Ink Jet Printer Set Up & Operation

Ink Jet Printer, Purpose: Ink Jet Printer, To lay down the procedure for Operation,  in order to comply with cGMP at the Packaging area. Ink Jet Printer, Scope: This SOP is applicable for the Packaging Area of XX Pharmaceuticals Limited. Definitions / Abbreviation: N/A. Responsibilities: [][]The Roles and Responsibilities are as follows : Operator [][]To […]

Ink Jet Printer, Purpose:

Ink Jet Printer, To lay down the procedure for Operation,  in order to comply with cGMP at the Packaging area.

Ink Jet Printer, Scope:

This SOP is applicable for the Packaging Area of XX Pharmaceuticals Limited.

Definitions / Abbreviation:



[][]The Roles and Responsibilities are as follows :


[][]To follow the laid down procedure

Executive, Packaging

[][]To monitor and check the procedure is followed

Manager, Production

[][]To implement this correctly

Manager, Quality Assurance

[][]To approve the Document

Machine Operation

[][]First check the machine physically.
[][]Connect the electrical cable.
[][]Switch ON the power supply.
[][]Enter Password on the PLC.
[][]Select Job form PLC as specified.
[][]Save the select file.
[][]Enter into the setting menu from PLC.
[][]Set and save the Machine parameter from PLC.
[][]Press Counter ON from PLC.
[][]Adjust the cartridge and sensor.
[][]Press PRINT button on the PLC.

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