Packaging Material Sampling and Release Procedure

Packaging Material Sampling and Release, Purpose : The purpose of this SOP is to describe the procedure for sampling and releasing of packaging materials for pharmaceutical products. Packaging Material Sampling and Release, Scope : This procedure is applicable for all packaging materials received at the warehouse of  XX Pharmaceuticals Limited. Definitions/Abbreviation: [] SOP: Standard Operating […]

Packaging Material Sampling and Release, Purpose :

The purpose of this SOP is to describe the procedure for sampling and releasing of packaging materials for pharmaceutical products.

Packaging Material Sampling and Release, Scope :

This procedure is applicable for all packaging materials received at the warehouse of  XX Pharmaceuticals Limited.


[] SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
[] QC: Quality Control
[] GRN: Goods Received Note
[] COA: Certificate of Analysis
[] ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning
[] Sampling: It is a process of collecting the materials so that the collection shall represent the whole lot.
[] Sampling plan: Description of the number of units and/or quantity of material that should be collected.
[] Consignment: A supply of a material of particular batch intended to be used in different department.
[] Lot: A defined quantity of material made by a specified process cycle having uniform quality.


The roles and responsibility is as follows:

Officer/Executive/ Sr. Executive, Quality Control

[] To ensure that the procedure is correctly followed.
[] To maintain the records properly as per SOP.
[] To ensure that this procedure is kept up to date.
[] To confirm that the SOP reflects the required working practices.
[] To arrange training on the SOP to all concerned personnel and to ensure implementation of the SOP after training.

Executive/ Sr. Executive, Warehouse

[] To ensure availability of containers to be sampled in quarantine area.

Executive, Production

[] To arrange machine trial when required and share the report to QC with the concern of Manager,


Head of Quality Assurance

[] To ensure the overall implementation of the SOP.
[] Approval of the SOP.

General Precaution(s):

[] Take sample for microbial testing first followed by other sampling.
[] Sampling should be carried out by trained personnel.

Sampling: Packaging Material Sampling and Release

[] Receive the GRN with Manufacture’s COA from the warehouse and enter the details (GRN no., lab. control no., name of material, code no., invoice/challan no., manufacturer lot no., local batch no., manufactured by, supplied by, pack size, no. of pack, total quantity and received by & date) in the ‘Packaging Material Log Register’ (as per Annexure-I) maintained in QC department for packaging material.
[] Ensure that material is received from Approved Vendor.
[] If the material is not from approved vendor or if the Manufacture’s COA for primary packaging material is not received, inform Supply Chain Management Department.
[] QC Officer/Executive or QC sampler will select the no. of container/packs to be sampled as per sampling plan and sample quantity according to ‘Sampling quantity for Packaging Material’ (as per Annexure-II) and take required no. of “SAMPLED” label.
[] For example, when the total no. of container of inner carton (secondary packaging material) is 25, then no. of container to be sampled will be Ö 25 + 1 = 5 + 1 = 6.
[] If the batch size is 3100 pcs, then 32 pcs of inner cartons will be taken from 6 different containers.

Sampling plan:

[] The n plan

The “n plan” is based on the formula n = 1 + ÖN, where N is the number of sampling units in the consignment. The value of n is obtained by simple rounding. A minimum number of containers needs to be sampled, e.g. if N is less than or equal to 4, then every container is sampled. According to this plan, samples are taken from n sampling units (containers/pack) selected at random.

Sampling plan for primary packaging material

[] In case of primary packaging material, select no. of reels/pack/ container for sampling as per “n plan”.

Collect approximately 1 feet sample of foil/film from each of selected reels of films/foils.

[] In case of bottle/cap/dropper/stopper, take randomly 10 samples from selected containers.
[] In case of Container/Jerry can/Cap for Jerry can; check physical appearance of at least 3 samples from each selected container/pack (selected as per “n plan”) and then take randomly two containers for laboratory test from selected container/pack.

Sampling plan for secondary packaging material

[] For secondary packaging material, select container/pack for sampling as per “n plan”.
[] Samples can be withdrawn from any part of the container (usually from the top layer).
[] Collect sample proportionally from the selected container/pack following ‘Sampling quantity for Packaging Material’ (as per Annexure-II).
[] In case of Shipper carton and Master carton, check physical appearance and text of at least 3 shipper cartons from each selected pack and then take randomly 3 shipper cartons for laboratory test from selected pack.
[] Inform Warehouse before going for sampling to arrange the packaging material containers.
[] Take ‘Sampled’ label, sampling tools, packaging material sampling report, sampling basket and GRN before sampling.
[] Check the physical condition and cleanliness of packaging material containers/packs before opening for sampling.
[] If any container/pack found in damaged condition, intimate warehouse in-charge.
[] Damaged containers/packs whose integrity is doubtful should be sampled and tested separately.
Inform warehouse in-charge to take initiatives for repacking of damaged container/pack if necessary.

 Sampling of packaging materials

[] Check the details given on the GRN with the manufacturers label and ensure that the “Quarantine” label affixed properly by the warehouse personnel on all packaging material containers/packs of a consignment.

[] Check the physical condition of outer pack/container/damage condition.
[] Microbiology personnel will collect sample first in sampling booth for microbial analysis (when applicable).
[] Check the physical condition such as appearance (in case of Shipper carton/Master carton, Container/Jerry can/Cap for Jerry can), winding (in case of foil/film) etc. of the packaging material for any gross abnormalities. Measure internal core diameter, total reel diameter (in case of foil/film) of three reels. [] Record all necessary information in ‘Packaging Materials Sampling Report’ (as per Annexure-IV).
[] Select number of containers/bags/packs and collect sample according to sampling plan. Repair the sampling point properly, close the container/pack and affix the ‘SAMPLED’ label in cascading manner (overlapping upto half of the status bar of the previous label) over the “QUARANTINE” label without hiding any information of the previous label. Affix ‘UNDER TEST’ label on all other containers of the consignment in the same way.

[] Enter the information about the material sampled i.e. date, GRN No., lab. control no., name of  material, code no., invoice no./challan no., manufacturer lot no., manufactured by, sampled quantity, sampled by and remarks (if any)  into the ‘Sampling Register for Packaging Material’ (as per
[] Record sampling details in ‘Packaging Materials Sampling Report’ (as per Annexure-IV).
[] If any discrepancy found, immediately inform the warehouse in-charge to take action accordingly.
[] Transfer the collected samples to QC laboratory.


[] On receipt of the packaging material sample from warehouse, QC will keep them into “Under test sample (packaging material)” labeled rack in sample receiving room or any other designated place with proper labeling.
[] Enter the sampled by (initial) in the ‘Packaging Material Log Register’ (as per Annexure-I).
[] In-charge/Sr. Executive, QC will issue the packaging material work sheet with initial and date on every page to the analyst and enter the worksheet issued by (initial and date) in the ‘Packaging Material Log Register’ (as per Annexure-I).
[] Carry out the physical appearance test very carefully.
[] Test all parameters according to the packaging material specification and the packaging material test method and record the analytical raw data and calculations, and attach the printout of weight(s) in the analyst logbook.
[] Fill up the respective Packaging material work sheet (as per Annexure-V) and attach printout of required raw data.
[] Accordingly prepare the ‘Certificate of Analysis for Packaging Material’ (as per Annexure-VI).
[] Use bracket like [  ] to indicate that the result is taken from manufacturer’s certificate of analysis (COA).
[] Keep a remarks on ‘Certificate’, if any minor observation (variation in dimension, colour etc.) is found for a batch of packaging material.
[] Compile a batch report with COA, test report (packaging material work sheet), packaging materials sampling report (prepared as per Annexure-IV), QC copy of GRN.
[] Keep one retention sample with the bunch if feasible.
[] If it is not possible to keep retention sample with the bunch, keep them into another box/pack with proper labeling.
[] Submit the batch report with respective packaging material specification to Executive/Sr. Executive, Quality Control for checking.
[] Check and verify the test result against Packaging Material Specification. Inform production department for machine trial or practical trial for a particular material, if required.
[] Executive, Production is responsible for machine trial and reporting.
[] On completion of checking/verification, enter the detail in the ERP.
[] Submit GRN, testing report and COA to In-charge/Sr. Executive, QC for checking and approval. Give part release to fulfill the production demand, if required.
[] In-charge, QC/Sr. Executive, QC will check report and approve finally for passed/rejected status of the packaging material.
[] Officer/Executive, QC will prepare status label (Passed/Rejected) after approval of GRN. The expiry and retest should be not applicable for all secondary packaging materials, glass bottle, ampoule, plastic container/cap/dropper/stopper/syringe, polyethylene bag, aluminium cap, sealing foil and alu-lid foil. In case of PVC, PVdC film and Alu-bottom foil; the expiry and/retest should be as per manufacturer’s recommendation. If not mentioned by manufacturer, then the expiry period for PVC, PVdC film and Alu-bottom foil should be five years.

[] Officer/Executive/Sr. Executive, QC will check and sign on the passed label.
[] Only the rejected label will be signed by In-charge/Sr. Executive, QC.
[] After release of consignment entry information regarding a passed/rejected GRN in “Packaging material log register” (as per Annexure-I).
[] After approval send copy of GRN to warehouse/Store.
[] QC Executive or QC sampler will affix status label (Passed/Rejected) in cascading manner (overlapping upto 3/4 th of the status bar of the previous label) over the “SAMPLED” or “UNDER TEST” label without hiding any information of the previous label.
[] Enclose mail or any other relevant document and approved GRN, with the respective batch document.
[] Keep a copy of GRN with batch document and file it up.

List of Annexes: Packaging Material Sampling and Release Procedure

[] Annexure-I     : Packaging Material Log Register
[] Annexure-II    : Sampling quantity for Packaging Material
[] Annexure-III   : Sampling Register for Packaging Material
[] Annexure-IV   : Packaging Materials Sampling Report
[] Annexure-V    : Packaging Material Work Sheet
[] Annexure-VI   : Certificate of Analysis for Packaging Material

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