Waste Disposal, Purpose:
Waste Disposal, To describe the general waste disposal procedure in product development area.
Waste Disposal, Scope:
This SOP is applicable for general waste disposal procedure for product development area of XX Pharmaceuticals Limited.
Definition of Terms:
The roles and responsibility are as follows:
Executive/ Sr. Executive Product Development
[][]Disposal of waste according to the SOP
[][]Preparation and timely review of the SOP.
Senior Executive, Quality Compliance
[][]Checking the disposal procedure at the time of operation
Head of Plant Operation
[][]Review the waste disposal procedure.
Head of Quality Assurance
[][]Approve the disposal activities.
[][]Implementation of the SOP.
[][]All concerned persons have to follow the SOP.
[][]Wear dust mask, safety goggles and rubber gloves during handling waste materials.
[][]Ensure that all containers are closed before sending for salvage.
[][]Keep a record in the log book for different wastes before destroying.
[][]Any deviation from the stated procedure should be documented and reported to the supervisor for corrective measure.
Waste Disposal, Procedure:
Waste originated during product development activities can be classified into five categories such as:
[][]Chemical Waste
[][]Plastic Waste
[][]Paper Waste
[][]Cotton Waste
[][]Broken/ fractured glass bottle
The rejected products shall be accumulated and stored separately in restricted areas with the label “To be destroyed”.
Chemical Waste (Solid, Blister and Liquids)
Solid waste:
[][]Solid waste consists of chemicals spread during different manufacturing stages such as: dispensing, charging, addition, de-dusting etc. These are also produced during Lab batches as the excess granules or tablet/capsule after keeping required quantities of the products for stability studies. These are disposed off as follows:
[][]Sweep off chemicals from the floor with the help of a vacuum cleaner or a brush and handy shovel and keep it in waste bin.
[][]Collect chemical dust from the collector of vacuum cleaner.
[][]Weigh and record it in a register. Fill the Annexure – I of the SOP and take approval for disposal from Manager, Quality Assurance.
[][] In presence of a Quality Compliance Officer dissolve the waste chemicals in water and pass through drain to ETP.
[][]After keeping required quantities of the products for stability studies, weigh the remaining quantities and record the quantity in a register.
[][]Fill the Annexure – I of the SOP and take approval for disposal from Manager, Quality Assurance.
[][]In presence of a Quality Compliance Officer dissolve the remaining granules and tablet/ capsule in water and pass through drain to ETP.
Blister waste:
Blisters containing tablets or capsules become waste after completion of stability studies at different conditions and storage periods and also after expiry date. These are disposed off as follows:
[][]Collect the waste blisters of different products and deblister them manually.
[][]Weigh the waste tablets /capsule and waste blisters.
[][]Record it in a register and Fill the Annexure – I of the SOP and take approval for disposal from Manager, Quality Assurance.
[][]In presence of a Quality Compliance Officer Dissolve the waste tablets /Capsule in water and pass through drain to ETP.
[][]Weigh and record the waste blisters in register book and then send to salvage yard.
Liquid waste:
[][]Liquid waste comprises mainly washings generated during cleaning of different equipment and trace of chemicals spilled during dispensing. All these are disposed off as follows:
[][]Dispose off the liquid waste through floor drain.
[][]Wipe the spillage with a wet cotton brush and dispose off the washings through floor drain. These washings will go through floor drain to Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP).
Plastic Waste
Returnable plastic waste comprises empty PVC drum/ cane of chemicals. All these are returned to store after destruction of labels.
[][]Other plastic waste comprises empty polyethylene bag, PVC tube, reject strip, broken plastic etc. All these are disposed off as follows
[][]Make it unusable by cutting. Keep them in waste bin.
[][]Weight the waste and record in a register.
[][]Fill the Annexure – I of the SOP and take approval for disposal from Manager, Quality Assurance.
[][]In presence of a Quality Compliance Officer send the waste to the salvage yard.
Paper Waste
[][]Expired documents/confidential company documents:
[][]Make it unusable by cutting Weight the waste and record in a register
[][]Fill the Annexure – I of the SOP and take approval for disposal from Manager, Quality Assurance.
[][]In presence of a Quality Compliance Officer send the waste to salvage yard.
[][]Paper waste comprises empty paper bag of raw materials, paper drums, rejected labels, leaflet, inner cartoons, shipper cartoons etc. All these are disposed off as follows:
[][]Make the waste unusable (except drum) by cutting and keep it in waste bin.
[][]Weigh and record it in a register. Fill the Annexure – I of the SOP and take approval for disposal from Manager, Quality Assurance.
[][]In presence of a Quality Compliance Officer send the waste for salvage.
[][]In case of drum, tear or destroy label. Weigh and record in the register book, then send to store
[][]Destroy paper bags, rejected labels, leaflets and inner cartoons by cutting.
Cotton waste
[][]Cotton waste consists of cotton bag of raw materials, unusable cotton duster etc. These are disposed off as follows
[][]Make the cotton waste unusable by cutting weight the waste and record in a register. Keep them in waste bin.
[][]Fill the Annexure – I of the SOP and take approval for disposal from Manager, Quality Assurance.
[][]In presence of a Quality Compliance Officer send the waste for salvage.
Broken/fractured glass bottle
[][]Break the unusable bottle by hammer with proper precaution, such as use mask, safety goggles, safety shoes, hand gloves and protective dress.
[][]Weigh and record in the register book.
[][]Weigh and record in the register book.
[][]Fill the Annexure – I of the SOP and take approval for disposal from Manager, Quality Assurance.
[][]In presence of a Quality Compliance Officer send the waste for salvage.
[][]All the waste disposal record forms must be stored in product development department and at the end of the year a total disposal summary will be provided to Manager, Quality Assurance.