Equipment Logbook, Purpose:
Equipment Logbook, To lay down the procedure for Maintaining Record of Equipment Usage, break-down, cleaning and change over functions during all Manufacturing Activities.
Equipment Logbook, Scope:
This SOP is applicable for the Production Area of General Block of the XX Pharmaceuticals Limited.
Definitions / Abbreviation:
[][]Equipment : The implement, which is used at an Operation or Activity.
[][]The Roles and Responsibilities are as follows:
[][]To follow the laid down procedure
Executive, Production
[][]To monitor and check laid down procedure
Manager, Production
[][]To implement this correctly
Manager, Quality Assurance
[][]To approve the Document
Use of Equipment Log Book :
[][]Equipment Log Book is to record equipment usage maintenance and cleaning record. The records are maintained to trace back the previous history.
[][]Maintain individual ‘Equipment Log Book’ (Annexure-I) for each equipment.
[][]Equipment log book format is divided in 05 parts
[][]Product Information
[][]Equipment usage details
[][]Cleaning details
[][]Change Over details
[][]Inspection and Approval
[][]Product Information
[][]Product name, Batch no., Batch size shall be recorded in log book.
[][]Each book is dedicated for each equipment
[][]Equipment usage details
[][]Product start time and end time shall be recorded in log book.
[][]This is applicable for each batch activity.
[][]Record the activity / batch operations shift wise in log book.
[][]All break times like Lunch time, Tea time, machine stoppage due to breakdown, machine stoppage at the end of the shift or day and machine stoppage due to power failure, only if restart time is more than 5 minutes.
Equipment cleaning details
[][]The equipment cleaning is applicable in following events.
[][]Batch changeover of the same product and different product.
[][]After cleaning if cleaned equipment is kept idle for more than defined hold time which shall be studied and incorporated in respective equipment SOP.
[][]If equipment is relocated /shifted within the facility as well as for new equipment.
[][]In case of cleaning after maintenance activity.
[][]In case of cleaning after area fumigation.
[][]After usage of equipment, clean it as per the procedure defined in respective equipment SOP.
[][]The type of cleaning shall be mentioned in specified column in log book.
[][]After cleaning is completed, inform QA (Quality Assurance) to inspect and approve for next activity.
Change Over Details :
[][]Change Over is applicable in following events.
[][]Change over is done for product to product change.
[][]Start and end time shall be mentioned in specified column in log book.
[][]After change over is completed, Executive, Production check setting of machine & will take step for next activity.
Inspection and Approval before usage
[][]Before usage Equipment, it is to be checked for its suitability for next activity by Executive, Production and then inspected and approved by Executive, Quality Compliance.
If production is on campaign basis, after every 10th batch, cleaning activity is carried out and details are recorded.
[][]During campaign of same product, equipment shall be cleaned as per respective equipment SOP but prior to start next batch approval shall be taken by Executive, Quality Compliance.
Additional Information at the Remarks Column
[][]Throughout the working day operation, if the operating machine turns ‘Stop’ by either mechanical or electrical reasons, note the total down time for a day at the Remarks column.