Effluent Water Test ; Purpose:
To ensure that effluent water is analyzed to meet In-house specification in order to minimize environmental pollution.
This SOP applies for analysis of effluent water in Quality Control Section and Microbiology Laboratory at XX Pharmaceuticals Limited.
BOD: Biological Oxygen Demand
The roles and responsibility is as follows:
Microbiologist/Officer, QC
Sample collection and analysis of effluent water & test report preparation.
Manager, Microbiology/Asst. Manager, QC
Ensure sampling, analysis, documentation & application of sound technical information.
Manager, Quality Assurance
Approval of SOP.
- Care should be taken during sampling because effluent water is hazardous and toxic.
- Wear gloves, mask during sampling and testing.
- Discard all used materials, glassware, gloves at the end of work after autoclaving.
Sample Collection:
- Take clean & dry of 2 Liters flask for chemical test sample.
- Sterilize sampling container at 1210C for 15 minutes for microbiology test.
- Take effluent water sample at least 2 Liters for chemical test.
- For microbiology test, take sample into three of 250 ml BOD bottle.
- Drop cap on the mouth of BOD bottle tightly.
- Ensure the BOD bottle is free from any bubble.
- Don’t expose container outside area of Laboratory.
- Carry out sample into Quality Control & Microbiology Laboratory.
Sample Preservation
Preserve sample at 2 to 80C for not more than 24 hours.
Test Frequency
Carry out test once in every three months.
Chemical & Microbiological tests as follows
Perform the test as per Analytical Method of Effluent Water.
Report preparation:
Report of the test result in Effluent Water Test Report, Annexure-I.
Distribution of Result
- After completion of analysis, inform status to the Engineering Department.
- If any test result found out of specification, repeat test to be done.
- If repeat test result found out of specification then inform to Engineering Department for corrective action.
- After corrective action, collect the sample & carry out the test.