Stability Study standard operating procedure

Stability Study, Purpose: Stability Study, The purpose of this SOP is to define the procedures to be followed in the management of stability studies throughout the stability study lifecycle from study initiation to study completion. Stability Study, Scope: [][]This procedure is applicable for [][]Development of New Product. [][]Reformulation of existing products. [][]Routine study of commercial […]

Stability Study, Purpose:

Stability Study, The purpose of this SOP is to define the procedures to be followed in the management of stability studies throughout the stability study lifecycle from study initiation to study completion.

Stability Study, Scope:

[][]This procedure is applicable for
[][]Development of New Product.
[][]Reformulation of existing products.
[][]Routine study of commercial batches.
[][]Change of specification of raw and primary packing material.
[][]Process change.
[][]Change of batch size.
[][]Rework reprocess and investigational batches.
of all pharmaceutical products  at XX Pharmaceuticals limited.

Definitions / Abbreviation:

Stability Studies:

[][]Long-term and accelerated (and intermediate) studies undertaken on Development and/or production batches according to a prescribed stability protocol to establish the shelf-life of an finished pharmaceuticals product.

Accelerated Testing:

[][]Studies designed to increase the rate of chemical degradation or physical change of an active substance or pharmaceutical product by using exaggerated storage conditions as part of the formal stability studies.

Long Term Testing:

[][]Stability studies under the recommended storage condition for the re-test period or shelf life proposed (or approved) for labeling.

Development-scale Batch:

[][]A batch of an FPP manufactured by a procedure fully representative of and simulating that to be applied to a full production-scale batch. For example, for solid oral dosage forms, a Development scale is generally, at a minimum, one-tenth that of a full production scale or 100 000 tablets or capsules, whichever is the larger; unless otherwise adequately justified.


[][]A list of tests, references to analytical procedures, and appropriate acceptance criteria, which are numerical limits, ranges or other criteria for the tests described. It establishes the set of criteria to which an FPP should conform to be considered acceptable for its intended use.

Release Specification:

[][]The combination of physical, chemical, biological, and microbiological tests and acceptance criteria that determine the suitability of an FPP at the time of its release.

Shelf-life Specification:

[][]The combination of physical, chemical, biological, and microbiological tests and acceptance criteria that an FPP should meet throughout its shelf life.


[][]The period of time during which an FPP, if stored correctly, is expected to comply with the specification as determined by stability studies on a number of batches of the API or FPP. The shelf-life is used to establish the expiry date of each batch.

Expiry Date:

[][]The date given on the individual container (usually on the label) of a product up to and including which the API and FPP are expected to remain within specifications, if stored correctly. It is established for each batch by adding the shelf-life to the date of manufacture.


[][]The design of a stability schedule such that only samples at the extremes of certain design factors, e.g. strength and package size, are tested at all time points as in a full design. The design assumes that the stability of any intermediate levels is represented by the stability of the extremes tested.


[][]The design of a stability schedule such that a selected subset of the total number of possible samples for all factor combinations is tested at a specified time point. At a subsequent time point, another subset of samples for all factor combinations is tested. The design assumes that the stability of each subset of samples tested represents the stability of all samples at a given time point.

Container Closure System:

[][]The sum of packaging components that together contains and protects the dosage form. This includes primary packaging components and secondary packaging components, if intended to provide additional protection to the pharmaceutical product.


The roles and responsibility are as follows:

Senior Executive, Product Development

[][]Reporting and generation of stability protocol and stability report for new products
[][]Identify the need for stability study
[][]Sample storage and withdrawal.
[][]Compile and review the trend of analytical test results.
[][]Time to time revision of the SOP.
[][]Prepare Monthly Stability Schedule of new products.

Senior Executive, Quality Control

[][]Prepare, generate & Review Master Stability Schedule
[][]Timely analysis of stability sample and analytical report generation.
[][]Development and validation of finished products analytical method.

Senior Executive, Quality Assurance

[][]Sampling of the commercial batches for real time stability study.
[][]Schedule, reporting and generation of stability protocol and stability report for commercial products.

Head of Quality Assurance

[][]To approve the stability protocol and stability report.
[][]To approve the shelf life and packing instruction of the products to be marketed.



All concerned persons have to follow the SOP. Keep The Stability Samples according to instruction and maintain Stability Schedule of individual Product.

Stability study of Development batches

Stability study protocol of Development batches

[][]Executive product development will generate he stability study protocol after completion of the trial batch of the products according to the Annexure I of this SOP
[][]Individual protocol will be used for individual products. In case of any change in the protocol, due to any stability problem, new version of the protocol will be issued, defining change history at the revision details section of the protocol.
[][]Each protocol will have a unique identification number of 20 digits. As following
GPD stands for General Product Development. In case of Cephalosporin unit, the code will be CPD which indicates cephalosporin Product Development.
SSP stands for Stability Study Protocol.
001 in the numerical serial number, first protocol of the year will bear number 001, second one 002 and continue till the end of the year.
XX stands for the year 20xx, in case of the following years
01 stands for the version number. Second version will bear the number 02 and so on.
/ stands for separator in all case.

[][]Executive, Product Development will maintain a log Book according to Annexure II of the SOP to record the Protocol Number. Specific protocol shall be used for specific products and same number shall never be issued for two products.
[][]Senior executive, product development will check the protocol and Manager, Quality Assurance will approve the protocol.

Determining Batch Size

[][]Executive, Product Development will determine the batch size of the products. Batch size of the Development batches will be one tenth of the commercial batch. Commercial batch size will be determined from the yearly sales forecast. Depending on the sales volume, the commercial batch size will be either 50 kg or 30 kg. Therefore, Development batch size will be either 5.0 kg or 3.0 kg respectively.

Design of stability Study

For new product stability study, one trial batch and two Development batches will be stored for stability study, also optimization and validation batches will be stored for stability testing.

[][]1 Trial batch
(batch size: Below 1 kg or decided batch size)

[][]2 Development batches
(batch size: 1/10th of Commercial batches)

[][]Commercial Batches (Ongoing)

Reformulation manufacturing / Process change / Specification Change (API / Excipient) , one trial batch and two Development batch will be stored for stability study, also optimization and validation batches will be stored for stability testing.

[][]1 Trial batch
(batch size: Below 1 kg or decided batch size)

[][]1 Development batch
(batch size: 1/10th of Commercial batches)

[][]Commercial Batches (Ongoing)
(Accelerated & Long Term)

New Source Development (Primary Packaging Material) / Equipment Change

[][]Trial run with new packing material / equipment

[][]Accelerated Stability study on Commercial batches

Number of sample to be stored

Executive, Product Development will store required quantity of sample according to the dosage form .In case of matrixing number of sample to be stored will be generated from the protocol.

Storage condition

[][]Storage condition of stability sample should be as per WHO assigned climatic Zone which is mentioned below:

Climatic ZoneAcceleratedLong term
Zone I40°C ± 2°C/75% R.H. ± 5% R.H.21°C ± 2°C/45% R.H. ± 5% R.H.
Zone II40°C ± 2°C/75% R.H. ± 5% R.H.25°C ± 2°C/60% R.H. ± 5% R.H.
Zone III40°C ± 2°C/75% R.H. ± 5% R.H.30°C ± 2°C/35% R.H. ± 5% R.H.
Zone IVA40°C ± 2°C/75% R.H. ± 5% R.H.30°C ± 2°C/65% R.H. ± 5% R.H.
Zone IVB40°C ± 2°C/75% R.H. ± 5% R.H.30°C ± 2°C/75% R.H. ±5% R.H.

[][]In case of storage in refrigerator (2°C – 8°C) indicated products storage condition and minimum testing time should be maintained as

StudyStorage conditionMinimum time period
Long term50 C ± 30 C12 months
Accelerated250C ± 20C / 60 ± 5% RH06 months

[][]In case of storage in freezer (-20°C ± 5°C) indicated products storage condition and minimum testing time should be maintained as  Long term storage condition shall be  (-200 C ± 50 C) for 12 months.

[][]As per WHO guideline Bangladesh is in Zone IVA. So, the stability study shall be done as per Zone IVA for the products marketed in Bangladesh only.
[][]Executive, Product Development will store the sample in the following conditions and for mentioned time period (at minimum) for initial submission to drug authority.

StudyStorage conditionMinimum time period covered by data at submission to Regulatory
Long term30°C ± 2°C/65% R.H. ± 5% R.H.12 months
Accelerated40°C ± 2°C/75% R.H. ± 5% R.H.6 months

[][]If 30°C ± 2°C/65% R.H. ± 5% R.H. or 30°C ± 2°C/75% R.H. ±5% R.H. is the long term condition there is no intermediate condition.


[][]Bracketing can only be done if the following criteria is meet
[][]Three or more strength of the products are to be stored for stability.
[][]Products are prepared by the same blend or same pellets by only varying the final weight.
[][]Packing materials for all strength are same.
[][]If all the above mentioned criteria are met, Executive, Product development will specify the bracketing design in the section 10 of the stability protocol.
[][]If applied shelf life for all strength will be declared by only assessing the minimum and maximum strength of the product. For example, if a tablet dosage form has three different strengths like 20 mg, 40 mg and 80 mg, only 20 mg & 80 mg strength may be selected for conducting stability study at all time points. The intermediate strength will then be represented by the stability of the extremes tested.


[][]The following factors can typically be matrixed
Strength (same formulation)
Container size
Container fill sizes
Intermediate time points
[][]The following factors should not be matrixed
Initial and final time points
Test parameters e.g. assay, related substances, pH
Dosage forms
Strength of significantly different formulation
Storage condition

[][]Bracketing and matrixing should not be applied together.
[][]Accelerated storage condition should not be matrixing, only long time test frequency may be matrixed.
Matrixing can be done in batches of the same formulation that are manufactured using same process and same machineries.
[][]Certain batches will be exempted from analysis at certain time point. but following time points must be considered for full scale analysis
Initial time point
06 Month time point
24 month time point with 18 month time point in case of the products with 18 month shelf life.

[][]Executive, Product Development will define the matrixing design at the section 10 of stability protocol.

Storage of stability sample

[][]A sample will be considered for stability storage if it meets the following criteria
[][]Batches prepared by same formulation using API from the same source
[][]Batches prepared using same manufacturing process and machinaries
[][]Batches meeting all specification as outlined in section 11 of the stability protocol
[][]Batches packed in the same container closer system

[][]After approval of the stability protocol, executive, product development will store the necessary quantity of sample  in the stability chamber.
[][]Executive product development will maintain the log book of stability sample storage log book (Annexure III).
[][]Individual log book would be maintained for individual stability chamber.
[][]Chamber number, tray number and position of sample stored must be mentioned clearly in the log book.
[][]Stability chamber tray is numbered numerically from 1 to 8 from top to bottom.

Tray and position number like 1A denotes that the sample is stored in 1st tray and in the rear left position of the tray.

Monthly stability schedule

[][]After storing sample in the stability chamber, executive, product development will entry the product name in the stability schedule. (Annexure IV)
[][]Stability schedule will be printed monthly from the live data, and will be stored in the stability chamber room at the beginning of the month.

Withdrawal of stability sample

[][]Based on the stability schedule, operator, product development will withdraw sample from the specific stability chamber.
[][]Sample will be withdrawn on due date whenever possible, but in case of any circumstance sample may be withdrawn within 7 days after the storage date. No sample will be withdrawn before the expected sample withdrawal date.
[][]After withdrawal of every sample, operator, product development will sign in the sample storage log book.
[][]Executive, product development will assign unique lab control number in every sample and maintain the stability sample analysis register (Annexure V) of this SOP.
[][]Executive, product development will analyze the sample and put the report in product master file, he will also put the data in stability trend.(Annexure VI)
Stability study report of Development batches.
[][]After completion of both the accelerated and long term stability testing executive, product development will generate a stability study report according to the Annexure VII of this SOP.
[][]Each report will have a unique identification number of 20 digit. As following
GPD stands for General Product Development. In case of Cephalosporin unit the code will be CPD which indicates cephalosporin Product Development.
SSR stands for Stability Study Report.
001 in the numerical serial number, first protocol of the year will bear number 001, second one 002 and continue till the end of the year.
15 stands for the year 2015, in case of the following years 16, 17 etc will be used.
01 stands for the version number. Second version will bear the number 02 and so on.
/ stands for separator in all case.

[][]Executive, Product Development will maintain a log Book according to Annexure VIII of the SOP to record the Report number. Specific report shall be used for specific products and same number shall never be issued for two products.
[][]Senior executive, product development will check the report and manager, Quality Assurance will approve the report.
[][]One copy of the report will be provided to quality compliance department for assigning shelf life to the commercial batches.
[][]One copy of the stability report will be generated to the regulatory department for regulatory submission.

Stability study of market sample

[][]A comparative study with the market sample will be done in case of all new products.
[][]Executive, product development will raise requisition for the amount of market sample required to supply chain department.
[][]Executive, product development will store the market sample in stability chamber with the stability batches.
[][]Only accelerated stability study will be done for comparison with the market sample.

[][]Executive, product development will send the sample of market products with the SAF along with the stability batches.
[][]Executive, product development will assign a unique lab control number to the SAF and analyze the sample.
[][]After analysis the analytical reports will be stored in the market products file and the analytical data will be entered in the stability trend (Annexure VI)
[][]After completion of the accelerated stability study a comparative result of the Development batch and market sample will be provided with the accelerated stability report.

Stability study of commercial batches

[][]Stability study protocol of commercial batches

[][]Commercial batches that will undergo stability study are as follows

Batches Accelerated studyLong term study
Optimization batches Y--
Validation batches YY
Change in the source of active raw materials: First three batchYY
Change in the source of major excipients: First batch. (Only if the excipients constitute more than 70 % of the total mix)Y--
Change in manufacturing process: First three batch after changeYY
Change in manufacturing equipment: First three batches after change.YY
Change in manufacturing formula: First three batches after change.YY
Change in batch size.YY
Reprocess / Rework batch: Specific batch.Y--

Y indicates the type of stability study to be conducted. Indicates no stability will be done for this storage condition.

[][]Executive, quality compliance will generate stability study protocol (Annexure I) of commercial batches
[][]Each protocol will have a unique identification number of 20 digit. As following
GQCOM stands for G Block Quality Compliance.
SSP stands for Stability Study Protocol.
001 in the numerical serial number, first protocol of the year will bear number 001, second one 002 and continue till the end of the year.
15 stands for the year 2015, in case of the following years 16, 17 etc will be used.
01 stands for the version number. Second version will bear the number 02 and so on.
/ stands for separator in all case.


[][]Assistant manager, quality Assurance  will check the protocol and manager, quality compliance will approve the protocol.
[][]The protocol will be generated by keeping the batch number portion of the protocol blank. Executive, quality compliance will fill the portion while he will store certain batches in stability.
[][]Long term stability testing will continue for shelf life plus one year, for example if the product is assigned with 24 month shelf life tehn the study will be designed for 24 plus 12 that is for 36 month.

Storage of stability sample

[][]After approval of the stability protocol, executive, quality compliance will send the required quantity of sample to product development department along with the protocol and stability sample.
[][]Executive, product development will receive the sample and store the sample in the stability chamber after filling the log book (Annexure III)

Monthly stability schedule

[][]After storing the stability samples, executive, product development will fill the stability schedule (Annexure IV).
[][]At the beginning of the month executive, product development will print the schedule for the specific month and after signing from the department in charge send the schedule to quality compliance department.

Withdrawal of stability sample

[][]Executive, Quality Assurance will generate a Sample Advice Form (SAF) to product development department, based on the stability schedule.
[][]The SAF should be sent on due date, but due to any circumstance it may be sent after the expected date, no sample will be withdrawn before the schedule date.

[][]After receiving the Sample Advice Form from operator, product development will withdraw the sample and provide the sample to quality compliance department. He will sign in the logbook for sample withdrawal.
[][]Executive, quality Assurance will send the Sample Advice Form from along with the sample to quality control department.
[][]Executive, quality control will receive the sample and assign a unique lab control number and analyze the sample. After analysis executive, quality control will store the data in quality control department and put the result in stability trend.

Stability study report of commercial batches

[][]After completion of the accelerated and long term stability study executive quality compliance will generate the stability study report according to Annexure VII of this SOP.
[][]Each report will have a unique identification number of 20 digit. As following
QA Quality Assurance
SSR stands for Stability Study Report.
001 in the numerical serial number, first protocol of the year will bear number 001, second one 002 and continue till the end of the year.
XX stands for the year 20XX, in case of the following years
01 stands for the version number. Second version will bear the number 02 and so on.
/ stands for separator in all case.
[][]Senior executive, product development will check it and assistant manager quality compliance will review. Manager quality assurance will approve the report.
Significant change criteria“Significant change” for an Finished Pharmaceutical Products are:
[][]A change from the initial content of API(s) of 5% or more detected by assay, or failure to meet the acceptance criteria for potency when using biological or immunological procedures.
[][]Any degradation product exceeding its acceptance criterion.
[][]Failure to meet the acceptance criteria for appearance, physical attributes and functionality test
[][]Also, as appropriate for the dosage form:
[][]Failure to meet the acceptance criterion for pH; or
[][]Failure to meet the acceptance criteria for dissolution for 12 dosage units.

Data evaluation procedure

[][]In general, a provisional shelf-life of 24 months will be established provided the following conditions are satisfied:
[][]The API is known to be stable (not easily degradable).
[][]Stability studies, of API, have been performed and no significant changes have been observed.
[][]Supporting data indicate that similar formulations have been assigned a shelf-life of 24 months or more.
[][]Long-term studies to be continued until the proposed shelf-life has been covered, and the results obtained will be submitted to the national medicines regulatory authority.
[][]Alternatively, after the availability of sufficient long term data, shelf life will be declared following any of the following process:
[][]If the Accelerated stability data shows no significant change, the long term data shows little or no variability and the accelerated data also shows little or no variability then shelf life will be declared as double the time of available long term data but, it should not exceed long term data availability time + 12 month (Y = 2X, but should not exceed Y = X + 12 Month, Where Y = proposed shelf life, and X = period covered by long term data). Such as if a product meets all the above criteria with 12 month long term data, then shelf life will be 2 x 12 = 24 Month. If 24 month long term data will be available, shelf life will be 24 + 12 = 36 month but not 24 x 2 = 48 month.

[][]If accelerated data shows significant change, but long term data shows no significant change and shows little or no variability, a statistical analysis will be performed with graphical representation with 5% upper and lower acceptance criteria. Available data will be then extrapolated to figure out time to attain the lower acceptance criteria.

[][]If backed by the above graphical representation shelf life will be declared as 1.5 time of available long term data but, it should not exceed long term data availability time + 6 month (Y = 1.5X, but should not exceed Y = X + 6 Month Where Y = proposed shelf life, and X = period covered by long term data). Such as if a product meets all the above criteria with 12 month long term data, then shelf life will be 1.5 x 12 = 18 Month. If 24 month long term data will be available, shelf life will be 24 + 6 = 30 month but not 24 x 1.5 = 36 month.

[][]If the Accelerated stability data shows no significant change, the long term data shows variability and the accelerated data also shows little or no variability a statistical analysis will be performed with graphical representation with 5% upper and lower acceptance criteria. Available data will be then extrapolated to figure out time to attain the lower acceptance criteria.

[][]If backed by the above graphical representation, shelf life will be declared as double the time of available long term data but, it should not exceed long term data availability time + 12 month (Y = 2X, but should not exceed Y = X + 12 Month Where Y = proposed shelf life, and X = period covered by long term data). Such as if a product meets all the above criteria with 12 month long term data, then shelf life will be 2 x 12 = 24 Month. If 24 month long term data will be available, shelf life will be 24 + 12 = 36 month but not 24 x 2 = 48 month.

[][]If sufficient data are not available to perform the statistical analysis shelf life will be declared as 1.5 time of available long term data but, it should not exceed long term data availability time + 6 month (Y = 1.5X, but should not exceed Y = X + 6 Month Where Y = proposed shelf life, and X = period covered by long term data). Such as if a product meets all the above criteria with 12 month long term data, then shelf life will be 1.5 x 12 = 18 Month. If 24 month long term data will be available, shelf life will be 24 + 6 = 30 month but not 24 x 1.5 = 36 month.

[][]If the Accelerated stability data shows no significant change, the long term data shows variability and the accelerated data also shows variability a statistical analysis will be performed with graphical representation with 5% upper and lower acceptance criteria. Available data will be then extrapolated to figure out time to attain the lower acceptance criteria.

[][]If backed by the above graphical representation, shelf life will be declared as double the time of available long term data but, it should not exceed long term data availability time + 12 month (Y = 2X, but should not exceed Y = X + 12 Month Where Y = proposed shelf life, and X = period covered by long term data). Such as if a product meets all the above criteria with 12 month long term data, then shelf life will be 2 x 12 = 24 Month. If 24 month long term data will be available, shelf life will be 24 + 12 = 36 month but not 24 x 2 = 48 month.

[][]If sufficient data are not available to perform the statistical analysis shelf life will be declared as 1.5 time of available long term data but, it should not exceed long term data availability time + 6 month (Y = 1.5X, but should not exceed Y = X + 6 Month Where Y = proposed shelf life, and X = period covered by long term data). Such as if a product meets all the above criteria with 12 month long term data, then shelf life will be 1.5 x 12 = 18 Month. If 24 month long term data will be available, shelf life will be 24 + 6 = 30 month but not 24 x 1.5 = 36 month.

Labeling statement for finished product

[][]As the accelerated storage condition is 40°C ± 2°C/75% R.H. ± 5% R.H, and the long term storage condition is 30°C ± 2°C/65% R.H. ± 5% R.H. then the storage condition in final pack should include “ Do not store above 30°C”.
[][]Semi-finished and ready to fill materials
[][]In case of semi-finished and ready to fill material shelf life will be based on manufacturers declared shelf life regardless of date of dispensing.

Photostability Testing

[][]Selection of product/batch
[][]Photostability testing will be conducted for the finished products of which photo sensitivity is known. Products that are not photosensitive will not fall under the criteria of photo stability testing Photostability will be done for the Development batches and the validation batches only.
[][]Photostability will be conducted in following cases
[][]For new products
[][]Any change in the formulation
[][]Any change in the immediate pack
[][]Any change in the marketing pack
[][]From the three Development and trial batch, one Development batch will be stored for photostability, if the result from one batch is not conclusive then two other batch will be stored for photostability.
[][]From the three validation batch, one batch will be stored for photostability, if the result from one batch is not conclusive then two other batch will be stored for photostability.

Design of photostability

[][]Products will be stored in three following types
[][]Fully exposed products (products without any packing, coated if coating is incorporated)
[][]Products in immediate pack (eg. Blister or glass bottle or vial, ampoule)
[][]Products in the marketing pack (eg. Inner carton)
[][]Along with a controlled sample, this will be covered with aluminum foil to assure complete protection light.

Photostability testing protocol of Development batch

[][]Executive, product development will generate photostability testing protocol of Development batch according to Annexure IX of this SOP
Individual protocol will be used for individual products. In case of any change in the protocol, due to any stability problem, new version of the protocol will be issued, defining change history at the revision details section of the protocol.
[][]Each protocol will have a unique identification number of 20 digit. As following

PD stands for Product Development.
PSP stands for photo stability protocol.
001 in the numerical serial number, first protocol of the year will bear number 001, second one 002 and continue till the end of the year.
XX stands for the year 20X, in case of the following years
01 stands for the version number. Second version will bear the number 02 and so on.
/ stands for separator in all case.
[][]Executive, Product Development will maintain a log Book according to Annexure X of the SOP to record the Protocol Number. Specific protocol shall be used for specific products and same number shall never be issued for two products.
[][]Senior executive, product development will check the protocol and Manager, Quality Assurance will approve the protocol.

Number of sample to be stored

Number of sample stored will follow the following criteria

[][]Sample type/Number of sample
[][]Fully exposed sample /60 pcs
[][]Sample in immediate pack /60 pcs
[][]Sample in marketing pack /60 pcs
[][]Controlled sample /60 pcs

Sample storage procedure

[][]Executive, product development will store sufficient sample in the stability chamber after approval of the protocol
[][]He will provide input in the photostability sample storage log book (Annexure XI), he will provide input regarding the sample withdrawal time at the same time.
[][]Time requirement for sample to be stored should be calculated based on the procedure outlined

Withdrawal of sample

[][]Executive, product development will input the required time in photostability sample storage log book, in case of withdrawal time falling in the off time sample will be withdrawn at next possible time, no sample will be withdrawn before the schedule time.
[][]Operator, product development will OFF the light and withdraw the sample at scheduled time, and after wraping the sample with light protected barrier provide the sample for analysis.

Storage condition and procedure

[][]Executive, product development will define the position number in the tray, the tray is divided in supplied  position
[][]Executive, product development will define the position of each sample in the protocol from the above figure.
[][]He will ON the flurosence lamp and the UV lamp and take three reading of the flurosence light and UV light and from the average data will calculate the time required to attain the sufficient exposure time from the following equation

[][]Time required for flurosence light (H) = 1.2 x 1000000 / average data
[][]Time required for UV light (H) = 200 x 1000000 / average data x 10000
[][]After estimating the required time, executive, product development will determine when UV light will be kept OFF and when the sample will be withdrawn.
[][]Executive, product development will take reading of the both light twice daily, within the scheduled time at 8.30 AM in the morning and 4.30 PM in the evening, to figure out the actual values of light during sample stored.
[][]He will note the values daily in the photostability testing protocol.

Analysis of sample

[][]Executive, product development will analyze the samples along with the controlled sample after the end of the exposer time.
[][]In case of Tablet or Capsule a composite sample of 20 pcs will be analyzed.
[][]In case of other samples (eg. Suspension or vial/ampoule) homogeneous sample must be used for determination.
[][]Following test parameters will be tested after the exposed time
[][]Clarity or color of solution (for suspension and vial/ampoule)
[][]Disintegration and dissolution for tablet and capsules.
[][]After completion of the analysis, executive, product development will submit the analytical result for evaluation.

Photostability testing report of Development batch

After completion of both the accelerated and long term stability testing executive, product development will generate a stability study report according to the Annexure II of this SOP.

[][]Each report will have a unique identification number of 20 digit. As following
PD stands for Product Development.
PSR stands for photostability study report.
001 in the numerical serial number, first protocol of the year will bear number 001, second one 002 and continue till the end of the year.
15 stands for the year 20XX
01 stands for the version number. Second version will bear the number 02 and so on.
/ stands for separator in all case.
[][]Executive, Product Development will maintain a log Book according to Annexure X of the SOP to record the report number. Specific report shall be used for specific products and same number shall never be issued for two products.
[][]Senior executive, product development will check the report and manager, quality assurance will approve the report.
[][]One copy of the report will be provided to quality compliance department for assigning shelf life to the commercial batches.
[][] Photostability study protocol of commercial batch
[][]Executive, quality compliance will generate photostability testing protocol of commercial batch according to Annexure VIII of this SOP
[][] Individual protocol will be used for individual products. In case of any change in the protocol, due to any stability problem, new version of the protocol will be issued, defining change history at the revision details section of the protocol.
[][]Each protocol will have a unique identification number of 20 digit. As following
QA stands for Quality Assurance
PSP stands for photo stability protocol.
001 in the numerical serial number, first protocol of the year will bear number 001, second one 002 and continue till the end of the year.
XX stands for the year 20XX.
01 stands for the version number. Second version will bear the number 02 and so on.
/ stands for separator in all case.
[][] Executive, Quality Assurance will maintain a log book according to Annexure XIII to record the report number. Specific protocol shall be used for specific products and same number shall never be issued for two products.
[][]Assistant manager, Quality Assurance will check the protocol and Manager, Quality Assurance will approve the protocol.
[][]Quantity of sample stored will be same as the section 7.7.4 of this SOP, storage conditions will be same as the section 7.7.5 of this SOP
[][]Storage of stability sample
[][]After approval of the stability protocol, executive, quality compliance will send the required quantity of sample to product development department along with the protocol and stability sample.
[][]Executive, product development will receive the sample and store the sample in the photo stability chamber after filling the log book.
[][] Withdrawal of stability sample
[][]Executive, quality compliance will generate a Sample Advice Form (SAF) to product development department, based on the stability schedule.
[][] The SAF should be sent on due date, but due to any circumstance it may be sent after the expected date, no sample will be withdrawn before the schedule date.
[][]After receiving the SAF operator, product development will withdraw the sample and provide the sample to quality compliance department.
[][]Executive, quality assurance will send the SAF along with the sample to quality control department.
[][] Executive, quality control will receive the sample and assign a unique lab control number and analyze the sample. After analysis executive, quality control will store the data in quality control department and put the sample in stability trend.

Photostability study report of commercial batch

[][]After completion of the photostability study executive quality compliance will generate the stability study report according to Annexure – IX of this SOP.
[][]Each report will have a unique identification number of 20 digit. As following
QA stands for General Quality Assurance.
PSR stands for Photostability study report.
001 in the numerical serial number, first protocol of the year will bear number 001, second one 002 and continue till the end of the year.
15 stands for the year 20XX
01 stands for the version number. Second version will bear the number 02 and so on.
/ stands for separator in all case.
[][] Senior executive, product development will check it and assistant manager quality compliance will review. Manager quality assurance will approve the report.
[][]Evaluation of data
[][]Sample data will be evaluated against the data of the controlled sample for any change in samples.
[][] Depending on the extent of change special labeling or packaging will be designed to mitigate exposure light.

Labeling information

Depending on the extent of change storage information like “Protect from light” will be incorporated in the marketing pack.


Annexure – I : Stability study protocol.
Annexure – II : Stability study protocol log book for Development batch.
Annexure – III : Stability sample storage log book.
Annexure – IV : Monthly stability schedule.
Annexure – V : Stability Sample analysis register.
Annexure – VI : Stability trend.
Annexure – VII : Stability study report.
Annexure – VIII : Stability study report log book for Development batch.
Annexure – IX : Photostability study protocol of Development batch.
Annexure – X : Photostability protocol logbook of Development batch.
Annexure – XI : Photostability sample storage log book.
Annexure – XII : Photostability study report of Development batch.
Annexure – XIII : Photostability report log book of Development batch.

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