
What is the difference between Mass and Weight?

What is the difference between Mass and Weight? Generally, people, treat them same term in practical life but in physics, they are very much different. One is in practical matter another is variable place to place, Hight to Hight depends gravity. What is gravity? force that exists among all material objects in universe. Express as g & it change place to place, Hight to Hight but one thing that is not change, this is it. It is Mass.

If you in Australia your mass is 59kg, if you in UK you are in 59kg if you in USA you are in almost 59kg, if you in Mars, obviously you are in 59kg. It can’t be change. This is just like your personality which never change other is your attitude which always chance place to place.

So, what is the definition of Mass?

Thousands of types of definition you will find in web but I like the following-

Mass can be defined as amount of matter present in you. No matter at what place you are may be in Africa or Europe its value remains constant.

What is the definition of Weight?

Weight is the force by which you are being attracted by this amazing planet. This is very much changeable from planet to planet & height to height. Gravity on Mars is 38 percent of Earth’s gravity, so a 100kg person on Earth would weight 38kg on Mars.

On the other hand, we can say that Mass is actually a physical quantity which measures amount of matter in a body whereas weight is actually the force with which earth pulls our body towards its own center.

How can we express them?

Generally, Mass is express by “m” and its S.I. unit is kg where as Weight is Expressed by “W” and its SI unit is N[Newton].

Weight is mainly the amount of forces force exerted by earth on a mass of any substance. Weight can be calculated as Weight=Mass x g, where g is acceleration due to gravity and its value is 9.8.

Let me explain,

If want to something buys from supermarket or any place where you prefer, may be online, they will mention mass of the Object not weight in practical though some of the company mention weight of the object but actually that it the mass of the object not weight of the object.

You will only get the weight of the object, when you multiply the value with “g”. So, if your weighing machine gives the reading for a object as 100kg then it weight will be 100×9.8=980N. Hope you got it.

Value of the weight is negligibly change in the earth surface as the value of the “g” is not significantly change on our planet surface but a little amount change in poles of the earth as the value of “g” slightly increase inversely in equator area the value decrease.

Evaluation of Mass & Weight

From the very beginning, people are involving their goods for trading. 2-pan balance scale and some reference weights were the primary transaction method to determine the quantity of item. Balance was achieved by placing unknown amount of goods to one pan and another pan contains reference weight. The main problem of the two pan scale was it can’t measure the force only measure the mass.

At the time of the advent of English, the traders referred their known item to compare to the another unknown item as “weights”, and this process known as weighing and thus the result ,mentions as weights at a little before 1000AD.

In late 1600, famous laws of motion developed by Isaac Newton’s but this is not quite accurate in extremely high speeds where theory of special relativity [Albert Einstein’s at 20th-century] is required. Mass depends on how much matter-atoms is an object.

Lot of research on relationship between the quantity of matter & effect of force on that matter, especially with the concept of gravity was performed by Newton & Hooke at 1600s. After the completion of the research, they publish their research paper in Latin as that time it was major communication medium in scientific research.

At 1700s, the Newton and Hooke works start to publish in English and in this process the decided the take the word “Weight” as amount of material which is already use for the centuries and its related to gravity and taking the word “Mass” [ which was unrelated meaning in that time] and having it mean to the amount of material [Similar meaning of Weight as that was using in that time]. So, the great confusion starts then. This was the fault of physicists & their translators.

Mass can be defined as the measurement of an object’s tendency to resist changing its own state of motion, well known as inertia. Left a football on a field will stay put or move in a straight line unless some force like friction, touch by foot or hand or creating obstacle to the line, it will keep moving forward. So much is the measure of force which will require to change its path.

Weight, can be defined as the measure of amount of downwards force that gravity exerts on a specific object. If the mass of the object increases then force increases, the more inertia it contains, then harder gravity pulls. On our Earth’s surface, force of gravity is almost 9.8 newtons per kg.

As the two term was confusing so people involve in trade, law, commerce had no interest to change the long use term “Weight” and continue it. Weight to them, physicists started calling mass already and this practice continue still today.

People who are involving in commerce & Law use the word “Weight” to define the amount of material where never involve the meaning of force and never implement the word “Mass”. At the year of 1750, spring scale was invented and it calibrated to read out the mass which surprisingly works very fine until it moved to significantly different strength of gravity. In our planet, the change of gravity is almost same until it Moves to poles or equator, if do so then change of gravity is not significant. So the traders continue to use the word “Weight” as they are using this term for a long period of time to define the word “Mass”.

At the period of time, physicists start proclaiming that the effectiveness of the Word “Weight” and “Mass” is correct and anyone who used them otherwise is very much incorrect and such shall be obsolete. This is totally insane as the physicists were violating the long-term usage of word “Weight”. They also emphasize the usage of word “Weight” referring forces. But this didn’t reflect the practical life. In practical life, in Commerce and Law, it is very much considered that the Weight is the synonyms of Massa and its correct is kilograms not newtons.

In this context, this is very much meaningful that “I weigh 99 kg” or “My weight is 99 kg” but as per Physics weight is the result of Mass and associated with gravity on its which unit is Newton not kilogram. As discussed, it can’t say forcefully that they are using the terminology incorrectly, moreover in some context the answer of the question is “There is no difference between “Weight and Mass” due to they are synonyms to each other and measured in kilogram.

But there is a clear distinction between the two terminologies where Mass is the amount of material which measured in kilogram and Weight is type of force with Mass measured in Newton. In technical field all of the measurements are associated with the Organization titled as “Weights and Measures”.

As per Scientists “Weight is measured in Newton[N] which is 9.8 times larger than Mass[m] in earth surface and this may vary from place to place [Earth to Moon, Earth to Mars, Earth to Saturn etc.] 10kg of Mass has Weight of 98N and this has the Weight in Moon has 10.6N in Moon.

To simply understand the difference between Weight & Mass is” Mass is the Personality of Matter and Weight is its own attitude which is variable to place to place”.

Mass is actually the intrinsic property of matter which is just like the like personality is of a man and weight is the gravitational pull on the specific object which depends on the other body which is employing on it which is similar to attitude depends on another party.

Expression of Weight and Mass
As per Physical Science, the Mass and Weight are the totally different and their expression is “m” for Mass and unit is kg where Weight express as m x g [g, acceleration due to gravity] and its unit is Newton.

Let consider Mass is m, then
Weight= m[Mass] x g[acceleration due to gravity]

What Is the Difference Between Weight and Mass?

In ordinary conversation, “mass” and “weight” are used interchangeably but they are very much different to each other. Mass is defined as the amount of material present in the matter where Weight is measured as how force of gravity acts on that mass. Amount of matter in a body is measured by mass and Express by “m” or “M”. The amount of force acting on a mass due to the acceleration due to gravity is measured by Weight and it’s the result of Mass multiplied by acceleration of gravity (g).

The values for mass and weight are the same if it does not move on Earth. If you change your location from low to or high to low gravity then the Weight of the Object shall be change but its mass remain same in any location as mass is not location dependent. You can think that your mass of the body is always same but your Weight shall be different on Mars compare to Earth.

Difference Between Mass and Weight

Sl. No.Differentiating PropertyMassWeight
1DefinitionMass is the measure of the amount of matter in a body.It is the measure of amount of force acting on a mass due to acceleration due to gravity.
2CriteriaMass of an object is same in everywhere as Mass is a property of matter.Weight always increases or decreases with higher or lower gravity as Weight depends on effect of the gravity.
3ValueMass is a constant Value and Mass can’t be zero in any place.If no gravity acts upon an object, as in space then Weight can be zero as 0 [Zero] gravity acts on the mass.
4LocationAs per location, Mass does not changeDepends on location, Weight varies accordingly.
5DenotationMass is denoted by “M”.Weight is denoted by “W”.
6MeasurementAn ordinary balance can be used to measure Mass.A spring balance is used to measure Weight.
7UnitMass generally is measured in grams and kilograms.Weight measured in newtons which is a unit of force.
8FormulaMass is always constant value for a body and there are several formulas to calculate the mass.
Mass can be calculated as:
Mass = Volume × Density
Weight is the measure of the gravitational force acting on a body.
Weight can be calculated as:
Weight = mass × acceleration due to gravity[g]
9Gravitational EffectMass does not depend upon gravity and is constant everywhere in the universe.Weight is dependent on gravity and so, it varies from place to place in the planet.
10Measuring InstrumentMass can be easily measured using any ordinary balance like beam balance, lever balance, pan balance, etc.Weight can be measured by a spring balance or by using its formula.

If I go other Planets then How Much I Weigh on there?

Due to acceleration to gravity the weight varies dramatically but person’s mass doesn’t change elsewhere in the solar system. The “surface” distance from the center of gravity plays a major role to calculate the gravity on the mass. When you travel on the top of the mountain [The Himalayas] your weight shall be slightly lower than the sea level. Always mass is not the major as mentioned before, distance plays a significant role.

Suppose, If I in Saturn, my weight will not increase Saturn 95.2 times as Saturn is 95.2 times heavier than earth due to its surface is so much far [1.4075 billion km from Earth] from the center of the earth. To get the actual weight of a person just multiply the appropriate number of Earth Gravity. For Example, 100-pound person shall be weight on 113.9-pound on Saturn or 1.139 times weight on Earth.

Different Surface Gravity on different Planet

ParticularsMultiple of
Earth Gravity
Surface Gravity
Earth1 (defined)9.8226

Above the explanation, your weight will be same in Venus as the planet has the same size and mass as Earth. You feel slightly higher weight in Neptune and Saturn but less feel in gas giant Uranus. Almost same weight shall be assumed in Mercury and Mars though Mercury is much smaller than Mars[30% wider than Mercury].

If sun become cold [not possible in near future as assumed] you will feel 28 times much weight compare to Earth surface as it’s the more massive in our solar system.

What is the difference between Mass and Weight? Read More »

What is the difference between Data and Information?

Most of the cases we think that “data” and “information” are same but they actually aren’t the same though they are often used interchangeably. There are elusive differences between these two components & their purposes of use. information is organization & interpretation of group of facts where Data is defined as individual facts. To identify and solve problems, you can use the data & information together. To drive a successful business, we can use these two components to accelerate the ultimate mission to reach the goal.

What Is Data?

Collection of individual facts or statistics is defined as data (Data is plural form of ”datum” but the term didn’t use in for daily expression. Data has its various type of form such as figures, text, observations, numbers, images, graphs, or symbols. Individual dates, prices, weights, addresses, ages, temperatures, distances, names, etc. can the example of data.

Data is simply defined as “facts & figures”. Each piece of data is a tiny fact that doesn’t mean abundant of its own. Data can be defined for singular fact or collection of facts. It comes from the Latin word ”datum”, mean “something given”. “datum” is technically correct singular form of data but is hardly used in public language. Its early usage dates back to 1600s. Over time “data” has become plural of “datum”.

Data doesn’t carry any significance or purpose, it’s the raw form of knowledge. To make it meaningful you have to interpret data. Bits & bytes are used to measured data which are units of information in context of computer storage & processing the same.

Data without analyzed, organized, and interpreted may even seem useless & data can be simple. Two types of data are depicted here-
[][]Quantitative data is in numerical form, like volume, weight, cost of an item. Its not descriptive.
[][]Qualitative data is descriptive, like sex, name, or cloth color of a person. It’s not but non-numerical.

What Is Information?

It can be defined as act of knowledge gaining process through research, study, communication, or instruction. Information is the totality of group of analyzed and interpreting data. A data is always the individual numbers, figures, or graphs whereas information is considering the perception of those items. In this era, we can mention that most of the sophisticated modern industry always maintain environmental monitoring through recording of Temperature & Relative Humidity, through out the year of the year and achieve it in a suitable position.

Information can be defined as “news or knowledge received or given”. Processed, interpreted & organized facts is information. It comes from the Latin word īnfōrmātiō, mean “formation or conception.”

This type of recoding doesn’t bear any significant meaning but if you organize, analyze the recoded data then you can easily realize the Environmental condition changes in specific season. You can trend the data to sort out the best matching, minimum maximum data etc. which useful to set up or install the best quality BMS [Building Management System] parameter. Without analyzing and organizing the data, it is the just piece of recording doesn’t denote any significant value. A well-organized data can help the others.

In basic terms, it can be concluded that data is unorganized explanation of raw facts from which information can be take out.

Significant Differences Between Data vs Information

[][]collection of facts is considered as Data where information puts all of those facts into context.
[][]Data is always raw & unorganized where information is processed and organized.
[][]Data points are individual & most of the time it is unrelated. Information relates these points and show the actual behind it.
[][]Without analyzed and interpretation data is totally meaningless, when it organized then it became meaningful information.
[][]Data is always independent but Information depends on data due to you can’t get any information without processing data.
[][]Numbers, graphs, figures, or statistics is the form of data. Information generally appears as language, words, thoughts, ideas etc.
[][]To base on data, you can’t make any decision but when information available at your hand you can make any decision. So, data are not enough to make any decision, information require to do the same.
[][]Data always defines figures & facts. It comprises of one entry or collection of diverse values. Information defines values & context together, resulting in approximately meaningful. It forms an organized & interconnected structure, from data, to interpret or link the whole.

=>For data examples, we can use Lance, M. Kiely, 4590 Neville Street, Terre Haute, IN 47807. The separator [commas] characterize each distinct fact that may or may not be linked to others.
=>In this example of information, Each fact narrates to other facts to form a concept, known as Lance M. Kiely. Creating this Lance M. Kiely entity allows people to reason, calculate, & do other influences.
Lance M. Kiely
4590 Neville Street
Terre Haute, IN 47807

Data vs. Information in Computers

If we consider computers, Data can be considered as INPUT on anything that instruct to computer to do or store. The OUTPUT of the computer which exhibit your computer after your instruction to computer.

As per statistics, data defined as raw information but term statistics is often used in place of information. Statistics interpret & summarize data.
In business, data are often raw numbers & information is a collection of separate data points which you use to realize what you’ve restrained.

Data: typing the words “Dog videos” in your computer web search engine (INPUT).
Information: The list of search results which includes a variability of dog videos on the resulted browser page (OUTPUT).

Data: 9994565566
Information: phone number (555)456-5566 of a person.

Data: 46.07 & 789
Information: Molar mass & Density of Ethanol in g/mol & kg/m³

Data: 70%
Information: Isopropyl alcohol in percentage

Data: -16
Information: Freezing points of Vodka in Fahrenheit

Difference Between Data and Information

ContentUnrefined raw factors.Refined in a meaningful way.
CharacteristicData is considered property of a specific organization & is not offered for sale in the public.Information is offered for sale to public.
Decision MakingRaw data is insufficient to make any decision.Information is enough to make any decision.
DependencyData depends upon the sources for collecting method.Information always depends upon data.
Design of Data Data is never designed for specific need of user.Information is always explicit to requirements & expectations because all extraneous facts & figures are detached, during transformation process.
Dependency levelData never depends on Information.Information constantly depended on Data.
DescriptionHelps to develop ideas or conclusions based on Qualitative or Quantitative Variables.It is group of data which carries news and meaning.
EtymologyData has comes from Latin word, datum, means “To give something.” The word “data” become plural of datum.It comes from the Latin word īnfōrmātiō, mean “formation or conception.”
Example1.0 During word Tour Ticket sales on a specific Band.1.0 Sales report generate by region & venue gives information which venue perform best.
Example2.0 An example of data is a student’s Eye Color.2.0 The average Eye Color of a class is the information derived from the given data.
FormatData found in the form of letters, numbers, or a set of characters.Ideas and inferences
FeatureData is a single unit & raw. It doesn’t have any meaning alone.Information is artefact & group of data which jointly carry a logical meaning.
InterrelationCollected Information.Processed Information.
Knowledge levelLow-level of knowledge.Second level of knowledge.
MeaningData does not have any definite persistence.It conveys meaning that has been allocated by interpreting data.
Measuring unitMeasured in bits & bytes.Measured in different meaningful unit like time, quantity, etc.
Meaning of baseData is based on records & explanations and, which are deposited in computers or remembered by a individual.Information is considered more consistent than data. It helps investigator to conduct a appropriate analysis.
Support for Decision makingData can’t be used for decision makingIt is extensively used for decision making.
SignificanceData collected by the researcher, may or may not be useful in different situation.Information is useful & appreciated as it is readily accessible to the researcher for use.

List of Examples of Data vs Information

differences between data and information, how these examples turn data into insights:

[][]An individual customer’s bill amount is data at a specific restaurant but after a certain period of time or after one day collection when the restaurant Manager or owner collect all the customer bill of that day or time, it can produce valuable information of the restaurant as it can produce which item of the restaurant is hot cake or what item is running well and what are not. After that the restaurant, can realize how they can maintain the inventory of a specific item and how to continue their service as well as to minimize the overhead, wadges, supplies etc.

[][]An individual customer service survey of a restaurant is a data but after a period of time when compile the all the survey, then it can produce valuable data regarding area of improvement of the restaurant such as customer service, price, cleaning, mannerism, hospitality, space, location, viewpoint etc.

[][]A single social media like on a media post is a data but when multiple social media item like comments, share, statistics etc. are compiled then the specific company can focus on the specific social media where they are performing best and where they are in worst condition. Comments from a social post of multiple social media is very useful to do the same. It helps the company to set their goal based on the comments collect from customer and it help to find out multiple idea from multiple customers.

[][]On their own, inventory levels are data. However, when companies analyze and interpret that data over a range of time, they can pinpoint supply chain issues and enhance the efficiency of their systems.

[][]Inventory management of the company for the different item is the data but when it collects for certain period of time it can be valuable information regarding the inventory item which can help the supply chain management system to run their activity appropriately.

[][]A Price of a specific item is a valuable data but when processing the data from multiple company can produce valuable information regarding market gap, advantage of the competitor, profit margin, bonus, discount, policy etc. for the specific item.

[][]Taste of Azithromycin Suspension is a data but when you collect different taste from different company product you can produce valuable information regarding taste that which taste is more acceptable to the end user i.e., mango/orange/strawberry/pineapple etc. from this activity you can collect valuable information and implement the same for your company product.

[][]Temperature readings all over the world for the past 10 years can be consider as data. When this data is organized, analyzed to find out global temperature condition is raising over the period of time, then this data changed to information.

[][]Number of visitors to a specific website by country of the word is an example of data. Finding out that the traffic source from Canada is decreasing while that from Austria is increasing is meaningful information.

[][]Often data essential to back up a claim or supposition consequent or inferred from it. Such as before a drug is approved by FDA, manufacturer must conduct clinical trials & must have submit lot of data to reveal that the drug is safe.

“Misleading” Data

[][]Due to the processing of data, interpreted & analyzed, this is very possible that it can be interpreted incorrectly. When this leads to specious conclusions, it can be said that data are misleading. Often this is the consequence of imperfect data or a lack of framework. Such as your investment in a mutual fund may be up by 7% & you may accomplish that fund managers did a great job. Nevertheless, this could be misleading if major stock market indices are up by 10%. In this case, the fund has floundered the market pointedly.

[][]In the year of 2007, Famous toothpaste company Colgate ran an ad campaign & stating that 80% of the dentists recommend Colgate Toothpaste for safe dental health. From this promotion, many consumers assumed that Colgate was the best choice for their safe dental health for daily use. But in practical, this wasn’t inevitably true. In reality, this is the well-known example of misleading data & information.

[][]Anchor Tucker Carlson presented a graph saying, number of Americans recognizing as Christians had distorted over last decade during one of Fox News’s broadcasts. Over the image above, a graph showing in 2009, Christian Americans is 77%, number decreased to 65% in the year of 2019. Now, if issue here is not noticeable enough, here the Y-axis in that chart starts from 58% & ends at 78%, making the 12% drop from 2009 to 2019 look way more substantial than it really is.
Sample size is the vital point to make any key decision for the organization. Making any decision data collected from 100 sample is more accurate data collect from 10,000 sample. Data collect from 100 sample is misleading compare to 10,000. A key decision shall be make from vast amount of sample.

[][]Federal Trade Commission (FTC) filed a lawsuit against car company Volkswagen , which claimed that car company had betrayed customers with advertising campaign it used to promote its allegedly “Clean Diesel” vehicles, according to a press release.

In the year of 2015, it was uncovered that Volkswagen had been cheating emissions tests for its diesel cars in US in the past 7 years. The Federal Trade Commission, alleged that “Volkswagen cheated consumers by selling or leasing more than 550,000 diesel cars based on the false claims that cars were low-emission & environmentally friendly.” For their false claim, the company was remarkably fine up to $61 billion for the violation of Clean Air Act.

[][]Red Bull, Energy drinks company was sued in 2014 their slogan “Red Bull gives you wings.” The company settled case by agreeing to pay out maximum of $13 million — including giving $10 to every US consumer who had bought their drink since 2002.

They claim that the caffeinated drink could improve consumer’s concentration & reaction speed; the tagline company use for last two decade went alongside marketing claims. One of the regular customers of Red Bull drink claim that that he had not developed “wings,” or shown any signs of enhanced intellectual or physical capabilities.

[][]In 2010, Kellogg’s widespread Rice Krispies cereal had a crisis when it was defendant of misleading consumers about product’s immunity-boosting properties. The Federal Trade Commission [FTC] ordered Kellogg to close all advertising which claimed, cereal enhanced a child’s immunity with “25 percent Daily Value of Antioxidants and Nutrients -Vitamins A, B, C and E,” affirming the claims were “dubious.”

[][]New Balance, the famous show making company [Owner, Jim Davis, own almost 95% total share of this company] was defendant of false advertising in 2011 over a sneaker range which claimed that it could help wearers to burn calories but it was subsequently found that there were no health assistances from wearing this sneaker range. From New Balance, they explain that using hidden board technology & it was advertised as calorie burners which activated the quads, glutes, hamstrings & calves. New Balance agreed to pay a settlement of $2.3 million on August 20, 2012.

How Businesses Can Leverage Data & Information

Is it come to the point to distinction between data vs information really matter for businesses? If any company that company collect accurate data then interpreting it and generate information and implement the same on right time on right place can realize the actual benefit for the company.
For example, a company might gather data about the performance of their ads or content. Running a successful add or content to the various platform can produce valuable data. From the data they can produce right information regarding product design, brochure generation, promotional activity, product awareness, customer demand and customer buying capacity.

This can also help to develop target customer, future offering, promotion, branding and developing multiple products for the company.
Right data can lead the organization to the right goal but to maintain the right set of data is very difficult. There are several blockades to create a data dependent better smart organizational culture. Different team of an organization may collect & maintain disparate sets of information. Hence a central database system is crucially need for the organization. Without a central database system, none one can earn the actual benefit and interpretation of data may fail. Data need to supervise by someone, without proper supervision data may not maintain its proper quality and generate poor data mislead the organization.

Any business depends on expressive data patterns to get information. There are dissimilarities between data and information. Business relies on meaningful data patterns to get information, in this article let’s explore the differences and similarities between data and information. Misinterpretation the difference between “data” & “information” sets up the stage for slip-ups. Like the six blind men in an Indian legend, trying to define an elephant, end up puzzling discrete facts, or data, as information or meaning.

In six blind men’s dilemma, individually complicates data (trunk or legs) for information (an elephant is like giant cow or an elephant is like a giant snake). Likewise, anyone can collect customer data & think they have the full customer information when they are actually not. Data & Information have specific implementation. To correctly recognize & use either one, you need to understand the change between data & information is.

To create an effective data driven organization, then you need to maintain the data source which must available across the group of qualified people who are technically sound to generate information from processed data maintaining appropriate protocol to assure the proper data quality.
Data is very critical to generate information and both these two items is crucial to make any decision for the organization.

DIKW [Data Information Knowledge Wisdom] Model

DIKW is the model used for discussion of data, information, knowledge, wisdom & their interrelationships. It denote functional or structural relationships between data, information, knowledge & wisdom.

Are data and information the same thing?

Data is based on observation & records which frequently store in computers or simply memorize it by individual. On the other hand, information denotes to be more consistent than data. In other words, it is a proper analysis which researchers or investigators conduct for converting data into information.

Data and information may be the same thing, From a content & format perspective. For example, you can point same values in two diverse columns on a spreadsheet. Nevertheless, data & information contents & formats do not have to match. In any case, you use data & information very in a different way.
If you want to sort out the value “New York, United States” You will filter data named “New York” under city and “United States” under country.

On the same spreadsheet, If you want to know if the Lance M. Kiely records mean the identical person. Then look at the information in both rows & see, across the columns:
Lance M. Kiely
4590 Neville Street
Terre Haute, IN 47807
You determine both Lance M. Kiely, living in New York, United States, mean the same customer thing from the information provided.

How do data and information differ?

Though Data & information may have the same values but from the creation & business usage they may differ. Data generally includes entries whereas Information contains context. Information comprise data with different contents & formats & be the same thing.

As per data perspective point, “United States,” “UNITED STATES,” and “U.S.A.” represent entirely different facts based on number of characters & formatting varies. Therefore, Lance M. Kiely, who lives in U.S.A., is not same customer as Lance M. Kiely, who lives in United States.

If we consider information viewing platform, the “United States,” “UNITED STATES,” & “U.S.A.” represent the same thing for geographical reason because someone with understanding of geography can point to the “United States” or the “U.S.A.” on a American Map.

The correct data and accompanying context make the United States and the U.S.A. contain meaning about a shared concept of that region, like culture, sports, and government. From the shared concept of that region, like culture, sports, and government make the data more accurate. Lance M. Kiely, who lives in U.S.A., with Lance M. Kiely lives in the United States, and consider creating the same object. Comparing with the other people lives in United States using additional data points like cultural activities in U.K.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is data? Explain with example.

Raw, unorganized, unprocessed facts are known as Data. All of the facts consider as data until it processed, organized such as all information writing on the paper is data until its processed & organized in suitable manner.

What is information?

Processed, organized data which is advantageous in providing useful facts is known as Information. For Ex. It can be concluded that if data are processed and organized in right way generate valuable piece of information.

What is valid information?

A reliable fact is considered as Valid information. Checked & verified information that is ready for use in a specific purpose.

What is the classification of Data?

Classification of Data

Data classification is a critical element of any information security & compliance program, especially if any organization stores big volumes of data. To understand the data security strategy, classification of data plays an important role providing information that where the sensitive data shall be stored. It provides valuable information regarding unused data & elimination of the same type reduce the maintenance cost for the organization.

Types of Data Classification

[][]Content-based classification inspects & interprets files to classify sensitive information.
[][]Context-based classification looks at location, application, creator tags & other variables as secondary indicators of subtle information.
[][]User-based classification depends on manual selection of each document by an individual.

Basic Classification Scheme

The modest scheme is three-level classification:

[][]Public data
Data that can be freely revealed to the public. Examples include any company contact information & any browser cookie policy.

[][]Internal data
Data that has low security level but is not for public expose, like marketing research for a product.

[][]Restricted data
Highly subtle internal data. Expose to public platform create negative impact on operations and put the company at financial or legal risk. Restricted data entails the highest level of security protection at any cost.

Government Classification Scheme

Government agencies use three levels of sensitivity as top secret, secret and public but based on situation can be classified into five types

[][]Top secret-Cryptologic & communications intelligence
[][]Secret-Selected military plans
[][]Confidential-Data signifying the strength of ground forces
[][]Classified-Data labelled “For Official Use Only”
[][]Unclassified-Data that may be publicly released after authorization of respective body.

Commercial Classification

Typically, organizations that store & process commercial data use 4 levels to classify data: 3 private levels and one public level.

[][]Sensitive- Intellectual property, Secrete Formulation, PHI
[][]Confidential-Vendor contracts, employee reviews, Contract, Special Allowance
[][]Private-Customer names or images, Sensitive Video promotion
[][]Proprietary-Organizational processes, Quality System
[][]Public-Information that may be disclosed to anyone

What is the meaning of the two types of data?

The two types of data are qualitative & quantitative. Qualitative data is non-numerical data like eye color, skin texture, Hair color, Shoe color, Clothing color and more. On the other hand, quantitative data is in the form of numbers like the weight of books, number of apples, number bird and more.

What is the difference between Data and Information? Read More »

Frequently Asked Questions in VIVA and its Answer

Frequently Asked Questions in VIVA, Here are some questions which are asked almost all type of VIVA

Note: All questions-answers are depicted here, those questions answer are explanatory/descriptive and link is given here. Click the link, you will get the answer. Only Short answers are given here otherwise you have click the link for descriptive answer.

Q-01: Tell me about yourself?

Answer: When answering the typical “tell me about yourself” interview question, it’s important to write a compelling, concise description that highlights relevant skills, experience, and accomplishments. Here’s a structured way to write a response:

Introduction: Start with a brief overview of your professional background and current position. for example:
“Of course I would like to see my background. I have a bachelor’s degree in [your field] from [university] and have been working in [your industry/field] for [X years]. I am currently [your current position or role].”

Professional History: Highlight the milestones and experiences that have shaped your career. Focus on accomplishments that demonstrate your qualifications for the position you are applying for. Examples include:
“Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity [to mention notable achievements or roles]. For example, while previously working at [Company Name], I led the project [Describe a successful project or initiative]. [Specify relevant skills] This experience has allowed me to hone skills that will be invaluable in this role.”

Skills and Strengths: Discuss your key skills and strengths and highlight those that fit the job requirements. Provide specific examples to illustrate each point. for example:
“I’m just as good at [citing specific skills or strengths] as I am at [giving examples]. While working at [previous company], I was praised for my ability to [describe relevant skills or strengths], which led to [positive outcomes], such as B. increased efficiency or sales.”

Passion and Fit: Finally, express your enthusiasm for the opportunity and how your background aligns with the company’s mission or values. Show genuine interest in the position. Examples include:
“I really welcome the opportunity to [mention your passions or interests] and [mention specifics about the role or company]. I appreciate [company name]’s efforts to [state relevant values or initiatives], and my expertise in [your core competencies] will help you [state how you can contribute to the company’s goals] I believe this can be done. “

Conclusion: Ends the discussion with an open invitation to further discussion or questions.
“I’m excited to learn more about how I can contribute to [company name]. Do you have specific questions about my background or experience?”

Tailor your answer to the position you are applying for, keep it short, and focus on the most relevant information. Practice ahead of time to ensure your responses sound natural and confident during the interview.

Final Answer

“Of course I would like to see my background. I have a bachelor’s degree in [your field] from [university] and have been working in [your industry/field] for [X years]. I am currently [your current position or role].”

“Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity [to mention notable achievements or roles]. For example, while previously working at [Company Name], I led the project [Describe a successful project or initiative]. [Specify relevant skills] This experience has allowed me to hone skills that will be invaluable in this role.”

“I’m just as good at [citing specific skills or strengths] as I am at [giving examples]. While working at [previous company], I was praised for my ability to [describe relevant skills or strengths], which led to [positive outcomes], such as B. increased efficiency or sales.”

“I really welcome the opportunity to [mention your passions or interests] and [mention specifics about the role or company]. I appreciate [company name]’s efforts to [state relevant values or initiatives], and my expertise in [your core competencies] will help you [state how you can contribute to the company’s goals] I believe this can be done. “

“I’m excited to learn more about how I can contribute to [company name]. Do you have specific questions about my background or experience?”


Q-02: Why do you work with us?

Answer: I decided to work for you for several reasons. They all align with my professional ambitions and personal values. First, your reputation for innovation and excellence in [specific industry/sector] is very interesting. I want to contribute to a team that continues to push boundaries and set industry standards.

Second, I am very impressed by your company’s commitment to [specific values or initiatives such as sustainability, diversity, community involvement, etc.]. I believe in aligning my personal values with those of the organization I work for and welcome the opportunity to contribute to meaningful initiatives that have a positive impact on the company and the wider community.

Additionally, I am truly impressed by the quality of your team and the collaborative culture that has been fostered here. I look forward to learning and working with talented people because I believe that collaboration and teamwork are essential success factors for any company.

Overall, I think working with your company is a personal and professional development opportunity. Here I can offer my skills and expertise and learn and develop in a dynamic and supportive environment. “I’m excited to join your team and contribute to your continued success and innovation.

Q-03: What is your strength?

Answer: When asked what my strengths were, I emphasized my adaptability and ability to learn quickly. Throughout my career, I have faced a variety of challenges and tasks that have required me to quickly understand new concepts, techniques, or methods. This adaptability has allowed me to thrive in a fast-paced environment and contribute effectively to diverse teams. Additionally, I believe that excellent communication skills allow me to communicate complex ideas effectively and collaborate with colleagues to enhance my abilities in any role. Overall, I think adaptability and communication skills are my biggest strengths. This allows you to tackle any project or problem with confidence and competence.

Q-04: What is your weakness?

Answer: As I progressed in my career, I realized that I tended to be overly critical of my work. This has led me to strive for excellence and continually strive for improvement, but I’ve also learned that it’s important to balance that with acknowledging my accomplishments and being kind to myself. To solve this problem, I started implementing strategies like setting specific goals and objectives, asking for feedback from others, and celebrating successes along the way. Not only has it helped me perform my role more efficiently, but it has also helped me maintain a healthy work-life balance.”

This response acknowledges weaknesses (without being overly critical) by highlighting the steps taken to address them and demonstrating the candidate’s commitment to personal growth and development. It also emphasizes positive traits such as confidence, resilience, and a proactive approach to self-improvement.

Q-05: Why we should hire you?

Answer: “I believe my combination of skills, experience and passion will make me the perfect person for this role and a valuable addition to your team. I have honed my skills in [a specific skill or specialty] with [X years/months] of experience in [your field/industry].

What sets me apart is my proven track record [mention notable accomplishments or accomplishments relevant to the position]. I am also adaptable and thrive in fast-paced environments, as evidenced by my ability to lead by example in successfully managing challenging situations or projects.

Additionally, I am truly excited for the opportunity to contribute to the mission and goals of [company name]. I am committed to bringing my unique perspective and innovative ideas and collaborating with my colleagues to drive success and exceed expectations.

Overall, I am confident that my skills, experience and passion make me the ideal candidate for this position and I welcome the opportunity to contribute to the continued growth and success of [company name].”

This answer effectively highlights your qualifications, accomplishments, and passion for the position and demonstrates why you are the best person for the job.


Q-06: What do you know about our company?

Answer: “Prior to this interview, I did a lot of research about your company and was really impressed with what I learned. You continue to enjoy a reputation for innovation and excellence in [specify specific industry or specialty]. Setting a new standard. I was particularly attracted to [specify relevant aspects such as technology, sustainability or community] because of the impact of your recent [specify specific project, product or initiative] and also [specify relevant aspects such as technology, sustainability or community]. “I see your commitment to [or the principles the company emphasizes, such as diversity and inclusion, environmental sustainability, and customer satisfaction] that align perfectly with my professional values and have a huge impact on the organization.”

Q-07: Why do you want to leave your current company?

Answer: When asked why I want to leave my current company, I see this as an opportunity to highlight what I’m looking for in my career rather than just focusing on what I want to leave behind. Although I have enjoyed my time at my current company and the experience I have gained there, I believe now is the right time to explore new opportunities that are more aligned with my long-term career goals and aspirations. I am looking for a role that offers greater challenge, opportunities for growth, and greater alignment with my professional values and interests. After careful consideration, I have concluded that this position is the ideal next step for me. This allows me to further develop my skills and make a meaningful contribution to teams and organizations that share my vision for success.

Q-8: What is your salary expectation?

Answer: When asked about my salary expectations, I respond by expressing my willingness to negotiate a salary that is fair and reflects the value I bring to the job and the organization. I understand that compensation is determined by a variety of factors, including the responsibilities of the position, company budget, and industry standards.

Ideally, I’m looking for a compensation package that matches my skills, experience, and market price for similar positions. Can you tell me more about the salary range for this position or the typical compensation structure within your company? This will help you better understand the parameters and reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

Q-9: What is your career objective?

Answer: “My career goals are to continue to grow and develop in my field and utilize my skills and experience to make meaningful contributions to the organizations I work for. In the short term, I want to excel and master the role I am applying for.” Create responsibilities and add value where possible. Looking to the future, I seek to take on more responsibility and eventually reach a position where I lead a team. Strategic initiatives “I can lead and drive and have a positive impact on the growth and success of the company. Ultimately, my goal is to continually learn, innovate and contribute to both personal and organizational growth.”

Q-10: Why You are Interested in this Position?

Answer: “I am very passionate about [the position or some aspect of the company] and this role is a perfect fit for my skills, experience and career goals. I’ve been following your company for a while and have been impressed by your commitment to [mention company-specific values, innovations, or achievements].

I also think this position is an exciting opportunity to [state specific goals or challenges associated with the role], which is incredibly motivating. I thrive in an environment where I can use [benchmark-related skills or strengths] to make a meaningful impact, and I believe this role does just that.

Additionally, I am very excited about your company’s growth potential and learning opportunities. It is important to develop yourself professionally while passing on professional knowledge. Overall, I am very excited about the prospect of joining your team and contributing to the continued success and innovation of [company/sector/industry].”

This response demonstrates passion for the job, alignment with company values and goals, and a focus on personal and professional growth within the position. This is all about the Frequently Asked Questions in VIVA.

Frequently Asked Questions in VIVA and its Answer Read More »

CV of a Officer, Quality Assurance, Standard Format

CV of a Quality Assurance Pharmacist

Isabella Paris

House No.: 7, Road No.: 7, Block : L

Career Objective

Currently I’m looking for an opportunity to utilize my attained skills and working out to assist the company to achieve goal and my future career advancement. I want my hard work to make a substantial difference to the company and help in their subsequent success stories.


Now I’m working as Officer Quality Assurance at XYZ Pharmaceuticals Ltd from May 20xx to till now.

[Omit this section, if you are Fresh employee]

Key job responsibility

In-process control

BMR/BPR issuance

Batch Compilation

Sampling of Products

[Omit this section, if you are Fresh employee]

Education Qualification

Master of Pharmacy [Mpharm]

Institution: ABC University

Duration: 20xx to 20xy

Result: 3.50 out of 4.0

Bachelor of Pharmacy [Bpharm]

Institution: ABC University

Duration: 20xx to 20xy

Result: 3.80 out of 4.0

Higher Secondary Certificate

Institution: ABC College

Year: 20xx

Group: Science

Result: 4.80 out of 5.00

Board: DEF

 Secondary School Certificate

Institution: ABC High School

Year: 20xx

Group: Science

Result: 5.00 out of 5.00

Board: DEF

In-plant Training

I have completed my internship training in ABC Pharmaceuticals limited for four weeks in the year of 20xx.

Project work

I have submitted my project report on “Evaluation of analgesic, neuropharmacological and cytotoxic activity of Trigonella foenum-graecum Linn” presented to the department of the pharmacy at UOK under the supervision of Dr. XY Petersen professor, UOK.

Computer skill

Microsoft Office Suite

Basic Computer Skill

Internet Surfing

Basic Hardware Maintenance of Desktop PC

Adobe Graphic Suite

Language Skill

Have proficiency in English and French both in writing and reading

Personal Information

Father Name: Peter Francis McGrath

Mother name: Cristina Paris

Date of birth: 19xx

Gender: Female


1. Professor HC Peter

Faculty Head, UOK

2. Professor YK Demes

Head of Pharmacy Department, UOK

I, hereby, declare that each of the information cited above is true and any intentionally made mistake will result me in disqualification.

Isabella Paris

CV of a Officer, Quality Assurance, Standard Format Read More »

Write down an application for the post of Officer, Quality Assurance


Application for the post of Officer, Quality Assurance, you can follow the following template for the mentioned post-

28th May 20XX



Human Resource & Development

ABC Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

121, Lakeshore Area, XYZ-700001

Subject: An application for the position Officer, Quality Assurance

I would like to express my interest and qualifications after seeing the job posting for the position of Quality Control Manager at your famous pharmaceutical company posted on

Throughout my career, I have consistently demonstrated a commitment to superior quality management through timeliness, dedication, integrity, effective team-building skills and a strong professional attitude.

For example, while working at [previous company], I led a project to optimize the quality control process, which resulted in a 20% improvement in product reliability and customer satisfaction. This initiative demonstrated not only my attention to detail, but also my ability to work with cross-functional teams to achieve organizational goals.

Please see attached resume and current color photo. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an interview, please feel free to contact me at 01XXXXXXXXX02. I welcome the opportunity to contribute to your team and am confident that I can excel in the role of QA Manager.

Sincerely Yours

Isabella Paris


Application for the post of Officer, Quality Assurance: That is the basic format.

Write down an application for the post of Officer, Quality Assurance Read More »

Why Are You Interested in this Position? Interview Question

“Why are you interested in this position?” Frequently asked questions during interviews often surprise job seekers. However, this is an important question that reveals your motivation and passion for the job. Let’s dig deeper and use real-life examples to explain why this question is asked and how to answer it honestly, positively, and effectively.

Employers ask this question to determine whether your interest in the job is genuine and whether your skills and aspirations match the position. Imagine a scenario where you apply for a marketing manager position at a technology startup. The interviewer wants to understand why you are attracted to the position and how you believe you will contribute to the growth of the company.

To write a compelling response, it’s important to tailor it to your specific role and company. Start by expressing your genuine interest in the position and mention things like the company’s innovative marketing approach or its goals for disrupting the industry. For example, mention your passion for using new technologies to run targeted marketing campaigns that align with your company’s forward-thinking ethos.

Next, highlight the unique skills and experience you have and look for similarities between the responsibilities of your current role and your desired position. Let’s say you are currently a digital marketing specialist at a traditional advertising agency. You may also express a desire to move into a leadership role where you can drive a comprehensive marketing strategy while leveraging data analytics and campaign optimization skills.

Additionally, demonstrate your willingness to take on new challenges and make a significant contribution to the role. Share past projects or success stories that demonstrate your ability to innovate and achieve results. Perhaps you’ve led a cross-functional team to launch a successful social media campaign that significantly increased brand awareness and engagement metrics.

Ultimately, your answer should convey a genuine passion for the role and a clear idea of how you can contribute to the company’s success. By aligning your interests with the job requirements and expressing your value proposition effectively, you can make a lasting impression on the interviewer and increase your chances of getting the job.

The application format may vary depending on the employer, but the basic goal is the same: to assess motivation and suitability for the job. Approach each interview with preparation and authenticity, personalizing your answers to highlight your strengths and fit the role.


  • Why you like our company?
  • What part of the job role you like most?
  • Are you interested to take the new role?
  • Why you are interested to take the new role?
  • Which part of the job is interesting to you?
  • Tell us why you are interested this position?

All of those questions contains the same answer. Now, we will discuss how we can prepare the best answer for this question” Why are you interested in this position?


“Why are you interested in this job?” Why employer ask this question?

As part of the employment evaluation process, employers often ask leading questions with the intention of broadly assessing several important aspects to comprehensively determine a candidate’s suitability for a particular role. This multi-faceted test will give you an idea of the complexity of the position, your true passion for the role, your possession of the required knowledge and experience, and your potential positive impact on the overall success of the company.

Imagine a scenario taking place in a dynamic software development company that carefully selects candidates for project management roles. In this context, interviewers look for a candidate’s deep knowledge of the software development lifecycle and assess his or her familiarity with agile methodologies and related tools. To capture genuine engagement and interest, conversations strategically include emotional questions and highlight trends in team collaboration and innovation.

An essential part of this evaluation process is reviewing the candidate’s performance. Particular emphasis will be placed on previous experience successfully managing projects and competently handling problem-solving situations. This historical perspective allows interviewers to assess a candidate’s suitability based on practical knowledge and skills acquired over time. As the interview progresses, discussions will explore the candidate’s strategic vision and ability to lead the company toward tangible, positive results, including increased productivity, improved customer satisfaction, and timely completion of projects.

Essentially, employers are looking for candidates who not only meet the company’s immediate needs but also demonstrate a proactive attitude toward ongoing personal and professional development. Valuation is not just a transaction. This extends to those who actively contribute to the company’s success and continually look for opportunities to develop further. This symbiotic relationship between individuals and organizations develops further when candidates actively contribute to the company’s success and pursue opportunities for continuous improvement. This collaborative approach promotes a win-win dynamic and creates an environment where both the organization and its employees can develop and grow together.

“Why are you interested in this role?” How to prepare answer?

We have to maintain some steps to create the best answer for this positions. Follow the descriptive points, we will prepare a best answer-  

Collect information about the company

First of all read the job description carefully and surf the internet to collect the basic information about the company. Almost all company have a website, where you will get the all information that you want. Basically learn their business standard, mission vision, working environment, employee facility, product and service but not so much deep.

If you can express your know how at the interview session for the company, surely you will get better preferences at the interview session. The interviewer will show the positive response to you, they will start thinking that you are interested to play the new role.

Organize your answer and try to memorize the keyword

When you complete the research about the company then you can start your answer preparation considering several points-Is this role is relevant to your experience? Is it help your career advancement process? What is the most unique point of this job? Organize your answer one step another then you can step forward.

Add a question at the end of the interview

When you think that the interview are about to end the try to ask a question to the interviewer about the most relevant topic to the job description this will create a two way facility that you are more interested to the job and the interviewer will think about you that you are very much interested about the role. Try to avoid any unnecessary questions. It will be better to keep silence without bother the interviewer by your immature questions.

Following are some example about “Why are you interested in this position”

Quality Control Manager

For over 10 years I have been committed to contributing to the success of my current employer, where I find great satisfaction in my role as a manager and leading a team of 20 employees. The experience I have gained over the past 12 years has been invaluable in shaping me into a professional ready to take on new challenges and greater responsibilities.

After receiving your latest newsletter, I am very excited to be taking on a leadership position leading a team of over 50 employees. This opportunity fits perfectly with my professional development ambitions and allows me to leverage my extensive leadership experience to have a greater impact on the organization.

As I look forward to transitioning into this new role, I am interested in understanding the different types of teams within an organization and the specific managers associated with them. Gaining insight into the dynamics and responsibilities of these teams will undoubtedly enhance your effective leadership abilities and contribute significantly to the overall success of your organization.

You may use specific examples from your current position to illustrate your preparation for this role. Over the years, I have led teams that successfully launch innovative projects, resulting in measurable improvements in productivity and overall team morale. This experience not only improved my leadership skills, but also gave me a solid foundation to tackle the complexities of leading large teams.

Lastly, I am excited about the prospect of leading a team of 50+ people. I am committed to understanding the different team structures and each supervisor. This knowledge will enable you to accurately lead and contribute meaningfully to the continued success of our organization.

Quality control Analyst

In my current role, I actively contribute as a team player and work collaboratively to get work done. However, opportunities for professional development and role expansion are limited in your current position. After reviewing your latest circular, it has become clear that the open position fits my ambitions perfectly and provides an ideal platform to expand my professional skills by working with cross-functional team members.

For example, in my current role, I have successfully collaborated with colleagues on multiple projects, demonstrating my ability to work well in a team. Despite my commitment to teamwork, I would like to have a broader role where I can work on a variety of projects and interact with professionals from different departments. The advertised position not only reflects my skills, but also promises an environment that fosters cross-departmental collaboration and leverages existing skills while acquiring new ones.

Given my passion for my future role, I would like to know how your company creates an environment that supports employee engagement. Can you provide information about opportunities and initiatives to ensure employees, especially those working in cross-functional teams, feel valued and supported in their professional development within the organization?

Why Are You Interested in this Position? Interview Question Read More »

What Makes You Unique? How to give best feedback at interview

What Makes You Unique ? the way to get a new job is obviously to submit an application to the respective organization to their mailing address by email or offline mailing system like FedEx or various courier service but the more interesting thing is that thousands of same qualified employee applied for a single position. Do you really have any chance to get the job? Simply the answer is NO.

Yes, you can’t expect the job if you didn’t possess anything that will be unique from others. Why interviewer choose you? You are so smart or you are very good to look at, that’s are personal belonging not fit to get a job actually. You have to meet the job criteria actually.

A person with typical qualification is hard to fight with the other job seeker if he didn’t possess extra thing. What is this extra thing? In this session we are going to learn about this extra thing!

When thousands of employee apply for the same post this is very natural that your qualification will overlap with other job seeker and this time you have to find out which criteria you possess that fit with the applied job makes you unique from others.

In the interview session, the interviewer may ask you the familiar question “What make you unique?” Take this opportunity, give your answer in more specific way with full confident and accurate result. Be honest at your answer so interviewer can trust you and they can realize that you are really bring some the benefit for their organization. So let’s go, how we can make this question answer.

what make you more unique

“What makes you unique? “Why frequently interviewer ask this question

The very first reason is to ask this question is, the interviewer just want to identify the employee who is the best fit for the role compare to other candidate they are interviewing. This can be simply say that why you not others where nearly all of the candidate possess the same qualifications.

Secondly the interviewer want to know that how you are evaluating yourself. They can realize that which thing you are emphasize at your interview session. If you able to emphasize the point that the interviewer really asking for the role then you can go with it. The employer want strong mentality but basic skill person which may not include with your application.

How to prepare you for the question

I think this is very difficult to identify anything which is really make you different from the other candidate. So let it go, prepare with your experience, focus on your strength which can increase your strength. Explain how interviewer will be benefited to hire you. Use your relevant background which is best match for the job. You can express your specific background that is really relate with this job.

Realize the interviewer asking about the positions

All of the interviewer always like the employee who will possess right skill set, perspective, ability to achieve target at every situations. So take time and think that are you really fit for the job. Read the job description completely, if you get any keyword then that is the best match for you then prepare yourself with that questions which point the interviewer may find effective if you properly deliver it.

Focus on your previous achievement

In professional life, you may be experienced with so many unwanted situations and bring back it normal. Some problem may be more challenges and some are not. Note the point where you face more challenges and how you overcome that. Relate this similar problem that me helpful in interview session.

You present those example where you were the key person no other colleague. Professional experience where your involvement was minor doesn’t require to mention in interview session, this will prove that you are unable to handle the situation.

Deliver the specific type of example which is more relevant with your work, try to create it more realistic rather than descriptive.

For example, “You are able to handle customer complaint and recently you have receive an interesting complaint and you have solve this issue and create a new facility/process/method to do the same. You can share this experience here”

Expression may be, ”Two month ago, I received a complaint about one of our new product that the customer received empty blister contains one tablet less out of ten tablets in a blister. I investigate the matter and find out that the pocket of all blister is same except one. During automatic filling process one tablet can to be filled due to small size of the pocket. Then we change the pocket size questing the supplier and include weight checking after blistering process. Now we are not receiving this type of complaint anymore”.

Highlight your most popular criteria

Try to mention your more strength point which your previous employees are appreciated and you can apply the same here will facilitate your job role. You can express “How other people know your patience and dedication to your professional life and how you face the hard situation in high stress situation, also mention your dedication during unfavorable condition”.

Never try to show your unique experience

Every employers are searching for the best for the best not a person contains unnecessary skill which is not relevant with the job description. Try to avoid the unnecessary skills which will bother the interviewer.

For example, “If you are applying for a position for Warehouse Officer, the interview panel is not interested that your good at website design and development, this is totally your personal matters not relevant to your applied position”.

Here is some example “Tell us what makes you unique”

“To organize & labelling something will save the time and space is my moto in the professional life. After joining of the current office as Quality Assurance Officer in document section, I made a list of our document as per product category in alphabetic manner at excel tracker with proper labelling has decrease the hassle during tracking of the product. It has been save our time and organized our working environment”

“My ability to make easy and smooth communication to my peer’s colleague and rapport building with them make me more unique in my professional life. As Admin Officer, I start a WhatsApp group and start connecting to the relevant colleague who are looking for quick admin support regarding transport and emergency hospital support. I want to spread my service and profession will help the others who are really feels their demand to be filled up quickly. I can easily identify the pain points of the employee and their challenge to acquire it”.

Every employee contains some inner traits that he can’t realize properly what makes him unique. If he able to identify the criteria and properly deliver it at the interview session will bring a better result for the employee.


Criteria of effective feedback

When it comes to providing effective feedback during an interview, there are several key principles that, if followed, can significantly improve the quality and impact of the feedback provided. Let’s take a closer look at the individual principles and expand on them using real-world examples.

  • Explain in detail
  • Focus on behavior
  • Balance positive and negative
  • Provide constructive criticism
  • Encourage self-reflection
  • Maintain professionalism and empathy
  • Follow-up
Explain in detail:

Instead of giving general comments, drill down into the details by providing specific examples and observations. For example, instead of saying that the presentation lacks depth, you could provide simple feedback such as “The presentation lacks data to support the financial projections, making it difficult for the audience to understand the feasibility of the strategy.”


Focus on behavior:

It is essential to focus on feedback on observable behavior rather than judgments about individual characteristics. For example, instead of accusing someone of being “disorganized,” you might say, “During a project meeting, you failed to set a clear agenda and assign tasks, causing confusion among team members.”


Balance positive and negative:

While it is important to address areas needing improvement, it is equally important to identify strengths and successes. For example, interview responses can not only point out areas for improvement, but also praise the candidate’s strong communication skills and insightful approach to problem solving.

Provide constructive criticism:

Feedback should not only highlight areas needing growth, but also provide actionable suggestions for improvement. For example, if you are criticizing a candidate for answering a difficult question, you can express your constructive criticism by suggesting specific strategies to improve the answer, such as: b. Include relevant examples or improve your presentation.

Encourage self-reflection:

Encouraging respondents to reflect on their feedback promotes a culture of continuous learning and improvement. For example, after providing feedback on a candidate’s performance in a mock negotiation exercise, you might ask the candidate to reflect on his or her approach and consider how he or she might apply his or her strategies in a similar situation in the future.


Maintain professionalism and empathy:

Feedback should be provided in a way that maintains professionalism and empathizes with the feelings of the interviewee. For example, when providing feedback to assess a candidate’s technical skills, you can provide constructive criticism in a polite tone without undermining the other person’s confidence or discouraging further effort.


Following up with respondents after a feedback session demonstrates their commitment to growth and development. For example, after providing feedback on a candidate’s mock presentation, you might suggest scheduling a follow-up session to clarify any outstanding questions or provide further guidance on areas needing improvement.

By diligently adhering to these principles, interviewers can provide feedback that is not only valuable and constructive, but also helpful to the interviewee’s professional development.

What Makes You Unique? How to give best feedback at interview Read More »

Make a Great Impression on Interview, How to Proceed?

Make a great impression on interview, this session may divided into three sections

  • Before starting interview session    
  • At interview session
  • When you just complete your interview session
Before starting interview session       

The very last day before seating your interview session, you have to arrange some time to do the same which will help you better to understand your situation.

  • Start Researching about the company
  • Start Practicing with common interview question
  • Get prepare according interviewer job Description
  • Follow PDCA cycle to answer the question
  • Execution of Plan
  • Collect appropriate references
  • Prepare with real life professional experience
  • Be proactive not reactive
Start Researching about the company

Make a great impression on interview, Now a days any established company possess a well-designed website contains all basic information regarding company mission, vision, target, goal, achievement, CSR[Corporate Social Responsibility], product and service list, Top management profile and overall summary of the company. Most of the company contains Social Media Profile, Page, and Group etc. You can start your research regarding the respected from here.

From the Facebook group and page, you will find the information regarding company culture, employee activities, management policy, press release etc. even you can find an old friend who are working in the company if you are like enough.

Start Practicing with common interview question

Tell me about yourself is the most common interview question, this question may arise different form like express yourself/Can you please tell your career goal/Summarize yourself/ Present yourself/Give me basic information about you/How can you express yourself and the answer same.

Another interview question is Why you choose our company/Why you leave your current company/Why we should hire you/ Give me some reason that you are the best of all/What is your salary expectation/Why you asking more salary/What is the negative side of your company?

 You have to prepare align with the common interview questions. Hope this will help you during interview session.

Get prepare according interviewer job Description

Read carefully the complete job descriptions and qualification, job locations and related information so that the best result you can get. Mark the keyword of the job descriptions and match with your existing criteria if you are go well with that or not. Please don’t apply the job position which didn’t match with your criteria to avoid any unwanted occurrences during interview session.

 You may want to print it out and begin underlining specific skills the employer is looking for. Think about examples from your past and current work that align with these requirements.

Follow PDCA cycle to answer the question

Make a great impression on interview, You have to use PDCA cycle to answer the questions. You have to exercise PDCA [Plan, Do, Check, Action] to answer the question. Plan your interview session, take necessary measure to execute the plan, Seek any error present or not, if found correct the error, then finally execute your plan.

Execution of Plan 

After making a list of common interview question and necessary answer then you can engage your close friend as interviewer and start practice with questions and answer. More and more practice will increase your capability to deliver the answer. After a certain period of time your confidence will high and you will get the best result from this action.

Collect appropriate references

Before or after your interview, the interviewer musk ask you list of reference. So it will be the wise practice to collect list of referees before start the main interview session. This approach will also help you to facilitate the hiring process.

Prepare with real life professional experience

Make a great impression on interview, exercise with your best professional experience where you played major role and solve the issue with excellent solution. Deliver the answer if ask “What is best work of your professional life and how you solve that issue”. You can prepare your answer with your professional experience or volunteer works which praise more.

Be proactive not reactive

Today interviewers are very much smart, they just not only like to questions to the employee but also expect questions from employee. Create a list a smart questions bank is essential smart interview session. In the very past it was the common thinking that to ask question to the interviewer is a serious crime but today the scenario has been changed, the road has just change from one way.

make great impression on interview

Be sure what you are asking to the employer the approach at smart way-

  • Can you please explain the job description of this post?
  • Can you share a success store who has been a successful leader in the similar role?
  • How you will evaluate my position?
  • Have any opportunity to migrate cross functional department?
  • How I will get confirmation to my position?
  • Is this position allow team work or I have to standalone?
  • Who will assist me to perform the day to day activities?
At interview session

Make a great impression on interview, on the interview day you have to proceed your next activity as follows-

  • Be aware to prepare your dress code
  • Be aware about Interview accessories
  • Time planning to reach interview location
  • Make positive first impression
  • Keep your respect on everyone
  • Time to show you manner
  • Ready to show your positive attitude
  • Keep silence and avoid any unnecessary airy gesture
  • Use professional achieves with every answer
  • Give your feedback in short and concise 
Be aware to prepare your dress code

If possible ask the interviewer for your dress code. Some of the company also mention their dress code via email and some are not. You can ask contact person about this issues. You can search internet about this issue” How to dress up for a formal interview?’’ Normally a black pant with white full shirt with neck tie and leather shoe was the trend in the past but most of the employee break the tradition wearing colorful full sleeve shirt, pant etc. A better looking spectacles can easily help to increase your personality.

Be aware about Interview accessories

Make it simple, just bring your recent resume, pen, PP size color photo, small notebook, ID card, highlighter and please avoid your smart gadget, you can bring smartphone but you have to keep it vibration otherwise keep it silent for the best. Try to maintain polite eye contact with the interviewer as much as possible.

Time planning to reach interview location

You can use google map to estimate the time to reach the spot of interview. It is the best practice to reach the location at least 30 minutes earlier. If you don’t know the location of the interview, feel free to contact with the contact person of the interviewer “How can you reach their location effetely, try to use personal transport or ride sharing service, avoid public transport for better preparation. If you use public transport, you must have a backup plan if traffic jam or closure or special occurrence.

Make positive first impression

Time to shine up your tiny expression- just make nails and teeth are clean enough, your cloths are stains, hole and extra thread free and lastly shine your favorite shoes. Show strong and confident body language that you are ready to take any challenge and keep your smile face during interview.

Keep your respect on everyone

On the interview location treat everyone with great respect. You should respect everyone security person to hiring manager, you didn’t know is actually hiring manager, plant manager and Quality head and so on. So keep your respect on.

Time to show you manner

Before enter into the interview room, ask permission to enter the room. Before the interview take a deep breathe to bring confident to you and avoid any negative fillings. When the interviewer extend their hand you have to firstly look their eye create a gentle smile and initiate handshake with them. A soft handshake is always preferable.

Ready to show your positive attitude

Nothing can, only attitude can win everybody heart. Deliver your most positive and specific answer what the ask not some much details. The interviewer must be beat you with series of questions to show their existence. You have to remain upbeat for a time being during interview session. Showing a positive answer with light smile face is always create a healthy interview environment.

Keep silence and avoid any unnecessary airy gesture

Keep at steady position and avoid any unnecessary body language, just focus on interviewer question, what he is asking to you? If you can’t hear or read the answer ask a repeat question politely ”Sorry, I can’t read you, can you please repeat the question”. If don’t know the answer of the asked questions, politely say” Sorry, I don’t know the answer of the questions exactly, can you please ask another question”

Use professional achieves with every answer

Try to answer any question with your practical professional’s achievements. If you can attach example with every answer then the interviewer will start to believe that you are the only one person who can solve their problem. Relate your answer with their requirements as per job descriptions.

Give your feedback in short and concise

Remember, your time in the interview session is very limited, so you have to answer in short and concise but informative and affirmative. Make your descriptive answer in short, only highlight on your answer keyword.

Keep your present job in positive side

Try to give your negative answer in positive way. Never underestimate or under value your current organization. Remember, no company like the negative person only want the problem solver not problem creator. Generally, company hire the employee when they face the tough situation to run their business.

Most of your answer must be consist of professional experience or something related with that but not personal comfort. Keep your eyes open if you receive any email or SMS or WhatsApp text. Generally you will get the result within one week to one month.

When you just complete your interview session

Make a great impression on interview, at the end of your interview, try to ask your hiring manager for the next steps. Most of the company inform by email for positive or negative result. Some of the company don’t send any rejection SMS or email or WhatsApp only inform if your selected for the next round.

Final communications                            

Never forget to collect ask business card from each interviewer for to send thank you email personally. If you face interview in morning session you have to send your email in evening and for other session send your thank you email in the next day but not to exceed 24 hours.

The content of the email must short and distinctive. Don’t send group email. You must be send the thank you mail separately. Generally all of the top management involve in interview session and they didn’t like group email at all from a job seeker. In this way you can make a great impression during interview session.


Factor affecting Great Impression on Interview

Making a compelling and lasting impression in an interview requires a careful mix of preparation, good communication skills, and solid professionalism. We dive deeper into preparation and explore a wide range of strategies, illustrated with real-world examples, that can significantly increase your chances of success.

  • Thorough company research
  • Introduction to resume
  • Common key interview questions
  • Workwear
  • Punctuality
  • Body language
  • Active listening
  • Express your passion
  • Thoughtful questions
  • Focus on soft skills
  • Post-interview follow-up

Thorough company research:

Learn about the company’s ethos, cultural differences, and overall mission. For example, if you’re applying to a technology company that promises innovation, demonstrate your ability to adapt to cutting-edge tools or methods. Understand the role and complexities of the sector. If you want to take on a marketing position at a fashion company, understanding the latest trends and market dynamics is essential.


Introduction to resume:

Prepare a brief discussion of the experiences, skills, and achievements described in your resume. For example, if you’ve worked on a successful project, be prepared to explain the challenges and accomplishments. Highlighting specific accomplishments that directly match the job requirements highlights your skills. If you are applying for a leadership position, discuss how your leadership has dramatically improved team performance.


Common key interview questions:

Guess and practice your answers to the most frequently asked interview questions. Using the STAR method, share a scenario where your innovative thinking led to a positive outcome. Tailoring responds to the specific requirements of the job. For example, if you’re applying for a customer service position, highlight an example of how you overcame a difficult situation with your problem-solving skills.



Choose attire that reflects the company culture and the position you are applying for. While a well-tailored suit may be appropriate in a corporate environment, a versatile style is desirable in creative industries. Your choice of clothing should reflect your understanding of your work environment. A graphic designer position may allow you to be creative, while a finance position may require a more conservative approach.



Arrive on time to demonstrate your commitment to punctuality. This not only reflects your interest, but also provides margin in case of unexpected delays. Imagine a situation where a candidate arrives early due to an unexpected traffic jam. This proactive approach speaks volumes about their commitment.


Body language:

Demonstrate confident body language through consistent eye contact, a firm handshake, and upright posture. This can be described as a candidate who conveys confidence and approachability through body language, which are key characteristics for customer-facing roles. Using subtle body language, such as nodding your head in agreement or leaning forward slightly, can emphasize your participation in the conversation.


Active listening:

Demonstrate active listening by carefully answering the interviewer’s questions. An example would be a candidate who, when asked a complex question, takes time to organize his or her thoughts before giving a comprehensive answer. Avoiding interruptions and asking for clarification when necessary shows your commitment to clear communication.


Express your passion:

Express your genuine passion for the company and the position. When applying to a startup, explain how your passion for innovation perfectly matches the company’s ethos. Connecting your personal career goals with your business development can create a compelling story.


Thoughtful questions:

Prepare probing questions that explore business dynamics, team cohesion, and role complexities. An example of this would be a candidate trying to understand employee development or the company’s future vision during an interview. A thoughtful request shows your genuine interest and strategic thinking.


Focus on soft skills:

Emphasizes the importance of soft skills such as adaptability, teamwork, and effective communication. Share an example of how team spirit contributed to project success. In today’s dynamic workplace, employers value candidates who can integrate seamlessly into diverse teams.


Post-interview follow-up:

Send a personalized thank you email within 24 hours. Express your gratitude for the opportunity and reiterate your enthusiasm for the position. To enhance engagement, focus on specific aspects of the interview. A timely and thoughtful follow-up not only highlights your professionalism, but also ensures that you remain the center of the interviewer’s attention.

Simply put, excelling at interviews requires a holistic approach that goes beyond simple competencies. Integrating these skills with real-world examples not only increases your chances of success, but also sets you apart as a fully prepared and engaged candidate who is strategically aligned with your company’s vision and values.

Make a Great Impression on Interview, How to Proceed? Read More »

Why do you want to leave your current job, how to explain?

Why do you want to leave your current job, this is the very common question by the interviewer during interview session. The HR manager/Hiring Manager always interested to know the actual reason to leave your current job so that they can collect more information about ability, integrity, working capacity, your importance to the current job. Also justify your problem solving capacity in an undesired situation.

So before leave a current job and to face a new interview session you have to face different type of questions which answer must be previously prepared. Take some time to prepare yourself. Try to prepare a logical, reliable answer so that the interviewer can rely on your answer and believe it with full confident then he can take positive decision about you.

You can answer the question” Why do you want to leave your current job?” in various ways but remember it “Interviewer will not suggest the Hiring Manager to hire you until he is satisfied your positive response”. Here is depicted some season which you can corporate at your structural answer-

  • You are not properly evaluated
  • You want more compensation package
  • The existence of the company is going to invalid
  • You are undervalued at your current position
  • You are ready to take new challenge
  • You want a job with better future career plan
  • You want a job with new opportunity to enhance next level of career
  • You are leaving your existing job due to family matters
  • You are unable to suite you current office time schedule
  • You are going to leave current city
  • You want to reactivate your career
  • Decided to go back to your university for new course
  • You are not fit for current company culture
  • You want a better career opportunity
  • You want to change environment for doctor’s decision
  • You want work with the market leader
  • You want to work in different company
  • You want to change your existing position
  • You want next level promotion
  • Your current company is unable to give any remuneration package
  • Your company is going to change its business criteria
Be clear about your reasons for exiting

Must be straight forward to give reason to leave your current company:

Most of the time employee fail to give the actual reason to leave the existing company. Take some time, make a list with positive reason to leave your current company. If you are hard to understand then you can go with the following reason. This can help to find out a common reason to leave your current company-

  • What is the aim of your career?
  • Are you satisfied with you career?
  • What you want to be?
  • What really you want and what you received?
  • What do you want after 5 or 10 years?
  • What you want the new job?
  • Why you like new job role?
  • Are you undervalued?
  • Why you don’t like your current job?
  • Are you fail to make positive rapport with your colleague?
  • Are your manager not satisfied with your activities?
  • What is your relation with peer colleagues?
  • Which type of industry you really like?
  • What is real mission and vision?
  • Are you want to be an entrepreneur?
  • Why you are not satisfied with your current job?
  • Are you really dissatisfied with your current job role?
  • Are you in faulty situation?

Write down the some key reason to change your existing job. Try to select more professional reason not person. Try to be profession in terms of reason to leave job. Generally interviewer will not show any interest with your personal reason.

It is very desirable that you are going to leave your job for professional reason. Suppose your family is going to change the city and you want to leave your job. This is not a valid reason to interviewer for leaving your job.

why do you leave your current job
Describe your answer in a short session

It is very much important to keep your answer in short but you have to answer in full throttle and this answer may not exceed 45 sec. covered by two to three sentences. Then you have to point back why you are the best fit for the job.

Always stay positive mode

The reason of leaving current job may be in many reason most of them are person and financial matters. Employee engage in a job can’t move to another if he didn’t fall in less mental or job satisfaction. Nobody to leave his comfort zone even best performer of the year. A negative situation compel the employee to leave his current position. In job interview you can’t express the negative situation as”My reporting Manager is very rude to me. His behavior is not up to the mark, always pinch me badly. I fell always humiliated compare to others. Please save me…”

You have to be always in positive mode. You can’t express the negative situation to interview board though you are in false position. An interviewer never want a problem creating person, always seek problem solver. They are fond of a person who can work in stress condition or able to handle difficult situation.

You have to focus on your job expertise, what you have learn in the previous day and what you have to done to achieve your dream job. You know yourself very well not others, so try to develop yourself by discussing with others or taking any type training or surfing internet.

Try to increase interaction with your peer colleague, share your problem and try to find a positive response from others. Call an expert from your colleague who can solve your problem. Help your peer colleague and they will also help if a proper rapport build with them.

You can express your positive answer in interview session as”my current job role is very interesting and generally help to other colleague who is unable to realize their job role. Basically I perform the quality surveillance type job. I have learned various type of new skill by this way. Under this circumstances I am looking for a new role where I can apply my experience…”

Try to be authentic without being too comprehensive

When you are in this situation, try to explain your position positively, never hide any basic information. If you are not satisfied with your current job, there are hundred ways to share your information without defame your company? Keep your answer in short and focus on your new job opportunity that you are very much excited to get the job.

If you’re sacked or you are being compelled for some instances, express it positive way what actually happen. If you are not in on job. Tell it to the employer, don’t hide it. Employer always search your previous history. Without collecting any previous job history you will not able to get any job as experienced professional.

If employer found any provided information mismatch with your supplied answer, then you will not eligible for the job. Employer will no longer trust your position. You are probably lose this opportunity.

How to surround your explanations for leaving a job?

I think you have already listed your explanations to leave your current job. Here I am presented some explanations which may not properly presented on interview session. There is some explanation you may like to prepare your better explanation “Why do you want to leave your current job”

I don’t like my company

No company is errorless, there is a positive and negative side in each and every company. Take few minutes and think why you don’t like your company? Take this point and make it your target point and prepare the positive, clear, straightforward, precise and responsive answer based on this point.

For example:

Presently I am working with a renowned company with strong mission and vision. In the very recent time this is become very clear to me that I need more motivation from a stronger mission oriented firm. The mission of your company “Create possibility for underrated profession” attract me very much to work with and continue my positive career growth.

I have been working more than seven years and fond of to work with more communication and collaboration where the area of my work expansion is very much limited. I like a wide working environment where I can show my professional experience more broadly and continue my professionalism. I am very much excited to do the same.

More target more pay

This may be a great factor to leave your current position but this issue is more sensitive to share which can indifferently interviewer can interpret. Best option is to interact with more target oriented job, more possibility to get rewarded.

I am motivated with lot of factors, client satisfaction, peers satisfaction, excellent working environment, friendly reporting manager may be the top of the list but I like to receive more compensation package which is also a great motivation for me and I am very much excited to get the opportunity, want to exceed my target and get more rewards which drive me positively

“I am no longer like my job”

This condition arise from a situation where employee involve in long term monotonous job. Same day same position, no promotion, no motivation create a dissatisfaction to the current role. Opposite situation may arise, employee himself is not capable to play the current role, not like to take new challenge, fond of monotonous job. His skill and ability didn’t match with the current job.

Try to make a positive response based on which opportunity you are seeking and which challenge you want to take at your new role. “I have been working my current role more than three years and recently I am seeking more opportunities where I can continue developing my skill and abilities”

Or you can explain” I have gain more and more positive professional experience through my current job. Now I am searching more opportunity where I can expose myself as positive team leader and I am very much excited to do the same in my new role”

“I am unable to continue my office schedule”

Time management of a specific office play a vital role to do the activities. Almost every office follow the similar time frame in terms of General shift, Morning shift, Night Shift and another shift when require but not limited to. Perhaps you can involve in a different time frame office which totally different to standard system then you can go with this point to focus on as

”I know that I will perform very well when I am in healthy balance with work environment and positive time management. I am very much committed with my existing office schedule and all day I plan about this issue and I also like to take flexibility of time scheduling where applicable and continue my professional expertise in everyday life”

The very best expiation to leaving a job

There are many reasons you can and should explain why you’re looking for a new opportunity. As professionals grow in the workplace, there is a natural flow from one job to the next as people seek out new learning opportunities, career development, new environments and other factors. Let’s look at a few examples of good reasons you’re looking for a new job:

Searching for best career growth

Based on the company police, every company has its own style for career progression of the employee. Some company offer positive career growth with short period of time and others offer slow career progression. This the strong reason to leave the current job for positive career development. You can explain this situation in the following way.

I have been working with a positive minded co-worker and excellent working environment but no possibility to step forward to the next level. Your company mission and vision interested me for career advancement where I can able to show my own path based on performance based career progression”

Strong desire to change existing career paths

The very common thing is to people to explore the different career path in his lifespan. In his entry level of job, most the job seeker take offer of any type of job which may be justified with his educational qualification or not. Those who are not lucky enough take offer without any career planning. In some period of time or after few years they feel loneliness once meeting their old friends want change career path very desperately. Again they do the same wrong that was made at the start of their career.

Be cool and be simple. Think a while, are really want to change your career path? Is it require to change the existing position? Are you not happy enough with your post? It if yes then you can go with the answer during interview session.

I’m really looking for a new working space which is totally absent in my present organization where I can prove myself as a very good team leader and expand my real formulation skills of different pharmaceuticals area.

Identified a better chance

You have to leave your current company when you will get better opportunity, this may be your better salary structure, you will get extra benefits, better working environments, more evaluation of your work where you will show your better existence the you can go with-

“My job role was multidimensional and I have learned most of the critical assessment of risk. My actual goal was to save the company from any potential financial risk. I like to expand my expertise in cross-functional department but my existing position didn’t allow me to do the same”

Compel to go or laid off

This is the fate of some people which can’t avoid, don’t worry take some time and think a while and prepare a best answer why you are looking for the job. Try to avoid personal matters. You can take the following issue-

Be honest without describe any unnecessary details

Never mention the word” You are fired”

Explain the best you get from the situation

Give the reason why you are best fit for the available position

Here are the two options for the two different situations:

If you are compel to go:         

“I myself realize my previous employer and I realize my former employer and I had done some activities different way which was beyond their expectation. Now I have learn a lot and I’m very much excited about the role to bring that adulthood to my next professional life.

Your company is laid off:

“I am the sufferer by my current company, unfortunately is going laid off and 50% of the current employee is going to compulsory separation. For this unavoidable circumstances I like to move another destination before final separation where I can reshuffle my career and show my expertise”.

This is the all out the reason to “Why do you want to leave your current job? Hope this is all the issue but not limited to. There may be other severe reason when a person is compel to search a new opportunity.

Why do you want to leave your current job, how to explain? Read More »

Why are you leaving your current job? Interview question.

Why are you quitting your current job?” After an interview, the first question is often “Tell me about yourself.” This is an important question and one that is often asked by experienced professionals. This is an opportunity for candidates to build their story and leave a lasting impression during the interview. However, the answers to this question vary widely, and many professionals express dissatisfaction with their current work situation.

Imagine a scenario where a marketing manager is asked this question during an interview. They may respond by highlighting issues such as limited growth opportunities, mismatched company culture, or an unsupportive work environment. While these claims may be true, emphasizing them may create a negative impression of the candidate in the eyes of the interviewer.

In today’s competitive job market, interviewers are becoming smarter. They’re not just filling a position, they’re evaluating candidates for fit and potential contribution to the company culture. Therefore, negative reactions to one’s current job may not lead to positive outcomes for the job seeker.

Instead, candidates are advised to proceed with caution and provide more nuanced answers. Instead of obsessing over the downsides of your current job, you can focus on the opportunities you can find in your future role. For example, a marketing manager may emphasize a desire for a more collaborative work environment, professional development opportunities, or alignment with the company’s values and mission.

By reframing the narrative in a positive light, candidates can demonstrate insight and passion for new challenges. This approach not only demonstrates their expertise, but also leaves a positive impression on the interview group.

Ultimately, employers are looking for candidates who demonstrate optimism, resilience, and a solution-oriented mindset. While it’s important to recognize why you’re leaving your current job, highlighting your positive aspirations and goals for the future is also important to making a lasting impression in an interview. After all, no organization wants to hire someone with a negative attitude or past dissatisfaction.

Why are you leaving your current job

Leaving your current job can occur for a variety of legitimate reasons that reflect personal growth, professional ambitions, alignment with company goals, and more. Writing a positive and confident response to your reasons for leaving your current job not only shows confidence, but also emphasizes your commitment to finding someone who matches your skills and ambitions for your next position.

Why are you quitting your current job?” Consider these steps to effectively answer questions during an interview:

  • Emphasis on personal growth and development
  • Cultural Fit and Organizational Values
  • Professional Development and Learning Opportunities
  • Aligned with your long-term career goals

Emphasis on personal growth and development:

Emphasize how important your current role is to your career, but express your desire for new challenges and opportunities that will expand your skills. For example, explain how you have mastered your current responsibilities and are now seeking a role that will provide you with more leadership opportunities or allow you to delve deeper into a specific area of expertise. For example: “I really value learning and development opportunities in my current job, but I think I’ve reached a point where I’m interested in taking on more strategic responsibility and contributing to better connected projects.” My long-term career goals. I believe this new location offers just that.”


Cultural Fit and Organizational Values:

Discuss how you value cultural fit and seek out an environment where your values and work ethics align with the company’s values. Based on your research and conversations with current employees, you may like the culture of the new company and think it fits your work ethic better. Example: “I’ve had a positive experience at my current job, but I’ve realized that my values and work style are better aligned with your company. Their focus on innovation, collaboration, and talent development resonates with me and I’m excited about it.” We are contributing to that dynamic environment.” 


Professional Development and Learning Opportunities:

Express your desire for continued education and career advancement, and view your new role as an exciting growth opportunity. You can mention specific aspects of the new position that interest you, such as: B. Mentoring opportunities, professional development programs, or exposure to new technologies. For example: “I’ve had a lot of fun and learned a lot in my current job, but I believe this new role gives me the opportunity to further develop my skills and expertise [in a specific field]. I’m working on innovative projects and talent. With my colleagues.” The prospect of collaboration excites me and I look forward to contributing my experience as I continue to learn and develop professionally.”


Aligned with your long-term career goals:

Place your decision to leave the company in the context of your wider career and explain how the new role best suits your long-term goals. We will discuss how new business visions and developments provide greater opportunities for advancement and professional fulfillment. Example: “As I reflected on my career goals, I realized that this new role aligns with my long-term goals. The scope of [the specific opportunity or responsibility] fits my vision of where I want to be in the next few years.” “I’m very excited about the prospect of having an impact and growing the company.”

By using these techniques and providing clear, positive responses, you will show the interviewer your clear goals, commitment to growth, and passion for your future role, and will feel confident in your decision to pursue new opportunities and deliver your core values. can. What can you bring to your organization?

Focus on your expertise: “I have been reviewing and updating the all QMS related SOP’s and activities referencing the current cGMP guidelines of various regulatory bodies, I have been requested from our Head of Quality operations to update the existing QMS system with full throttle….”  

Keep it affirmative: “I am really looking for an opportunity where I can apply my full abilities of work to develop a complete QMS system with hundred percent cGMP compliance and I am very passionate to do the…”

Most of the cases, you have to face the unfavorable condition but you have to face it positively.


Narrate it back to the job: “I am very much excited to read the asked job responsibility along with job description which is to assessment of quality risk to existing brand product. This is such a great opportunity for me to develop myself in the area of quality risk management system…”

Why are you leaving your current job? Interview question. Read More »

“Tell me about yourself” what the best answer is?

Tell me about yourself, this seems very easy question to all. What is it, I can handle it very well? Really you can do that? Wait. It is not easy that you are thinking. This is really a Tricky question.

How to handle this question? Start with your background, Start with current status, start with future plan or you are going to answer it like a professional guy. I am sure you are just worried to give this answer. Well you are not the one. Thousands of job seekers are just waiting to get the best answer. Actually most of the people are tremendously struggle to do the same.

So how I get the best answer about the question” Tell me about yourself”

First, it’s important to understand why interviewers ask job applicants the question “Tell me about yourself.” From an employer’s perspective, this question serves several purposes. The goal is to obtain information about the candidate’s suitability for the position, personality, communication skills, and overall fit with the company culture. This is not about delving into personal or family history, nor about spreading rumors. Rather, it is a strategic inquiry aimed at understanding an individual’s nature.

Imagine a scenario where you apply for a marketing position at a tech startup. The interviewer may want to determine your marketing background, approach to problem solving, communication style, and your fit with the company’s culture of innovation. We want to gain insight into your professional identity to ensure that you have the necessary qualities and experience to excel in the role.

The answer to this question is very important because it sets the tone for the entire interview. This is your opportunity to create a compelling story that highlights your strengths, experience, and accomplishments as they relate to the position. Think of this as your elevator pitch. It is a short but effective outline of who you are professionally.

Imagine that you are the interviewer and you have decided to give a structured answer that highlights your experience with digital marketing, your passion for achieving results, and your ability to adapt to a rapidly changing environment. This answer not only answers the interviewer’s question, but it leaves a lasting impression and establishes you as a strong candidate for the job.

Conversely, imagine giving an unexpected or poorly worded answer that doesn’t meet your employer’s expectations. You may encounter irrelevant personal anecdotes or inconsistent descriptions of your background. In these situations, the interviewer may feel that you lack focus or qualifications for the position, which may cause them to question your candidacy.

Ultimately, the quality of your answer to the “Tell me about yourself” question can have a significant impact on how the interviewer views your suitability for the job. By writing thoughtful, relevant answers that reflect your qualifications and focus on the job, you increase your chances of advancing to the interview. It’s not about memorizing a script, it’s about conveying sincerity, professionalism, and passion for the opportunity given.


Give the answer at very much straightforward. A better answer must be-

Personalized- You are going to apply for a “Quality Control Job”. An employer didn’t want the production or Quality Assurance related experiences. Your answer must be relevant for the job that you applied for.

Well, it’s actually pretty straightforward. A good answer should be-

Specific on Experience– Please don’t say that “I am Isabela Paris and in the year of 20XX, I was High school student then in the year of 20XX I was College student then I myself admitted in the University of XYZ”. Your answer must be consist of your relevant experience, background, degree, achievements, your personal interest, hobby and current status.

Organized– You should follow the simply, smart, easy format so that everybody can easily read your speech very well. Never complex the simple issue. Try to keep it simple, just include the information what really you are. A typical answer may be consist of-

Present- Describe your current position, activities and major role

Past-Describe your previous activities, experience, achievements

Future-Describe your next plan that you are going to be that may be tell the interviewer that “Why you want this Job?

Here are some basic tips, you can follow the issue-

Be Professional in brief

When you are going to answer” Tell me about yourself”. Keep your speech not more than 2 minutes. No body want your entire life history at all even HR Manager. You can’t start with your Kindergarten / Primary School/ High School/ University Life or like that. Just deliver you specific point which is best fit for the job.

You can’t start with” I was a student of XYZ high school, since I grow up I passed my high school then I admitted myself at Higher Secondary School. After that I got myself admitted in University in the year of …

This is really a bad idea to do that, you have to start with your current status just like” Thank you very much for shortlisting me. I am Isabela Paris. I am Pharmacist with ten years of practical experience in different pharmaceutical company especially in document section both national and international affairs”. Just keep it simple.

Practice, practice and practice but don’t copycat others

In a modern interview session, you must hear “tell me about yourself”. So start practice this question. So how do you do that? Don’t worry. There is a better solution. Hire/request a friend to be your partner for a time being. Practice with that friend making him as HR Manager and you are the job seeker.

Remember don’t memorize the answer. Just took down the main point and practice with that. If you memorize then you are probably mess up in interview session while you forget it. Just create the idea and structure it as present, past and future and try to deliver it.

Remember, who is your audience?

 This is the vital point at the interview session. You have to know the member of the interview panel. Generally panel member introduce themselves, if not then you have to know them by the mode of their questions.

This is very important that who is talking with you and how you are handle with that. It may be your question, is it import? Well, there is an answer. Suppose you a Pharmacist and you are interviewing with HR manager. What then, you just start “I am a pharmacist, I know very well in powder technology and proper knowledge in dry granulation and wet granulation…? Is it perfect answer?

HR Manger didn’t know about powder technology nor dry granulation and wet granulation. A HR Manager generally known with more generic answer and your career, your applying reason, your expected salary etc. but when you interview with CEO or CTO then you can go with anything.

Structure your answer divided into different percentage

If you face the question “tell me about yourself” then you should remember the three Letter[WAP]-

Work-This section consist of more than 80% of the total answer

Academy-Consist of not more than 15%

Personal-This section generally minor and contains not more than 5% of the total answer.

Just after the greetings this the first question of the interviewer” Tell me about yourself”. In this session the interviewer really wants to know that what really you are. Just tell about your professional experience in this session, present, past and future plan. The interviewer want to justify the employer about their professional experience and next plan of the employee.

The employer want to know that the selected employee is fit for the asked position and do better for the same. Most of the employer generally want that the employee must be smart enough with current job descriptions and better know how about the designated position.

When you face the interview session and face this question “Tell me about yourself” then you should structure your answer in the following way-

A. For Fresh Graduates and College Student

Firstly, describe your current position/ situation/Status as likeMy name is Isabella Paris, I’m 23 Years of old and recently I have completed my graduation degree from University of XYZ with B.A. in Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering. I learned more about gene Biophysical Chemistry, Human Physiology, Enzymes and Enzyme Kinetics, Bioorganic Chemistry, Bioinformatics, GMOs and Biosafety, Bioprocess Technology, Genomics and Proteomics, Bioethics, Biostatistics and more. I was the part and parcel of the student assembly while maintaining GPA 3.7 out of 4”.

Secondly, try to summarize your previous experience with Achievement as like “During my study period I was voluntarily service our university library due to I love to know various types of subject related books rather than wasting time at to and fro. I was also involve in our university debate team and win two time championship”.

Thirdly, summarize your next plan, as like in this way I work hard to gain my knowledge from text book and other way, now I want to apply my knowledge through practice if I got any chance in your renowned organization. I have no practical experience but I have lot of coverage in real business environment.

I have completed lot of workshop which is related to real company problems. I am very much interested to deliver my all acquired knowledge in practical field and I think that I am the right person that you are looking for long time and best fit for the vacant position”.

Sample Answer for University Admissions:

B. Firstly, describe your current position/ situation/Status as like

” Hello, This is Isabela Paris, and I’m a elder at School of XYZ. I am almost better at my study plan and I am maintaining 3.8 GPA out of 4 though I am involve in various types of school projects and cultural activities. I am the chairman of “J.K Rowling Fantasy Club” which I started six month ago and continuing with more than hundred members as of now.

I am also the member of foreign student funding club and involve campus cleaning and hygiene program. We generally invite different university professor as guest lecturer for our campus cleaning and hygiene program”.

Secondly, try to summarize your previous experience with Achievement as like

“I am very fond of team work and never like to miss team building and try to continue the team spirit. I never hesitate to ask help from any one in any situation if I am unable to understand any subject matters. For instance, in the few month ago I was in trouble with “Algebra” which was little bit tricky for me then I ask help to my class teacher about this issue and request him to give me some extra time one after another day. At the end I got “A” in this subject”.

Thirdly, summarize your next plan, as like

Now at the University of XYZ, I’m preparing myself for major in Pharmacy or Molecular Biology. I also love to do lab work and study in a public library in the most of my leisure period”.

Sample Answer for Experienced Professionals

C. Firstly, describe your current position/ situation/Status as like

Yes, I am very much happy to do the same. Good Evening! Thank you for shortlisting me for the interview. My name is Isabela Paris. I am a Pharmacist with more than 10 years practical working experience in different pharmaceuticals company both in compliance and document section.

I am Master of Pharmacy and completed my graduation from XYZ University. Now I am involve in BPL as Assistant Manager, Quality Assurance. My major responsibility is to handle Change control, Deviation Management, CAPA, Quality Risk Management and product release.

Secondly, try to summarize your previous experience with Achievement as like

“In my previous organization I was involve in quality compliance section in more than 5 years where my major responsibility was In-process control of various pharmaceutical dosage form mainly in Tablet, Capsule, Liquid, SVP and LVP. There I was experienced with various types In-process control related Instruments especially in Disintegration Tester, Harness Tester, Electronic Balance, pH meter etc. with their qualification activities”.

Secondly, try to summarize your previous experience with Achievement as like

“before that, I was working as a project manager for Company Y that provided cloud computing solutions for about 6 years. There, I personally managed 5+ teams of software projects, and made sure everything went smoothly in terms of business goals, deadlines, budget, and more”.

Thirdly, summarize your next plan, as like

In my downtime, I enjoyed football and cricket also. This activity has shown me good strategy, consistency and determination can help to overcome any obstacle. I am person who thrives in a fast paced environment and right now I am looking for an opportunity to apply my practical expertise along with my creative problem solving capacity”.

“Tell me about yourself” what the best answer is? Read More »

Interview Tips in Pharmaceuticals and other Renowned Company

Interviews are the cornerstone of talent acquisition for pharmaceutical companies and are a critical time for human resources departments to carefully seek out people with the right skills and abilities needed for specific roles within the company. Imagine this. Our team of interviewers carefully evaluate candidates to find the perfect candidate who can handle the job requirements efficiently.

Imagine yourself in an interview room in front of a group of professionals tasked with determining whether you are a good fit for the company. This is your opportunity to shine, showcase your skills, and prove your value at the highest level of the company.

But more than just demonstrating your qualifications, the interview is a vetting process and an opportunity to convince the employer that you are the ideal candidate. The ability to effectively communicate your strengths, experience and aspirations is very important. For example, consider a scenario where two candidates have similar qualifications, but one of them demonstrates excellent communication skills and enthusiasm during the interview. Perhaps this candidate will make a strong impression and stand out as the preferred choice.

Consider the importance of body language. First impressions often set the tone for the entire interview. Your mannerisms, body language, and overall presence sometimes say more than your qualifications. People with a positive attitude exude confidence and charisma, traits that can overpower more experienced and unenthusiastic candidates.

It is important to maintain a positive attitude. Negativity breeds negativity, and employers are naturally attracted to candidates who exude optimism and resilience. Preparation is important. Being familiar with the company, the role, and potential interview questions will help you demonstrate your commitment and passion and help you stay ahead of the competition.

So as you prepare for your next interview, make sure you approach it with confidence and a positive attitude. Use these interview tips to leverage your strengths and present yourself as the best candidate for the job. Your attitude and preparation pave the way for success in your professional endeavors.

interview tips


List of Interview Tips
  • Leave an Unforgettable First Impression
  • Mastering Your Preparation for Success
  • Stand out by expressing your uniqueness and value proposition
  • Have a positive attitude to make a good impression on the interviewer
  • Master Body Language for Success
  • Stay calm even in difficult situations
  • Prepare for your interview with common questions


Leave an unforgettable first impression

The importance of making a good first impression during an interview cannot be overemphasized. This is a critical moment that sets the tone for the entire interaction and can greatly influence the outcome. Using real-life scenarios, let’s take a look at some key techniques that make first impressions count.

  • Cultural sensitivity when greeting people
  • The power of body language
  • Build relationships
  • Maintain eye contact
  • Self-relaxation techniques
  • Strategic self-preparation
  • Practice patience and diplomacy
  • Focus on adding value
Cultural sensitivity when greeting people

It is important to take cultural characteristics into account when greeting your interlocutors. For example, in some cultures a handshake may be a common greeting, while in others a bow or namaste may be more appropriate. Imagine a scenario where a candidate, knowing the interviewer’s cultural background, initiates the conversation respectfully and in line with their own habits. This demonstrates cultural awareness and has a positive impact on the interview.


The power of body language

A firm yet gentle handshake can convey trust and professionalism. Imagine a candidate walking into the interview room with a warm smile and a handshake that conveys kindness and firmness. This simple gesture can leave a lasting impression on the interviewer and signal that the candidate is confident and capable.

Build relationships

Building a relationship with your interview panel can help reduce tension and create a more relaxed atmosphere. For example, chatting before a formal interview begins can help break the ice and foster camaraderie. Imagine a scenario where a candidate starts a conversation with one of the panelists about a common interest, instantly building a rapport and making the interview feel more like a conversation than an interrogation.


Maintain eye contact

Consistent eye contact during the interview shows confidence, focus, and sincerity. Imagine a candidate who communicates honesty and transparency by making consistent eye contact with each panel member while speaking. These nonverbal cues can promote trust and credibility in the interviewer.


Self-relaxation techniques

It’s natural to feel nervous before an interview, but it’s important to find ways to calm your mind. One trick is to talk to other people in the waiting room to distract yourself from anxious thoughts. Imagine a scenario where a candidate strikes up a conversation with another interviewer, shares anecdotes and laughs, relaxes before the interview, and arrives at the interview in a calm manner.


Strategic self-preparation

An interview is essentially a sales conversation where the candidate is the product. Therefore, it is important to present your skills, experience, and achievements persuasively. Imagine a candidate who skillfully crafts their responses to highlight their strengths and accomplishments and effectively “sells” themselves as the ideal candidate for the position.


Practice patience and diplomacy

Interviewers may ask odd questions or test the applicant’s patience to gauge temperament and problem-solving skills. In such situations, it is important to remain calm and respond tactfully. Imagine a scenario where an interviewer asks a difficult question and the candidate responds with grace and confidence, turning an obstacle into an opportunity to demonstrate resilience and adaptability.


Focus on adding value

Ultimately, interviewers are looking for candidates who can make a positive contribution to the organization. It’s important for candidates to tailor their answers to the company’s needs and demonstrate how they can add value. Imagine a candidate who not only answers questions clearly, but is also willing to actively discuss his or her ideas and make meaningful contributions to the company.

By implementing these principles and strategies, candidates can make a lasting impression on interviewers and increase their chances of landing the opportunity they want. Remember: First impressions set the stage, but it’s the entire interview experience that ultimately determines success.

Mastering Your Preparation for Success

The key to success in your next interview is preparation. It is important to carefully review all aspects of your resume and check the company website in advance. Interviewers typically focus questions on your resume and related topics. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly understand everything on your resume.

Rather than copying other resumes, try to express yourself authentically. Personalize your resume to reflect who you really are and remove unnecessary information. A one-page resume is often preferred for new employees, but a two-page resume may be more appropriate for experienced applicants.

Some may be uniquely qualified, but meeting specific standards is not required. Create your own unique style by incorporating your personality. Avoid duplication in your resume and be clear. Interviewers can recognize repeated information.

Online business research is a valuable activity. Gain a basic understanding of the company, especially its flagship products or key initiatives. Although it is beneficial to have in-depth knowledge, it is not necessary to delve into every aspect of a company’s operations.

When it comes to salary negotiations, it’s important to approach the topic with sensitivity and realism. Look for salaries similar to your position and seek professional advice if necessary. Aim for a reasonable price that meets industry standards and your company’s budget constraints.

Real life example:

As a marketing professional preparing for an interview at a leading technology company, Sarah carefully reviews her own resume and ensures that all of her accomplishments and skills are effectively highlighted. Instead of emulating her generic role models, Sarah infuses her own resume with her own unique experiences and personality, demonstrating her creativity and strategic thinking.

As Sarah researched her company, she learned more about its innovative product line and recent market success. Even though she doesn’t go into technical details, she gains a solid understanding of the company’s brand and values.

During her interview, Sarah is asked what her salary expectations are, and she shows her professionalism by suggesting a figure that fits industry standards and company terms. She was impressed by his thorough preparation and genuine approach, and she ultimately secured his position.

Stand out by expressing your uniqueness and value proposition

In today’s competitive job market, landing your dream position often means competing against a variety of equally qualified candidates. Imagine a scenario where hundreds of resumes flood a hiring manager’s desk, all competing for the same coveted position. While many applicants have similar qualifications on paper, it is the intangible qualities that set you apart that define your character, work ethic, and potential contribution to the company.

Consider the following: You are applying for a marketing manager position at a leading technology company. There are many other candidates with similar degrees, certifications, and industry experience as you. But what truly sets you apart is your natural creativity, strategic thinking, and passion for leveraging digital platforms to drive brand engagement.

During the interview, it is important to explain why the company should choose you over others. It’s not just about recreating your resume. This is a clear articulation of your unique value proposition. Your knowledge, attitude, commitment to the job and communication skills play an important role in demonstrating why you are the right person for the job.

Let’s look at these aspects in more detail.

  • Awareness of Current Affairs
  • Knowledge
  • Attitude
  • Commitment
  • Communication Skills
  • Technical skills


Awareness of Current Affairs:

Demonstrating an understanding of current events and industry developments demonstrates your commitment and relevance. Show your commitment to staying ahead of the curve by staying up to date with relevant news, market trends and developments in your field.



Demonstrate expertise in your industry, including technical expertise, industry trends, and expert knowledge. For example, if you’re applying for a software development job, talk about your knowledge of programming languages and your familiarity with cutting-edge technologies.



Your attitude can change the game. Employers value applicants who demonstrate enthusiasm, adaptability, and a willingness to learn. Share anecdotes that highlight your proactive approach, problem-solving skills, and resilience in difficult situations.



Employers value applicants who are committed to excellence. B. Provide examples of situations where you have demonstrated commitment, such as taking on additional responsibilities, completing a project early, or investing in ongoing training and professional development.


Communication Skills:

Effective communication is essential in every role. Emphasize your persuasive communication skills and ability to build relationships with stakeholders, such as communicating ideas clearly, actively listening to others, or working effectively as a team.


Technical skills:

In today’s digital age, many roles require knowledge of basic Internet usage, office applications, and computer skills. Emphasize your familiarity with relevant software tools and your ability to adapt smoothly to new technologies.

Remember, the goal is not only to meet the hiring manager’s expectations, but to exceed them. Treat every interview as an opportunity to showcase your strengths, personality, and potential contributions to the company. By presenting yourself as authentic and trustworthy, you will stand out from the crowd as your favorite candidate.


Have a positive attitude to make a good impression on the interviewer

In a competitive interview environment, a positive attitude can greatly increase your chances of success. Just as people are naturally attracted to people who exude optimism and enthusiasm in their daily interactions, interviewers are also attracted to candidates who exude a positive attitude. This quality not only reflects your personal appearance, but also says a lot about your potential fit with the company culture and team dynamics.

Imagine the following scene: As you enter the interview room, you are greeted by a group of solemn-looking experts. Even if you’re nervous, consciously maintain a positive attitude, a warm smile, and a charming demeanor. During the interview, use every opportunity to express your genuine interest in the position and enthusiasm for the challenges it presents. Your optimistic attitude shines through when discussing possible night shifts, overtime, or other difficult aspects of the job, demonstrating your willingness to face challenges and contribute fully to the organization.

In contrast, imagine a candidate who doesn’t like unconventional work hours or extra responsibilities and approaches the interview with a negative attitude. Their lack of enthusiasm and pessimistic attitude may cause the interviewer to question their suitability for the position. In these cases, despite the necessary qualifications, a candidate’s negative attitude can ultimately overshadow their potential and influence jurors to favor the more optimistic candidate.

It’s important to recognize that in today’s dynamic job market, employers are looking for people who not only have the necessary skills and qualifications, but also demonstrate the right attitude and mindset. By displaying a positive attitude during the interview, you not only demonstrate your willingness to accept challenges, but also your willingness to make a positive contribution to the organization’s goals.

Moreover, a positive attitude doesn’t mean you completely ignore your own personal preferences or happiness. Rather, it is important to take a flexible and adaptable approach and be willing to make the compromises necessary to grow and develop professionally. This may mean agreeing to work nights, working overtime when necessary, or taking on additional responsibilities to achieve your career goals.

Basically, maintaining a positive attitude during an interview will not only increase your likeability, but it will also help emphasize your suitability for the job. Exuding optimism, enthusiasm and a willingness to take on challenges, you will establish yourself as a valuable asset to any organization, able to thrive in a diverse work environment and contribute significantly to its success. So, don’t forget to harness the power of positivity in your next interview. This could be the key to opening up exciting opportunities and advancing your career.


Master Body Language for Success

As the saying goes, “Man is a creature of habit.” In fact, each of us has personal habits, some of which may inadvertently project negative attitudes onto others. Imagine this scenario. You’re sitting at a job interview, lost in thought, and start unconsciously tapping your foot. Even though this behavior may seem harmless to you, it can leave a lasting negative impression on the interviewee.


Body language often says more than words. Simple gestures such as crossing your arms, frequently touching your face or hair, or picking your beard or nose can convey nervousness, insecurity, and even dishonesty. Even if these practices are unintentional, they can undermine your credibility and suitability for the job.

Interviews present unique challenges that go beyond simply discussing qualifications or experience. Some interview panels explore the world of personal reflection through questions designed to assess internal perspectives. These surveys often aim to move away from the technical aspects of the job and assess an individual’s personality and behavior under pressure.

Imagine a scenario where a job seeker is faced with the question, “What is your greatest weakness?” or “What would your last boss say about you?” These questions are not routinely asked of all candidates. Rather, it is used strategically by interview teams to make decisions about potential employees.

This approach is disarming, but it is an important time for the candidate to demonstrate their ability to remain calm and professional regardless of the situation. It is a test not only of technical skills, but also of emotional intelligence and self-awareness.

For example, imagine a candidate who, when asked what his weaknesses are, answers honestly and humbly, recognizes opportunities for improvement, and emphasizes personal development strategies. This response shows not only confidence but also a willingness to take on the challenge.

Moreover, remaining calm and collected in such situations speaks volumes about a person’s ability to cope with workload and adversity. Demonstrate flexibility and adaptability, traits that employers value in today’s fast-paced, dynamic workplace.

Basically, the ability to control yourself in difficult situations is a valuable skill that will take you beyond the limits of an interview. It’s a testament to a person’s character and ability to grow, and sends a signal to potential employers that the candidate can be trusted to handle uncertain situations with grace and professionalism. So while these unexpected questions may surprise applicants, they’re also a great opportunity to demonstrate your desire to excel in all situations.


Prepare for your interview with common questions:

Prepare for your interview by thoroughly practicing your answers to the most common interview questions. Participate in an intensive practice session to anticipate and develop answers to common interview questions. The following questions serve as a starting point, but your preparation should include as many different questions as possible.

Practicing answering these questions will refine your pronunciation, increase your confidence, and improve your interview performance. Consider the following real example:

  • Tell me about yourself?
  • Express yourself?
  • Give a short description about you?
  • How would you describe yourself?
  • What makes you unique?
  • How do we know that you are unique?
  • Why do you want to work here?
  • Why do you choose us?
  • What are you passionate about?
  • What criteria bring you here?
  • What interests you about this role?
  • Which interesting part of the job attract you most?
  • What motivates you?
  • What are your greatest strengths?
  • Show me your strength?
  • Why are you leaving your current job?
  • Which specific cause lead you here?
  • Tell us about your shortcoming and how can you overcome it?
  • What are your extreme weaknesses?
  • What are your goals for the future?
  • What is your future plan?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • Do you like to stay in same position after ten years?
  • Which type of work you don’t like to perform?
  • Can you tell me about a difficult work situation and how you overcame it?
  • Are face any type of unwanted situation?
  • What is your salary range expectation?
  • Are you interested to join with us below your current salary?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • Tell me the reason why I should hire you?
  • Do you have any questions?
  • What did you like most about your last position?
  • What did you like least about your last position?
  • How do you handle stress?
  • How do you handle conflict at work?
  • Why are you interested in this position?
  • What is your greatest accomplishment?
  • How do you define success?
  • How do you work under pressure?
  • What is your dream job?
  • What can you bring to the company?
  • What skills would you bring to the job?
  • What does customer service mean to you?
  • Tell me about your work experience?
  • Tell me about your extracurricular activities
  • What is your favorite game?
  • How do you spend your leisure time?
  • Are you involve in political activities?
  • Who is your favorite Leader?

Imagine you are preparing for an interview at a well-known technology company. Anticipate questions, reflect on your experiences, and formulate your answers. For example, if you are asked what your strengths and weaknesses are, list your strengths, such as your ability to solve problems and your proactive approach to learning new technologies. Instead, you recognize a tendency to be overly detailed as a weakness, but emphasize an ongoing effort to delegate tasks effectively. Through repeated practice, you will not only develop sophisticated answers, but you will also gain deeper insight into your skills and be able to express yourself authentically in interviews.

Interview Tips in Pharmaceuticals and other Renowned Company Read More »