Market Complaint Handling

Market Complaint , Purpose : Market Complaint , To provide a system for timely response to a product complaint and to make relevant investigation and recommendation with proper documentation. Market Complaint , Scope : This procedure is applicable to all types of market complaints received from the market, related to quality, packing and shortage of […]

Market Complaint , Purpose :

Market Complaint , To provide a system for timely response to a product complaint and to make relevant investigation and recommendation with proper documentation.

Market Complaint , Scope :

This procedure is applicable to all types of market complaints received from the market, related to quality, packing and shortage of the products manufactured at XX Pharmaceuticals Limited (Both General and Sterile Block).

Definitions / Abbreviation:

[][]Market Complaint: A written or verbal report originating from customer, retailers, physicians, field supervisor, regional sales coordinator, medical representative, hospitals, regulatory agency and our employees which relates to the inadequacy of the quality, i.e. non Assurance with standards or customer requirements and includes any packaging and labeling requirements, any query regarding specifications, analytical procedure, incomplete text and non conformance with customer requirements should be treated as complaint.
[][]Customer: The person or institution making the complaint.
[][]PMD: Product Management Department.


[][]The roles and responsibility is as follows:

Executive/ Manager, PMD

[][]Send the complaints with appropriate details & samples to Manager, Quality Assurance.

Quality Assurance Manager/ designee

[][]Responsible for registering, carrying out the investigation and taking necessary corrective actions, providing necessary technical response to PMD in consultation with General Manager, Plant and Manager, Quality Assurance, generation of the complaint report and closure of the complaint.

Manager, Quality Control

[][]Responsible for carrying out the analysis of samples as per requirement.

Manager, Quality Assurance

[][]Approval of the SOP.
[][]To ensure that the implementation of the procedure as per SOP.


Classification of Complaints:

[][]Market complaints to be classified as minor, major and critical.
[][]Minor: Complaints related to physical appearance of packaging of the product.
[][]Major: Complaints related to physical appearance of the products (e.g. broken tablets, fading, spots etc), packaging quantity (e.g. empty blister, empty bottles, empty content etc), label missing, batch printing missing etc.
[][]Critical: Chemical property complaints related to any chemical test failure of a product, e.g. low purity, change in the impurity level and degradation and shall also include the complaints arising due to stability failure. In the event that a batch is considered to be actually or potentially harmful to user, thereby requiring a recall, following relevant SOP.

Raising of Product Complaint:

[][]Any market complaint received or to be raised by PMD / Sales team shall be filled up in the market complaint form (Annexure-III) along with complaint details (Attach original complaint document to this Annexure if applicable). If the details of the complain are not available in the document then the details of the chemist shop or recipient from where the complaint has been received will be recorded in the market complaint form.
[][]Customer complaints which are received by PMD or complaint raised by PMD will be forwarded to Manager, Quality Assurance with appropriate details in the market complaint form (Annexure- III).
[][]Head of Quality Assurance shall send the complaints along with complaint sample, if received, to Manager, Quality Assurance.
Manager, Quality Assurance shall arrange the investigation and generate a comprehensive report on the market complaints investigation form (Annexure–I).

Investigation of complaints:

[][]Manager, Quality Assurance shall record the complaint in a market compliant logbook (Annexure–II). This detail should include a complaint number, name of the product, batch No., Mfg. date, Expiry date, nature of the complaint, name & address of complainant and date of receipt at the investigating site.
[][]Quality Assurance shall assign a distinct control number to every complaint as follows:
MC – Market Complaint.
‘XX’ represents the last two digits of the year 20XX
‘001’ represents for serial number of the market compliant on continuous basis starting from
001 for the calendar year.
[][]If complaint sample is received along with the market complaint, the investigator shall record the quantity of sample received in the market complaint investigation form (Annexure–I).
[][]If no complaint sample is received along with the complaint, the investigator shall record the relevant details disclosed in the complaint form.
[][]Quality Assurance Manager shall carry out the detailed investigation of the market complaint under the supervision of Head of Quality Assurance to find out the root cause of the complaint and to generate corrective & preventive actions. In his/her absence, Head of Quality Assurance shall nominate any other person to carryout activities in this regard.
[][]Investigator shall carefully inspect and record the physical appearance of the sample, seal etc. and compare the details of the references available in documents of the same batch number. Chemical analysis shall be done on the sample at this point of time.
[][]The investigator in consultation with Head of Quality Assurance shall arrange to carry out chemical and / or microbiological analysis of the reference sample (along with the complaint sample, if available). The investigator must also scrutinize the analytical report of the product under reference.
[][]The investigator shall then discuss the results of the analysis with General Manager, Plant for the investigation at production end.
[][]General Manager, Plant along with the respective departmental manager shall investigate the complaint in details.
[][]The investigation should include scrutiny of batch production records for any manufacturing and/or packing problems encountered during the production of the batch.
[][]Any equipment breakdowns recorded during production of the batch and any material quality problems faced during manufacturing and packing of the batch also must be studied.
[][]In case of following nature of the market complaints, AGM, Quality Assurance in consultation with Managing Director may decide to recall the product / batch as per Recall procedure.
[][]Product mix up and label mix up
[][]Failure to meet regulatory specification (i.e. Assay, impurity)
[][]Adverse drug reaction due to product defect.
[][]Contamination due to foreign matter. (e.g. Glass pieces, metal pieces, black particles, particulate matter, microbial growth etc.)

[][]The closure of complaints along with redressal should be completed within 1(one) month period after the receipt of the complaints. Any delays shall be justified.

Product Complaint Redressal:

[][]Head of Strategic Marketing and Communication after consultation with Managing Director shall appraise the customer on the corrective actions taken and on the redressal actions, wherever necessary and a copy of such shall be forwarded to Head of Quality Assurance for his/her reference.
[][]Management Reviews of Complaints:
[][]The product complaint report, the trends, effectiveness of the corrective actions etc. shall be summarized and reviewed in management review meeting.


Annexure-I: Market Complaint Investigation Form
Annexure-II: Market Complaint Log Book
Annexure-III: Market Complaint Form
Annexure-IV: Flow Diagram For Handling of Market Complaints

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