Reverse Washing of MGF, ACF & Regeneration of Softener In Manual Mode

Reverse Washing, Purpose: Reverse Washing, The purpose of this SOP is to define the Reverse washing of MGF, ACF and regeneration of softener of PW Generation system in manual mode. Scope: This Standard Operating Procedure applies to the PW plant manufactured by Watertown, which is located at the Utility area (roof top) of General Block […]

Reverse Washing, Purpose:

Reverse Washing, The purpose of this SOP is to define the Reverse washing of MGF, ACF and regeneration of softener of PW Generation system in manual mode.


This Standard Operating Procedure applies to the PW plant manufactured by Watertown, which is located at the Utility area (roof top) of General Block of Labaid Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Definitions / Abbreviation:

[][]SOP: Standard Operating Procedure.
[][]PW: Purified Water.
[][]HMI: Human Machine Interface.
[][]MGF: Multi Grade Filter.
[][]ACF: Active Carbon Filter.


[][]The roles and responsibilities are as follows:

Engineering (Validation)

[][]Preparing the SOP and revise it when necessary.

Engineering (Maintenance) Department

[][]To provide necessary support for smooth operation of the system.


[][]To operate the PW plant according to the SOP.

Manager, Engineering

[][]To ensure that the operation of PW plant are done properly.

Manager, Quality Assurance

[][]To approve the SOP.
[][]To ensure overall implementation of this SOP.



[][]All operation work must be done safely in accordance with the requirements of the Plant Safety Statement and the safety notices around the plant. Specific attention must be paid to the following:
[][]Use Personal Protective Equipment during handling of any kind of chemical.
[][]Be careful about the hot water and steam line.
[][]Ensure all the utilities before doing any operation.

Operating Procedure:

Manual Reverse Washing of MGF:
[][]Switch on the main breaker to supply electrical power of the plant.
[][]Ensure compressed air and other utilities to run the plant.
[][]The HMI becomes ON and following screen will appear.
[][]Press Enter on that screen.
[][]Press the “Pretreatment Flowchart” button and screen for pretreatment flowchart will appear.
[][]Press the “Manual off” button and give USER ID and Password.
[][]On Valve by pressing on Valve position on screen (figure-05) XV44-04, XV44-05, and XV20-02.
[][]Set frequency (0-50Hz) PU30B/PU30A.
[][]ON Pump by pressing on pump position.
[][]After 5-10 min off the pump by pressing on pump position.
[][]On valve by pressing on valve position on screen XV44-01, XV44-03.
[][]Pump ON.
[][]Reverse washing of MGF is performed for 10 minutes. Depositing and observe washing of MGF is performed for 2 minutes and 5 minutes respectively.

Active Carbon Filter Reverse Washing:

[][]OFF Valve XV44-03
[][]ON Valve XV44-02
[][]ON Valve XV45-04,XV45-05
[][]After 5-10 min Pump off.
[][]On Valve XV45-01,XV45-03
[][]After 0-10 min OFF valve XV45-03
[][]On Valve XV45-02
[][]After 5-10 min will go to softener operation.
[][]The time for reverse washing, depositing and observe washing is as same as MGF.

Softener Regeneration:

[][]For back washing of softener A ON the valve XV50-04A and XV50-05A. Backwashing will be performed for 10 minutes.
[][]After backwashing during regeneration ON the valves XV50-01A, XV50-15, XV50-14A, XV50-03A. Regeneration will be performed for 50 minutes.
[][]For observe washing ON the valves XV50-01A, XV50-03A. Observe washing will be performed for 50 minutes.
[][]Backwashing, regeneration and observe washing procedure of softener B is same as softener B.

Reverse Washing of RO:

[][]Press on RO Flow chart on Screen and will show following screen
[][]After 5-10 min on pump PU51-01,PU51-02,PU52
[][]On valve XV51-07, XV51-05, XV52-06, XV52-07 and XV52-05.



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