Electromagnetic Sieve Shaker Calibration with Cleaning & Operation

Electromagnetic Sieve Shaker Calibration, Purpose: Electromagnetic Sieve Shaker Calibration, The purpose of this SOP is to describe the operation, calibration and cleaning of Electromagnetic sieve shaker (Model: Electrolab EMS-8) used for the sieve analysis in the quality control laboratory at XX Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Electromagnetic Sieve Shaker Calibration Scope: This procedure is applicable to the Electromagnetic […]

Electromagnetic Sieve Shaker Calibration, Purpose:

Electromagnetic Sieve Shaker Calibration, The purpose of this SOP is to describe the operation, calibration and cleaning of Electromagnetic sieve shaker (Model: Electrolab EMS-8) used for the sieve analysis in the quality control laboratory at XX Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Electromagnetic Sieve Shaker Calibration Scope:

This procedure is applicable to the Electromagnetic sieve shaker (Model: Electrolab EMS-8), used for conducting sieve analysis and particle size distribution using test sieves, in the quality control laboratory of XX Pharmaceuticals Limited.

Definitions / Abbreviation:

[][]SOP: Standard Operating Procedure.
[][]QC: Quality Control.
[][]ASTM: American Society for Testing and Material.


The roles and responsibility is as follows:

Executive, QC

[][]To ensure that this procedure is followed.
[][]To maintain the records properly as per SOP.

Manager, Quality Control

[][]To ensure that this procedure is kept up to date.
[][]To confirm that the SOP is technically sound and reflects the required working practices.
[][]To arrange training on the SOP to all concerned personnel and to ensure implementation of the SOP after training.
[][]Schedule calibration of the instrument at the defined intervals.

Head of Quality Assurance

[][]Approval of the SOP.
[][]To ensure the overall implementation of the SOP



[][]The equipment should not be set near to room heating equipment or direct sunlight.
[][]Use mask, gloves and safety goggles during handling the instrument.


[][]Check the machine is clean and calibrated.
[][]Ensure that the working bench is clean.
[][]Switch on the power from its main and power on the instrument.
[][]Display indicates: ELECTRO – MAGNETIC
[][]Ensure all the sieve diameter and pore size should be as per ASTM standard. Keep received certificate in appropriate place.
[][]Use certified sieve.
[][]Select the sieves required as per monograph/ procedure.
[][]Check the integrity of the sieves.
[][]Ensure the sieve numbers are matching with the ASTM number given on the sieves.
[][]Place the sieves in the descending order of sieve No. on the collecting pan.
[][]Set the sieves on the instrument, shaker ensures that the value of the amplitude is set at the lowest.
[][]Set the desired time (Maximum 99 minutes) by pressing the time key provided below the “TIME” display.
[][]Set the desired amplitude (power level 5 to 20) by pressing the power key provided below the “POWER” display.
[][]Select Continuous or intermittent mode by pressing “CONTNUOUS” or “INTERMITTENT” key respectively.
[][]Weigh the sample and evenly spread the same on the top sieve and close the sieve.
[][]Place the sieve sets on the base of the holder firmly and lift the assembly to touch the top of the holder.
[][]Tight the assembly and then press “START” key to start the operation.
[][]The shifter works during the time and with the power level programmed. In case of intermittent mode, the shifter will start vibrate at interval of 0.5 second.
[][]After completion of this process carefully remove the sieve set.
[][]Collect the samples retained on each sieve and on the collection pan and weigh the quantity of sample retained on each sieve.
[][]Calculate the percentage of the sample retained on each sieve and put the analysis data in the report sheet of electromagnetic sieve shaker.
[][]Check the integrity of the sieves again, if not ok label it as rejected and discard the same as scrap.

Cleaning of the Sieve:

[][]Do not use dissolvent or any hard material for cleaning.
[][]For sieves less than 500 micron use ultrasonic and detergent. The sieves should be gently cleaned by keeping it in ultrasonic for 4 to 5 minutes.
[][]Cleaning with soft brush followed by ultrasonic cleaning can be used for sieves having mesh size more than 500 micron.
[][]After cleaning sieves should be rinsed thoroughly and left to dry in an upright position.

Cleaning of the Sieve Shaker:

[][]Switch ‘OFF’ the instrument and switch ‘OFF’ from the mains.
[][]Clean the outer surface of the instrument with Isopropyl alcohol and dry it with tissue paper.
[][]Clean the surrounding areas of instrument with a cloth dampen in water


[][]Calibration frequency: once in a year and after every maintenance.
[][]Check the time with calibrated and certified clock at 10, 20, 50, 70 and 90 minutes. The tolerance should be ± 1 minute.
[][]After completing the calibration, maintain the calibration record of Sieve shaker as per Annexure-I.


Annexure–I: Calibration Information Sheet for Electromagnetic Sieve Shaker.
Annexure–II: Operation logbook for Electromagnetic Sieve Shaker.
Annexure–III: List of Sieves.

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