What Makes You Unique ? the way to get a new job is obviously to submit an application to the respective organization to their mailing address by email or offline mailing system like FedEx or various courier service but the more interesting thing is that thousands of same qualified employee applied for a single position. Do you really have any chance to get the job? Simply the answer is NO.
Yes, you can’t expect the job if you didn’t possess anything that will be unique from others. Why interviewer choose you? You are so smart or you are very good to look at, that’s are personal belonging not fit to get a job actually. You have to meet the job criteria actually.
A person with typical qualification is hard to fight with the other job seeker if he didn’t possess extra thing. What is this extra thing? In this session we are going to learn about this extra thing!
When thousands of employee apply for the same post this is very natural that your qualification will overlap with other job seeker and this time you have to find out which criteria you possess that fit with the applied job makes you unique from others.
In the interview session, the interviewer may ask you the familiar question “What make you unique?” Take this opportunity, give your answer in more specific way with full confident and accurate result. Be honest at your answer so interviewer can trust you and they can realize that you are really bring some the benefit for their organization. So let’s go, how we can make this question answer.

“What makes you unique? “Why frequently interviewer ask this question
The very first reason is to ask this question is, the interviewer just want to identify the employee who is the best fit for the role compare to other candidate they are interviewing. This can be simply say that why you not others where nearly all of the candidate possess the same qualifications.
Secondly the interviewer want to know that how you are evaluating yourself. They can realize that which thing you are emphasize at your interview session. If you able to emphasize the point that the interviewer really asking for the role then you can go with it. The employer want strong mentality but basic skill person which may not include with your application.
How to prepare you for the question
I think this is very difficult to identify anything which is really make you different from the other candidate. So let it go, prepare with your experience, focus on your strength which can increase your strength. Explain how interviewer will be benefited to hire you. Use your relevant background which is best match for the job. You can express your specific background that is really relate with this job.
Realize the interviewer asking about the positions
All of the interviewer always like the employee who will possess right skill set, perspective, ability to achieve target at every situations. So take time and think that are you really fit for the job. Read the job description completely, if you get any keyword then that is the best match for you then prepare yourself with that questions which point the interviewer may find effective if you properly deliver it.
Focus on your previous achievement
In professional life, you may be experienced with so many unwanted situations and bring back it normal. Some problem may be more challenges and some are not. Note the point where you face more challenges and how you overcome that. Relate this similar problem that me helpful in interview session.
You present those example where you were the key person no other colleague. Professional experience where your involvement was minor doesn’t require to mention in interview session, this will prove that you are unable to handle the situation.
Deliver the specific type of example which is more relevant with your work, try to create it more realistic rather than descriptive.
For example, “You are able to handle customer complaint and recently you have receive an interesting complaint and you have solve this issue and create a new facility/process/method to do the same. You can share this experience here”
Expression may be, ”Two month ago, I received a complaint about one of our new product that the customer received empty blister contains one tablet less out of ten tablets in a blister. I investigate the matter and find out that the pocket of all blister is same except one. During automatic filling process one tablet can to be filled due to small size of the pocket. Then we change the pocket size questing the supplier and include weight checking after blistering process. Now we are not receiving this type of complaint anymore”.
Highlight your most popular criteria
Try to mention your more strength point which your previous employees are appreciated and you can apply the same here will facilitate your job role. You can express “How other people know your patience and dedication to your professional life and how you face the hard situation in high stress situation, also mention your dedication during unfavorable condition”.
Never try to show your unique experience
Every employers are searching for the best for the best not a person contains unnecessary skill which is not relevant with the job description. Try to avoid the unnecessary skills which will bother the interviewer.
For example, “If you are applying for a position for Warehouse Officer, the interview panel is not interested that your good at website design and development, this is totally your personal matters not relevant to your applied position”.
Here is some example “Tell us what makes you unique”
“To organize & labelling something will save the time and space is my moto in the professional life. After joining of the current office as Quality Assurance Officer in document section, I made a list of our document as per product category in alphabetic manner at excel tracker with proper labelling has decrease the hassle during tracking of the product. It has been save our time and organized our working environment”
“My ability to make easy and smooth communication to my peer’s colleague and rapport building with them make me more unique in my professional life. As Admin Officer, I start a WhatsApp group and start connecting to the relevant colleague who are looking for quick admin support regarding transport and emergency hospital support. I want to spread my service and profession will help the others who are really feels their demand to be filled up quickly. I can easily identify the pain points of the employee and their challenge to acquire it”.
Every employee contains some inner traits that he can’t realize properly what makes him unique. If he able to identify the criteria and properly deliver it at the interview session will bring a better result for the employee.
Criteria of effective feedback
When it comes to providing effective feedback during an interview, there are several key principles that, if followed, can significantly improve the quality and impact of the feedback provided. Let’s take a closer look at the individual principles and expand on them using real-world examples.
- Explain in detail
- Focus on behavior
- Balance positive and negative
- Provide constructive criticism
- Encourage self-reflection
- Maintain professionalism and empathy
- Follow-up
Explain in detail:
Instead of giving general comments, drill down into the details by providing specific examples and observations. For example, instead of saying that the presentation lacks depth, you could provide simple feedback such as “The presentation lacks data to support the financial projections, making it difficult for the audience to understand the feasibility of the strategy.”
Focus on behavior:
It is essential to focus on feedback on observable behavior rather than judgments about individual characteristics. For example, instead of accusing someone of being “disorganized,” you might say, “During a project meeting, you failed to set a clear agenda and assign tasks, causing confusion among team members.”
Balance positive and negative:
While it is important to address areas needing improvement, it is equally important to identify strengths and successes. For example, interview responses can not only point out areas for improvement, but also praise the candidate’s strong communication skills and insightful approach to problem solving.
Provide constructive criticism:
Feedback should not only highlight areas needing growth, but also provide actionable suggestions for improvement. For example, if you are criticizing a candidate for answering a difficult question, you can express your constructive criticism by suggesting specific strategies to improve the answer, such as: b. Include relevant examples or improve your presentation.
Encourage self-reflection:
Encouraging respondents to reflect on their feedback promotes a culture of continuous learning and improvement. For example, after providing feedback on a candidate’s performance in a mock negotiation exercise, you might ask the candidate to reflect on his or her approach and consider how he or she might apply his or her strategies in a similar situation in the future.
Maintain professionalism and empathy:
Feedback should be provided in a way that maintains professionalism and empathizes with the feelings of the interviewee. For example, when providing feedback to assess a candidate’s technical skills, you can provide constructive criticism in a polite tone without undermining the other person’s confidence or discouraging further effort.
Following up with respondents after a feedback session demonstrates their commitment to growth and development. For example, after providing feedback on a candidate’s mock presentation, you might suggest scheduling a follow-up session to clarify any outstanding questions or provide further guidance on areas needing improvement.
By diligently adhering to these principles, interviewers can provide feedback that is not only valuable and constructive, but also helpful to the interviewee’s professional development.