[][]A failure in the evaluation of validation program.
[][]In case of a deviation of a specification that cannot be trouble shoot.
[][]For changing the manufacturing process.
[][]A root cause analysis will be done by the Quality Compliance Department in case of the deviations.


Annexure – I: Preformulation Study Sheet.
Annexure – II: Trial Batch Manufacturing Sheet.
Annexure – III: Batch Manufacturing Record.
Annexure – IV: Optimization batch Manufacturing Record.

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